Thank you for your substantiation! More facts and less guesses folks and most climatechangers use guesses, hyperbole and outright lies. But almost never substantiate ! Just a question. Where did “Greenland”. Get it’s name?
With regard to Greenland, the story goes that with the medieval warming period the coastlines showed lush green vegetation growth to the Viking explorers who happened by, so that's what they called. There's also claims it was a PR stunt to encourage settlers to come over. Which did happen for a while since the vikings did establish some colonies on Greenland with crops and cattle flourishing a while, then colder era ("global cooling") set in (because Europeans weren't burning enough fossil fuels

) and the colonies collapsed.
Greenland was drawn into the Viking Age and settled by Norse Vikings in the late 980s CE, their presence there lasting into the 15th century CE. Despite its ice-riddled geography, the Norse managed...
Another interesting footnote; despite frantic clamor about Greenland glacier melts there is the tale of "Glacier Girl".
On 15 July 1942, due to poor weather and limited visibility, six P-38 fighters of
94th Fighter Squadron/1st FG and two
B-17 bombers of a bombardment squadron were forced to return to
Greenland en route to
Great Britain during
Operation Bolero and made emergency landings on the ice field. All the crew members were subsequently rescued, but
Glacier Girl, along with the unit's five other fighters and the two B-17s, were eventually buried under 268 feet (82 m) of snow and ice that built up over the ensuing decades.
Fifty years later, in 1992, the plane was brought to the surface by members of the Greenland Expedition Society after years of searching and excavation. The aircraft was eventually transported to
Middlesboro, Kentucky, where it was restored to flying condition.
[2] The excavation of
Glacier Girl was documented in an episode of
The History Channel's
Mega Movers series, titled "Extreme Aircraft Recovery".
The Lightning returned to the air in October 2002.