Folks... Remember Biden's guarantee: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

He begged the Saudis to cut production in 2020 after begging them to increase production in 2018. The only reason gas prices fell in 2020 was because of the Pandemic.
The pandemic continued into 2022 so prices should have remained low after groper-molester Joe became POTUS.
Assuming whom is POTUS is a major factor in economics.
The pandemic continued into 2022 so prices should have remained low after groper-molester Joe became POTUS.
Assuming whom is POTUS is a major factor in economics.
Trump's damage to pandemic responses and the economy is still felt.
The pandemic continued into 2022 so prices should have remained low after groper-molester Joe became POTUS.
Assuming whom is POTUS is a major factor in economics.
It wasn't officially declared over until 2023.

Prices began to rise in 2020 after OPEC+ reduced production and the worlds economies began to rebound which caused demand to increase. Supply and Demand, especially in the world oil market, pays little to no attention to who is in the WH.

Thank you for your substantiation! More facts and less guesses folks and most climatechangers use guesses, hyperbole and outright lies. But almost never substantiate ! Just a question. Where did “Greenland”. Get it’s name?
With regard to Greenland, the story goes that with the medieval warming period the coastlines showed lush green vegetation growth to the Viking explorers who happened by, so that's what they called. There's also claims it was a PR stunt to encourage settlers to come over. Which did happen for a while since the vikings did establish some colonies on Greenland with crops and cattle flourishing a while, then colder era ("global cooling") set in (because Europeans weren't burning enough fossil fuels;) ) and the colonies collapsed.

Another interesting footnote; despite frantic clamor about Greenland glacier melts there is the tale of "Glacier Girl".
On 15 July 1942, due to poor weather and limited visibility, six P-38 fighters of 94th Fighter Squadron/1st FG and two B-17 bombers of a bombardment squadron were forced to return to Greenland en route to Great Britain during Operation Bolero and made emergency landings on the ice field. All the crew members were subsequently rescued, but Glacier Girl, along with the unit's five other fighters and the two B-17s, were eventually buried under 268 feet (82 m) of snow and ice that built up over the ensuing decades.
Fifty years later, in 1992, the plane was brought to the surface by members of the Greenland Expedition Society after years of searching and excavation. The aircraft was eventually transported to Middlesboro, Kentucky, where it was restored to flying condition.[2] The excavation of Glacier Girl was documented in an episode of The History Channel's Mega Movers series, titled "Extreme Aircraft Recovery".

The Lightning returned to the air in October 2002.[3]

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Thank you for your substantiation! More facts and less guesses folks and most climatechangers use guesses, hyperbole and outright lies. But almost never substantiate ! Just a question. Where did “Greenland”. Get it’s name?
As for the first half of your post; back about the 1970s when environmental concerns were expanding, the alarmists were ranting about impending global cooling and pollution was actual hazardous chemicals and particulates. One major concern was 'acid rain' which occurs when sulfur dioxide(SO2) chemically reacts with water vapor in the atmosphere and becomes sulfuric acid. USA EPA then set mandates for carbon fueled industries and transportation to reduce certain harmful emissions resulting in catalytic convertors becoming standard equipment on internal combustion vehicles and coal fueled electrical power plants to install those SO2 scrubbers.

While there are different types of coal some burning a slight bit "cleaner" than others, all coal does produce SO2 (and other compounds) when burned. Proper application of the term "clean coal" refers to use of scrubbers to remove the SO2. Removes acid rain and other particulate from the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the two largest users of coal fueled electric power plants on this planet, India and CCP China, do note employ scrubbers and hence are major polluters of REAL pollution, SO2. AFAIK there is no pressure applied to them by the rest of the world to reduce this pollution.

FWIW, CO2 is not pollution since about 99% of life on this planet, plants etc., need it the same way the other 1% need oxygen.

Prior to retiring I was Quality Assurance Inspector for a USA production facility which made many major components for FGD systems, mostly here in the USA. One of the last projects I was involved with was for a coal fire power plant in Canada which was to have several acres of greenhouse complex next to it where the scrubbed flue from combustion, being warm combination of CO2 and H2O was be piped into the greenhouses for tomato and other food production. A real win-win solution that should be applied more often.
Half of America is MAGA is false. It is close to 30%. Adjust your findings.
Though numbers and percentages vary depending upon source, who does the counting, the usual, general break out is about a quarter being conservative-right-Republican, another quarter being pseudo liberal-left-Democrat, and the last half bounces between the poles and often thinks it is "independent".

Once again, and for self examination mostly, here's the basic quick and simple quiz to get a gauge
USA production is a portion/factor within global production. They all are linked and affect each other.
USA crude oil production had been less than our crude oil consumption since before JFK was president. The US takes more from the world oil markets than it adds every single day.
Trump's damage to pandemic responses and the economy is still felt.
Trump's responses were mostly to restrict travel into and out of the USA early on, about Feb-March of 2020. Initially from only certain parts of the world. At the time he was chastised by the Leftist as being xenophobic and over reacting. Later the same leftist dolts would whine he didn't do enough.

He also initiated the research for vaccine.

He also authorized increase of Federal Deficit and Debt in form of funding for research and payments to citizens to off set the economic shutdowns and lockdowns imposed by mostly DEMOCRAT governors and state governments.

His biggest mistake was to listen to Fauci, and other pseudo experts, and give him/them too much credibility.

The damage still felt is result of Biden and other DemocRAT "leadership", who took over and mangled things further after Trump was out of office.
More mischaracterization. They claimed that calling Covid-19 the CHY-NAH Virus was being xenophobic, not the travel ban.
The Left did both.
As it turns out, it was a virus from CCP China, Wuhan, which it looks like CCP China was either negligent in containing or deliberately released to the world. Especially since there was still many traveling into China during Jan-Feb 2020 and then back out to the world to spread the disease.

3 billion journeys: World's biggest human migration begins in China

Photos Show Wuhan Virus' Impact on People Traveling for Lunar New

Trump should have called it the Wuhan virus, maybe. In tradition of "Hong Kong flu" and similar past tags.
Trump's responses were mostly to restrict travel into and out of the USA early on, about Feb-March of 2020. Initially from only certain parts of the world. At the time he was chastised by the Leftist as being xenophobic and over reacting. Later the same leftist dolts would whine he didn't do enough.

He also initiated the research for vaccine.

He also authorized increase of Federal Deficit and Debt in form of funding for research and payments to citizens to off set the economic shutdowns and lockdowns imposed by mostly DEMOCRAT governors and state governments.

His biggest mistake was to listen to Fauci, and other pseudo experts, and give him/them too much credibility.

The damage still felt is result of Biden and other DemocRAT "leadership", who took over and mangled things further after Trump was out of office.
Mr. Trump should have listened much more to Fauci.
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