Florida abortion rights amendment proposal looks likely to appear on ballot

With Trump and his sycophants in SuperMax and slime like you in hiding this will be a much better country.
Ha ha ha.....Supermax? You are delirious.

You hear the latest?

I heard Joe Biden is trying to find out if he was on the Lolita Express.
Your constitution is not fit for purpose, Its out of date.
No, it isn't, and even if it were, that's why they gave us a process to amend it.
You need to crack on and change it then.

You need to keep your filthy British faggot nose out of it. We fought and won two wars, specifically to establish that how we run our country is none of your fucking business.

You and your shithole country are perfect examples of what the Constitution was wisely written to prevent form happening to this country, and to the degree that it is obeyed, it continues to perform that function quite well.

The greatest failures in this country are rooted in failing to obey and uphold the Constitution, as written.
In your whole history of posting not one thing about helping women who want their baby.
I feel a preternatural chill when I read your stuff
I often post about the lack of support for poor mothers. I also post about the kids slaughtered in your gun crazy culture.
The whole pro life crap is a big con. Its about controlling women not pro life.
I often post about the lack of support for poor mothers. I also post about the kids slaughtered in your gun crazy culture.
The whole pro life crap is a big con. Its about controlling women not pro life.
How's the Islam thing working out on the island?

You never mention that.
In your whole history of posting not one thing about helping women who want their baby.
I feel a preternatural chill when I read your stuff
/---/ Stop lying, you baby killer.

You need more, or have I bytch slapped you enough today?
Go away, Jones. You're fuckin annoying
Should the amendment pass, reproductive autonomy and individual liberty would not only be restored to Florida, but it would afford women in repressive, authoritarian red states in much of the Deep South the ability to exercise their right to privacy by seeking reproductive care in Florida.
I often post about the lack of support for poor mothers. I also post about the kids slaughtered in your gun crazy culture.
The whole pro life crap is a big con. Its about controlling women not pro life.

Even if all of your most extravagant lies about what we who oppose the cold-blooded, savage murder of innocent children stand for were completely true, it still does not in the least diminish that you support the murder of thousands of innocent children every day, more than a million a year—a far greater evil than all of what you would like to pin on us.

To your very core, you are an evil, soulless, subhuman piece of shit. Your attempts to condemn us are nothing but a very poor attempt at a tu quoque.

Well it looks like they have the sigs needed. But the GOP is already looking to block this. Not by having a debate and winning the argument.
But by legal technicalities.
Even if they win I would not trust desantis to follow through on the peoples wishes. Maga doesnt respect democracy. Best of luck.

We want leaders who respect LIFE

Life is the first right listed in the Declaration

"Life, liberty and...."

But I don't expect baby killers and their advocates to understand
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But you say babies should not have the liberty to go on living

like you do?

libs make so much sense --not :banghead:
Except that's a lie. You don't care about them before or after birth. Just the birth. Before that- fuck em. After that- fuck em.
Except that's a lie. You don't care about them before or after birth. Just the birth. Before that- fuck em. After that- fuck em.

You do know that the adoption industry in this country is largely run by conservative Christian organizations, right?

When was the last time you donated to a crisis pregnancy center? I do it all the time.

When was the last time you bought Christmas presents for needy kids? I do it every year.

When was the last time you donated for a safe haven baby box? I did two in the last two years.

YOU'RE the one who doesn't give a fuck. You just want them dead.

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