Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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Mosque where Florida nightclub shooter worshiped set on fire
Surveillance video showed a person approach the mosque moments before the blaze erupted, he said.
"Immediately after the individual approached, a flash occurred and the individual fled the area," Thompson said.
Investigators will work to enhance the footage to identify the suspect, he said.

Thompson said investigators were still seeking a motive for the attack and were considering a connection with the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on Sunday.
"I would not want to speculate, but certainly that is in the back of our minds," he said.
The Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, a major Muslim holiday, is being celebrated on Monday and also could have prompted the attack, Thompson said.
This will probably help the situation.
Thanks morons.
Wow! How many muslims were inside? Did the guy at least have the decency to nail the doors shut, before sparking it off. Man! I just keep hearing of more, and more 9-11 heros.
What did God say about Esau?

Pass the ketchup?
Moron. He said He hated Esau....God does hate people, not just sin.
The deity of the Old Testament suffered with:
1. Hatred.
2. Jealousy.
3. Rage.
4. Insecurity.
5. Errors in judgment.
Well what the heck.....he seems to have all the traits of.....a human. Perhaps, he was...uh, I dunno, created by humans.
If we were created in His image, why would we experience emotions that God could not? At least in the realm of natural emotions?
Yeah. Burn a bible and you'll have a bunch of Christians having a conniption. Then again:
1. Burn a bible and they don't issue a death sentence and reward for whoever kills you. Burn a Koran and you've just been issued a death sentence by Imams, Mullahs and Clerics, along with a reward to whoever succeeds in killing you.
2. With extremely rare exceptions (those exceptions being freekazoid preachers), you can walk into any Christian church and they aren't preaching to the congregation to kill the non-believers and apostates. In mosques, the opposite is true.
A study done in Canada, found that 85% of the mosques, preached hardline Islam with hatred toward non-believers.
3. Draw or paint a picture of Jesus and it's acceptable. Draw or paint Islam's precious Muhammad and the Imams, Mullahs and Clerics encourage their followers to kill those responsible.
4. Got tired of Christianity and leave it.....your fellow parishioners wish you well, although they are disappointed you are leaving. Got tired of Islam and leave it.........death to you when Islamists catch you.
5. Rights afforded in the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments.....Christianity says....okay. Rights afforded in the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments.....Islam says.....absolutely not. Sharia Law (incompatible with the west) must rule.
6. Women free under secular rule. Women oppressed under Islamic rule.
7. In Islam, if you are not Muslim, you are not an innocent, regardless of your age and thus are considered a viable target.
So, innocents in that or other mosques....not really. They've made us fair targets, thus they are fair targets.
Now, I personally am not going to run out and attack Muslims or burn down mosques, but I support any actions against them and if I saw someone burn down a mosque....well, if the cops asked....I saw nothing. If an actual civil war starts, I will indeed go after Muslims.
Haters easily justify their hate as I've proved previously. If you want to hate people for their race, gender, religion, whatever, no one can stop you. Your problem is finding someone to hate which won't make you an obvious asshole.....which IMHO, you obviously are. ;)

Hate on, dude, but don't expect me to buy your bullshit or into your hatred. My experience is that haters have a lot of self-loathing. Something wrong with their thinker.
Yeah. Burn a bible and you'll have a bunch of Christians having a conniption. Then again:
1. Burn a bible and they don't issue a death sentence and reward for whoever kills you. Burn a Koran and you've just been issued a death sentence by Imams, Mullahs and Clerics, along with a reward to whoever succeeds in killing you.
2. With extremely rare exceptions (those exceptions being freekazoid preachers), you can walk into any Christian church and they aren't preaching to the congregation to kill the non-believers and apostates. In mosques, the opposite is true.
A study done in Canada, found that 85% of the mosques, preached hardline Islam with hatred toward non-believers.
3. Draw or paint a picture of Jesus and it's acceptable. Draw or paint Islam's precious Muhammad and the Imams, Mullahs and Clerics encourage their followers to kill those responsible.
4. Got tired of Christianity and leave it.....your fellow parishioners wish you well, although they are disappointed you are leaving. Got tired of Islam and leave it.........death to you when Islamists catch you.
5. Rights afforded in the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments.....Christianity says....okay. Rights afforded in the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments.....Islam says.....absolutely not. Sharia Law (incompatible with the west) must rule.
6. Women free under secular rule. Women oppressed under Islamic rule.
7. In Islam, if you are not Muslim, you are not an innocent, regardless of your age and thus are considered a viable target.
So, innocents in that or other mosques....not really. They've made us fair targets, thus they are fair targets.
Now, I personally am not going to run out and attack Muslims or burn down mosques, but I support any actions against them and if I saw someone burn down a mosque....well, if the cops asked....I saw nothing. If an actual civil war starts, I will indeed go after Muslims.
Haters easily justify their hate as I've proved previously. If you want to hate people for their race, gender, religion, whatever, no one can stop you. Your problem is finding someone to hate which won't make you an obvious asshole.....which IMHO, you obviously are. ;)

Hate on, dude, but don't expect me to buy your bullshit or into your hatred. My experience is that haters have a lot of self-loathing. Something wrong with their thinker.
I don't hate faggots because I want to, I hate them because they are filth spreading haters of God.
What did God say about Esau?
In Genesis? A lot. Do you have something specific in mind?

What did God say about pork eaters and adulterers? Are you guilty of either or both? Have you ever, even once, violated the Ten Commandments? If so, what is the penalty of your violation? Why haven't you taken action to abide by God's laws?
He said He hated Esau....God does hate people, not just sin.

Was Esau gay?
Doesn't matter, he was a reprobate and all faggots are as well, according to the bible

Not all gays meet the definition of reprobate and you said God hates all gays. You haven't proven your comment.
Sodomites meet the definition of reprobate because the bible says the reason they become faggots is because they rejected God first.
What did God say about Esau?
In Genesis? A lot. Do you have something specific in mind?

What did God say about pork eaters and adulterers? Are you guilty of either or both?
God didn't say the same thing about them as He did faggots.
Why did you dodge the question? Are you lying? Are you willing to swear to God on this list that you have never violated the Ten Commandments? If not, why are you a filthy, lying hypocrite?
He said He hated Esau....God does hate people, not just sin.

Was Esau gay?
Doesn't matter, he was a reprobate and all faggots are as well, according to the bible

Not all gays meet the definition of reprobate and you said God hates all gays. You haven't proven your comment.
Sodomites meet the definition of reprobate because the bible says the reason they become faggots is because they rejected God first.

Doesn't matter. I just posted a link to Gays who don't reject God.
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