Folks... Remember Biden's guarantee: "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

USA crude oil production had been less than our crude oil consumption since before JFK was president. The US takes more from the world oil markets than it adds every single day.
Totally wrong!
FACTS so simple!
Last month, weekly US oil production hit 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration.
In 2022, the United States imported about 8.33 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum from 80 countries.
Top sources and amounts of U.S. petroleum imports (percentage share of total), respective exports, and net imports, 2022 million barrels per day
Import sourcesGross importsExportsNet imports
Total, all countries8.339.52-1.19

Your statement:
"The US takes more from the world oil markets" meaning imports right from the world.
Meaning US imports more oil right? Gross imports: 8.33 million barrels in per day.
"thank it adds every single day" Meaning exports: 9.52 million barrels out per day.

Meaning the USA EXPORTS more oil per day than IMPORTS!

Substantiation which YOU are not doing!
Totally wrong!
FACTS so simple!
Last month, weekly US oil production hit 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration.
In 2022, the United States imported about 8.33 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum from 80 countries.
Top sources and amounts of U.S. petroleum imports (percentage share of total), respective exports, and net imports, 2022 million barrels per day
Import sourcesGross importsExportsNet imports
Total, all countries8.339.52-1.19

Your statement:
"The US takes more from the world oil markets" meaning imports right from the world.
Meaning US imports more oil right? Gross imports: 8.33 million barrels in per day.
"thank it adds every single day" Meaning exports: 9.52 million barrels out per day.

Meaning the USA EXPORTS more oil per day than IMPORTS!

Substantiation which YOU are not doing!
Not one week have our exports of crude oil exceeded our imports.

You're still conflating crude oil with all petroleum products

He begged the Saudis to cut production in 2020 after begging them to increase production in 2018. The only reason gas prices fell in 2020 was because of the Pandemic.
AGAIN no facts.
NOW here are the FACTS!

Asked if he told the crown prince that the U.S. might pull forces out of Saudi Arabia, Trump said, "I didn't have to tell him."

U.S. Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and Dan Sullivan had introduced legislation to remove all U.S. troops, Patriot missiles and anti-missile defense systems from the kingdom unless Saudi Arabia cut oil output. Support for the measure was gaining momentum amid Congressional anger over the ill-timed Saudi-Russia oil price war.
The kingdom had opened up the taps in April, unleashing a flood of crude into the global supply after Russia refused to deepen production cuts in line with an earlier OPEC supply pact.
AGAIN no facts.
NOW here are the FACTS!

Asked if he told the crown prince that the U.S. might pull forces out of Saudi Arabia, Trump said, "I didn't have to tell him."

U.S. Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and Dan Sullivan had introduced legislation to remove all U.S. troops, Patriot missiles and anti-missile defense systems from the kingdom unless Saudi Arabia cut oil output. Support for the measure was gaining momentum amid Congressional anger over the ill-timed Saudi-Russia oil price war.
The kingdom had opened up the taps in April, unleashing a flood of crude into the global supply after Russia refused to deepen production cuts in line with an earlier OPEC supply pact.
Nah he went on bended knee........Then whispered in the princes ear, its a lovely country you have here, it would be a shame to leave it unprotected.......
Nah he went on bended knee........Then whispered in the princes ear, its a lovely country you have here, it would be a shame to leave it unprotected.......
Prove it! Were you there? Where are the photos of Trump on bended knee? Like this photo...of Obama bowing to the Saudi king.


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Totally wrong!
FACTS so simple!
Last month, weekly US oil production hit 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the US Energy Information Administration.
In 2022, the United States imported about 8.33 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum from 80 countries.
Top sources and amounts of U.S. petroleum imports (percentage share of total), respective exports, and net imports, 2022 million barrels per day
Import sourcesGross importsExportsNet imports
Total, all countries8.339.52-1.19

Your statement:
"The US takes more from the world oil markets" meaning imports right from the world.
Meaning US imports more oil right? Gross imports: 8.33 million barrels in per day.
"thank it adds every single day" Meaning exports: 9.52 million barrels out per day.

Meaning the USA EXPORTS more oil per day than IMPORTS!

Substantiation which YOU are not doing!
Thanks, President Biden.
Prove it! Were you there? Where are the photos of Trump on bended knee? Like this photo...of Obama bowing to the Saudi king.

Obama was just showing respect for the older man. He got bad advice from the office of protocol. They really screwed up with Bush too. .. they told him the Saudis hate the color green and women wouldn't be welcome at the airport.The king is a very nice man. Nobody kisses his hand. He shakes hands with westerners. Arabs touch their forehead to his shoulder.

You're sort of a stupid person.
Obama was just showing respect for the older man. He got bad advice from the office of protocol. They really screwed up with Bush too. .. they told him the Saudis hate the color green and women wouldn't be welcome at the airport.The king is a very nice man. Nobody kisses his hand. He shakes hands with westerners. Arabs touch their forehead to his shoulder.

You're sort of a stupid person.
He does not know how to contextualize at all.
Obama was just showing respect for the older man. He got bad advice from the office of protocol. They really screwed up with Bush too. .. they told him the Saudis hate the color green and women wouldn't be welcome at the airport.The king is a very nice man. Nobody kisses his hand. He shakes hands with westerners. Arabs touch their forehead to his shoulder.

You're sort of a stupid person.
You said Trump on bended knee! Where are the photos of Trump on bended knee?
Talk about stupid! Wow...
Nope. Most US wells produce less than 50 barrels a day so oil has to be handled over and over again before it ever gets to a refinery. We have no economies of scale.. You don't know anything about the oil business, do you?
Talk about dumb! What does a well producing 50 barrels a day have to do with being "handled over and over"? Are you that stupid to think that it magically increases the number of barrels every time it is handled over and over? Is that your "knowledge of the oil business"?
In front of Putin, he is always on both knees.
Where is your proof? See dummies like you make dumb ass comments like yours and you don't seem to understand... most people deal with reality! Not dumb ass comments like yours! Grow up and learn how adults
respond...with FACTS! Show me Trump on his knees in front of Putin! REALITY!
Air pollution doesn't affect the poor? Who knew?
I give greenies credit for leading the effort to clean up the air

But now they refuse to take YES for an answer

Auto exhausts are very clean and non polluting

As s for coal plants that may still emit dirty air lets build nuclear energy generators to replace them
You are silly if you think you are in reality. Take your ad homs and run away.

Mr. Trump is only in service to himself, not to the country and his fellow citizens.
You are silly if you think you are in reality. Take your ad homs and run away.

Mr. Trump is only in service to himself, not to the country and his fellow citizens.
And it is so obvious how lazy people like you are to shorten "Ad hominem"!
Perfect example of truly uninformed and definitely unscholarly education!
Oh by the way...Trump did as President what only JFK and Hoover did, if he was only in service to himself?
Here is the substantiation: Trump, as promised during his campaign, does write checks to various agencies equivalent to a quarter of his annual salary every quarter. But this does not mean he earns no money.

NOTE But this is why most of us Trump supporters don't believe the BIASED MSM as USATODAY goes on
to say this:
This notion is misleading because Trump continues to profit off of real estate he owns or manages, despite lawsuits arguing that this violates the Constitution's emoluments clauses.
USATODAY as the biased MSM FAILED to make the same statements though about JFK who's family wealth came from "real estate"!!!:
"The Merchandise Mart's revenues became a principal source of wealth that formed much of the Kennedy family's private fortune, including being a source of funding for financing his sons' future political campaigns."

But the BIASED MSM never mentions that! And of course dummies like you believe every word the biased MSM puts out!
Stop being dramatic, Healthmyths, and stay with the OP.
Dramatic??? YOU wrote: Mr. Trump is only in service to himself, not to the country and his fellow citizens.
And I pointed out that Trump did something only 2 other presidents had done!
I also pointed out the BIASED MSM in their reporting said the following to influence dummies like YOU!

This notion is misleading because Trump continues to profit off of real estate he owns or manages, despite lawsuits arguing that this violates the Constitution's emoluments clauses.

USATODAY as the biased MSM FAILED to make the same statements though about JFK who's family wealth came from "real estate"!!!:
"The Merchandise Mart's revenues became a principal source of wealth that formed much of the Kennedy family's private fortune, including being a source of funding for financing his sons' future political campaigns."

But people like you evidently don't realize how much the biased MSM has influenced your perceptions of Trump!
AS I'VE said before... I don't like Trump personally! Never did since his TV show! He's an asshole. Braggart, narcissist. BUT he is NOT a politician who kisses peoples' butts! He GETS things done and frankly childish people like you who cry..."boo.hoo.... Trump is a bad person... "... you just want a PERFECT person! Because Trump closed the border! Trump made us energy independent! Trump recovered nearly $1 trillion in repatriated money that was used to create new jobs. And as far as Covid goes! The BIASED MSM saw a great opportunity to blow COVID way out of proportion and in doing so for political GAIN, destroyed millions of little kids future education. FACT: How many kids died of the 74 million kids in the USA? 1,785 or 0.00243%! But dummies
like you repeated what Biden said that Trump never said but the biased MSM blew so out of context!
So here is what Biden SAID about Trump saying to drink "Bleach"...
Biden said "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

Trump NEVER ever said that! Yet dummies like you because YOU are so childish and don't understand that Trump while as I said I personally don't like... WAS effective!
When will people of your ilk comprehend that Trump is EFFECTIVE!
FACT: just read the FACTS and ignore the biased MSM!
Healthmyths writes pathetically and his allegations never have the culpable evidence he needs.

Mr. Trump is only in service to himself, not to the country and his fellow citizens.

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