Florida has recognized prager u an educational vender

of course masculinity won the war,
Your avatar is perfect for this post. As it is complete horseshit.
This is yet ANOTHER attempt by the leftist propaganda media to cherry pick a single few words someone has said - inject their own context of that statement, and then present it as if it is the opinion of who said it, rather than it being their own fabrication.

Lies, lies and more lies.
Prager u is a RWNJ propaganda outlet, nothing educational about it.
That isn't the compromise that is referred to, as you well know.
You were not specific, yes the other compromise, so what? There was a compromise that resulted in slavery ending. What problem do you have with the compromise?
Are you joking? They, much like you, wouldn't recognize a fact if it accidentally flew up their noses.

Dennis Prager Predicted ‘Menstruating Men’ in 2019​

He was mocked for his prediction then, but now even Bill Maher is admitting Prager was right.


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