Flow of refugees upset stability in Lebanese town


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
With over two millions refugees so far, you can imagine how Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey are suffering because of this.

Flow of refugees upset stability in Lebanese town
Reporter: Jiao Yang 丨 CCTV.com

08-26-2014 15:23 BJT

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A large number of Syrian refugees have fled their homes since the civil war started more than three years ago. Statistics from the UN refugees agency in early August show over 1.14 million Syrians have poured into neighboring Lebanon, a country with a more stable political environment. However, that stability is facing increasing challenges.

A town once tranquil and peaceful. Arsal sits in the mountains of eastern Lebanon. But things have changed since a civil war broke out in neighboring Syria more than three years ago.

Nearly 100 thousand Syrian refugees have rushed in, overwhelming the town of 30-thousand.

The population surge means finding a job is now a struggle.

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Flow of refugees upset stability in Lebanese town - CCTV News - CCTV.com English?
Lebanon is suffering greatly. More syrian refugees than palestinian, but no one is talking about the UN creating an branch just for them.
Syria manages to host the majority of the nine million refugees, but no one mentions that. There should be more help.
It is obvious, why Assad also thanked the agriculture in his presidential speech.
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There are now 9,5 million Syrian refugees from which 6,5 million fled to government held areas.
there is a difference from the displaced, within syria, and refugees, outside of syria.
palestinians are refugees in syria or lebanon
there is a difference from the displaced, within syria, and refugees, outside of syria.
palestinians are refugees in syria or lebanon
This is bad counter argumentation. There is a difference, but refugees in Lebanon could be displaced as well as in Syria. Stating that the displaced in Syria had no reason to flee is nonesense.

And for more information see my thread about Beirut's traffic collapse that was caused by the mass of Syrian refugees heading to the polling station in favor of President Assad.
there is a difference from the displaced, within syria, and refugees, outside of syria.
palestinians are refugees in syria or lebanon
This is bad counter argumentation. There is a difference, but refugees in Lebanon could be displaced as well as in Syria. Stating that the displaced in Syria had no reason to flee is nonesense.

And for more information see my thread about Beirut's traffic collapse that was caused by the mass of Syrian refugees heading to the polling station in favor of President Assad.

displaced is within the country, moved from their home without crossing a border.
refugee crosses outside the borders into another state.

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