
Not sure.. In many ways the party moved right, yet others it moved left.

George W Bush spent so much it made Bill Clinton blush...

I believe government has exceeded it's constitutional boundaries and needs to be reined in.

I am most like a Libertarian, but I believe in a strong military / strong border / good immigration policy.

If the Libertarians would pull their heads outta their butts on these topics I'd be behind them.

I do not mean we should be the world's police force or involved in all these wars, but I want to know that if we open a can of whoop @ss we will decimate our opposition no matter what.
Ah, the death meme. Thank you.

I think my work here is done. I exposed you as an idiot, if not exactly a progressive...though at this point I seriously doubt you even know what you are. You're either too stupid to apply the terminology you have opted to use, correctly...or you're just a liar.

I suspect both.

You asked for the death meme.. You got it...

Why do you think it is that so many people don't like you KosherGirl?

WHen a complete and total moron like you calls me an idiot I take it as a compliment.

I don't want everybody to like me. If progressive asswipes liked me, I'd take that as an indication that I am without character, individuality, or intelligence.

Thank God you all loathe me. I'm doing something right.
Ah, the death meme. Thank you.

I think my work here is done. I exposed you as an idiot, if not exactly a progressive...though at this point I seriously doubt you even know what you are. You're either too stupid to apply the terminology you have opted to use, correctly...or you're just a liar.

I suspect both.

You asked for the death meme.. You got it...

Why do you think it is that so many people don't like you KosherGirl?

WHen a complete and total moron like you calls me an idiot I take it as a compliment.

I don't want everybody to like me. If progressive asswipes liked me, I'd take that as an indication that I am without character, individuality, or intelligence.

Thank God you all loathe me. I'm doing something right.

We loathe you because of your poor hygiene, bad attitude, lack of class and the fact that you have zero sense of humor.

Are we done here? Can't you go inflict yourself upon somebody else?
I think she's your new hemorrhoid. She took a dump on your visitor page.
By introducing himself as an economic conservative/social liberal.

Then saying he isn't really THAT sort of social liberal....that HIS type has a *different* definition.

Typical progressive bs...they have *new* definitions for all sorts of things they support, but don't want to be identified as, supporting.
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By introducing himself as an economic conservative/social liberal.

Then saying he isn't really THAT sort of social liberal....that HIS type has a *different* definition.

Typical progressive bs...they have *new* definitions for all sorts of things they support, but don't want to be identified as, supporting.

You have no clue who you are talking to... Why don't you drop it already.
By introducing himself as an economic conservative/social liberal.

Then saying he isn't really THAT sort of social liberal....that HIS type has a *different* definition.

Typical progressive bs...they have *new* definitions for all sorts of things they support, but don't want to be identified as, supporting.

You have no clue who you are talking to... Why don't you drop it already.

been on vacation for a week. Glad to see nothing has changed. KG has issues. She must have been dropped on her head very young. It was a long drive from Raleigh down to Ft. Lauderdale. My wife's butt fell asleep. I could tell because I heard it snoring. We stayed at a Ramada Inn (when we entered the room it smelled funny and we noticed the bathroom sink had backed up with brown goo) and were there during the recent heavy rains and flooding. I did say we were on vacation. The rain was so heavy it soaked the rooms on the west side of the building just by blowing in through the window air conditioners. We then went to Freeport, Bahama, for a few days. The storm that blew through Florida kept on going through the Bahamas. The rain stopped before we got there but the waves were still rough with strong undertow and the pool was now cold. I did mention that we were on vacation, didn't I? My wife, mental cripple that she is, and to celebrate the fact that she lost her job last week due to downsizing, insisted we buy the time share thing. We now own one week a year at this on-the-beach resort. The big advantage, so they tell us, is that it will trade for 2 weeks here. Seriously, if anyone wants to spend a week in the Bahamas during better weather, PM me.
been on vacation for a week. Glad to see nothing has changed. KG has issues. She must have been dropped on her head very young. It was a long drive from Raleigh down to Ft. Lauderdale. My wife's butt fell asleep. I could tell because I heard it snoring. We stayed at a Ramada Inn (when we entered the room it smelled funny and we noticed the bathroom sink had backed up with brown goo) and were there during the recent heavy rains and flooding. I did say we were on vacation. The rain was so heavy it soaked the rooms on the west side of the building just by blowing in through the window air conditioners. We then went to Freeport, Bahama, for a few days. The storm that blew through Florida kept on going through the Bahamas. The rain stopped before we got there but the waves were still rough with strong undertow and the pool was now cold. I did mention that we were on vacation, didn't I? My wife, mental cripple that she is, and to celebrate the fact that she lost her job last week due to downsizing, insisted we buy the time share thing. We now own one week a year at this on-the-beach resort. The big advantage, so they tell us, is that it will trade for 2 weeks here. Seriously, if anyone wants to spend a week in the Bahamas during better weather, PM me.

Maybe we could take up a collection and send KG down there with a couple of folks and get her laid. Maybe that will soften her up for at least a little while.
one of my buddies just joined here and I imagine a few more will be along shortly. The mods over at our previous R&P forum are a little more pc than we are. We will abide by the rules here. Hey. did y'all read them?
I am a 63 yr old Jewish pharmacist with a Harley, a tattoo, a diamond ear stud, a grey beard, and a police record. Ya wanna make sumthin' of it?

Well that's not a lot to work with, but I can probably make a tie or money clip out of it.

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