What Biden mumbled "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Whatever Good Nature Does, Man Can Do It Better

Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity

Gagging on Gaia

Why tolerate the degenerate Greenies' warm-and-fuzzy, primitive, mindless, and stagnant delusions about natural air? What the enemies of human progress call "Clean Air" is a man-killing atmosphere saturated with dangerous bacteria, viruses, and insects.

Believe in Common Sense, not Commie Science

We have to exterminate all these killer microbes. Maybe pumping chlorine into the atmosphere will do the trick at levels that humans won't even notice. As you pointed out, these ancient bacteria survived high levels of carbon dioxide, so some other compound in auto emissions prevented pandemics from 1919 until 2020's Green Death.

Also, there may be plague-killing microbes, especially man-made ones, that will finish off the dominance of toxicity in the atmosphere
once and for all. And Man himself can drive the human-hating Nature-worshippers out of science.

The education of these bitter escapist sensationalists is childish, depressing, humiliating, and insulting. That's what turns them into unproductive or destructive freaks. The Unabomber Cult.

Our Toxic Ruling Class Can Gain Absolute Power If It Impoverishes the Rest of Us

Mother Nature Is Medea, Who Murdered All Her Sons

Stop spamming the thread with your bullshit!

Fossil Fuel is not a viable long term energy plan
it is being gradually replaced

You stupid, kid? Or just dishonest?

Plus blue states forcing electric ovens/cook tops and heating systems versus natural gas.

It is all a design by insane people.

I suspect the next plan will be requiring electric HEATING.
Where did Biden say he was going to destroy 3400 electric power plants?
Biden said:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

There are over 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States.

So explain to me how Biden plans to "rid of fossil fuels" without destroying 3,400 power plants?

See I generally provide the links to the statements I copy! I don't generally make statements I can't back up!
Biden said:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

There are over 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States.

So explain to me how Biden plans to "rid of fossil fuels" without destroying 3,400 power plants?

See I generally provide the links to the statements I copy! I don't generally make statements I can't back up!

Where did Biden ever say he would destroy 3400 power plants?
Over time, they will become obsolete as they are replaced by other sources of power
A cleaner environment?
Trustfundee Treehuggers

The only pollution is in germ-saturated natural air, which the traditional enemies of human progress call "Clean Air."

Those who are sitting pretty think of natural resources only as a pretty sight. Anyone who follows their line of thinking has been brainwashed by their massive mind-control. They've got theirs, and they don't want us to get ours, or they give ours away.

Traditional Americans thought of Nature as the source of high-paying jobs and inexpensive products. We must force all people to earn their wealth; inheritance is the root of all decadence.
Where did Biden ever say he would destroy 3400 power plants?
Over time, they will become obsolete as they are replaced by other sources of power
I totally dare you to read all of these comments regarding the cost and time to just replace 3,400 plants.

The problem is scale. Due to the cost of storage and long distance energy transfer needs for renewables you hit a level of diminishing returns where costs increase for pure renewables starts to outpace the cost for nuclear. This is because you have to keep installing over capacity to offset the transient nature of wind and solar.

Solar energy: energy production depends on environmental conditions and the technology used. In general, it is estimated that a large-scale solar plant can produce 100 to 300 kWh/m² per year.

Wind energy: energy production depends on wind speed and the size of the wind turbines. In general, it is estimated that a large-scale wind plant can produce 100 to 200 kWh/m² per year.

Nuclear energy: on average, a nuclear power plant can produce 500 to 1,500 MW of electricity using an area of approximately 1 km². This is equivalent to an energy production of approximately 500-1,500 kWh/m².
Generating all U.S. primary energy by 2050 with renewables:
Bare-bones cost: $15.2 Trillion. With 4 hrs of additional pumped hydro: $16.5 Trillion.

Generating all U.S. primary energy by 2050 with nuclear power: Total cost (depending on the reactors used): $3 Trillion — $6.7 Trillion.
Where did Biden ever say he would destroy 3400 power plants?
Over time, they will become obsolete as they are replaced by other sources of power
So if someone guarantees to "all right-winger" comments....that someone tells the moderators that Rightwinger totally makes up false statements"... would the moderators not ban all your comments or destroying all your comments? Same with Biden destroying 3,400 power plants by executive orders!
So if someone guarantees to "all right-winger" comments....that someone tells the moderators that Rightwinger totally makes up false statements"... would the moderators not ban all your comments or destroying all your comments? Same with Biden destroying 3,400 power plants by executive orders!
WTF are you babbling about ?
WTF are you babbling about ?
You don't remember writing this?
"Where did Biden ever say he would destroy 3400 power plants?
Over time, they will become obsolete as they are replaced by other sources of power"

I'm sorry. I made it to complicated for you I see.

RID: To put out of the way; destroy; kill.
To part; put asunder; separate. Free; clear; quit; relieved: followed by of.
Rid means the same as "destroy"! FACTS. Biden wants to destroy fossil fuels!
You don't remember writing this?
"Where did Biden ever say he would destroy 3400 power plants?
Over time, they will become obsolete as they are replaced by other sources of power"

I'm sorry. I made it to complicated for you I see.

RID: To put out of the way; destroy; kill.
To part; put asunder; separate. Free; clear; quit; relieved: followed by of.
Rid means the same as "destroy"! FACTS. Biden wants to destroy fossil fuels!
Still waiting for you to show where Biden said he would destroy power plants

You are making shit up again
Still waiting for you to show where Biden said he would destroy power plants

You are making shit up again
Did Biden say "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

What does the word "RID" mean?
Does the word rid mean destroy?
So did Biden say "Rid"? That means in other words "destroy"!
How stupid must you be if you don't comprehend the meaning of "Rid" or "DESTROY"!!!
And here is the exact number of "fossil fuel" electric generating plants!
There are over 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States

How much more clear does this have to be???
Did Biden say "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

What does the word "RID" mean?
Does the word rid mean destroy?
So did Biden say "Rid"? That means in other words "destroy"!
How stupid must you be if you don't comprehend the meaning of "Rid" or "DESTROY"!!!
And here is the exact number of "fossil fuel" electric generating plants!
There are over 3,400 fossil fuel-fired power plants in the United States

How much more clear does this have to be???

You can get “rid” of them by substituting other sources of power and make them obsolete
You can get “rid” of them by substituting other sources of power and make them obsolete

FACTS not guesses ok?

The EIA estimates that the initial capital cost (overnight cost) of a new reactor is $5,339 per kW, or $5.3 billion for a 1000 MW reactor. Financing cost, long construction periods, and escalating costs can push the total cost well above the overnight cost.​

This means the 3,400 fossil fuel plants In 2023 were a 60% part of the about 4,178 billion kilowatthours (kWh) (or about 4.18 trillion kWh) of electricity generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the US.

About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases. Or per plant from the 3,400 fossil fuel plants of 2,506,800,000,000 kWh of
about 737.3 million kWh per plant.

The average nuclear plant generating nuclear reactor produces 5,098,320,000 kWh per year.
To replace the 60% or 2.5 Trillion kWh will require 6,244 nuclear plants at cost of $9 Billion per new nuclear plant or: $56,192,278,953,923 ... ($56.1 Trillion) Just in the USA to replace fossil fuel plants.

In 2023, there were 131.43 million households in the United States.

FACT is that every household in the USA would have to ADD $17,102 PER YEAR for 25 years to pay for the $56.2 Trillion to meet Biden's guarantee to rid fossil fuels in just electricity generating!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Now if Biden had been not only smarter but more honest he would have told the people it was going to cost the $17,000 more per year ... in addition to their electricity costs for 25 years!

Oh and by the way...FACT:
Typically a nuclear power plant will take over five years to construct whereas natural gas-fired plants are frequently built in about two years.
That power will not come from wind turbines and solar power. Where will that piwer come from.
A Peek Behind the Curtain of "Peak Oil"

We've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's hydrocarbon resources. Zero-Growth Gurus are the real fossils. If those spoiled easy-living brats have a future, the rest of the world doesn't. It is their interest to have us groveling outside their castles.
Trustfundee Treehuggers

The only pollution is in germ-saturated natural air, which the traditional enemies of human progress call "Clean Air."

Those who are sitting pretty think of natural resources only as a pretty sight. Anyone who follows their line of thinking has been brainwashed by their massive mind-control. They've got theirs, and they don't want us to get ours, or they give ours away.

Traditional Americans thought of Nature as the source of high-paying jobs and inexpensive products. We must force all people to earn their wealth; inheritance is the root of all decadence.
You need your medication adjusted.

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