
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
What does Stonehedge,
The Salem Stonehedge,
10 Commandment Tablets,
Lia Fail (Jacob's stone head rest),
Scottish Stone of Destiny,
Meca's Black Stone, and the Capstone on your 1 dollar bills
have in common?

In Judaism the Stone tablets give us the simplistic basic
commands and they are stored in a box along with the HaShevet that Moses carried and used for his miracles including swallowing up that Egyptian serpent(represents the Egyptian maggis influenced false prophet). So the HaShevet overturns-removes the false prophet, which the first name of is already revealed as The top messenger Michael.

In the story of Jacob and stone head rest used to anoint kings.
The story of the wrestling match with the angel (messenger), the stone he laid his head on became known as the stone of destiny (LIA Fail) It was a whole night wrestling match.
While Jacob was battling for his life, the sense of his guilt pressed upon his soul; his sins rose up before him, to shut him out from God. But in his terrible extremity he remembered God's promises, and his whole heart went out in entreaty for His mercy.
It was "the Angel of the covenant," who had revealed Himself to Jacob. Now using this standard that an angel is Battling with Jacob is a word refering to changing Jacob's heart through use of his guilt then in Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king) and
redeemer (HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King's heart & soul.
The stone that Jacob rested on was the one he had the dream of the ladder to heaven. The stone of the covenant he anointed represents the anointing of the true corner stone and is supposed to be the key to secreting Moshiach which is why those old English tales always told of a knight pulling the sword from the stone. This tale represented the pulling out the Truth or Word from the stone (foundation of all things).
In other words secreting
HOW Things Are.
Daniel's Revelation of the "Stone" (Cornerstone & one of destiny) who strikes the (Beast's) Kingdoms & turns them to dust, is basically the mirror story of Michael removing the controlling power of the beast in the 3 major religions.
This anointed Stone of the Covenant became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny). It was used as a seat to thrones which was always anointed (as Jacob did) at the anointing of new Kings.
The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot prophesied that one day 'The Michael' would 'return' (HaShev)to his inheritance.
Interesting enough we find this also in The Coming of Melchizedek 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will "return" them to what is rightfully theirs as well thus the term "ones who’s right it is" refers to "returning" the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts.
The term ‘Clouds’ (gathering of Priests-hosts) depicted their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds)
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned by our Father and later blinded then killed along with his sons. Jacob's Pillar (The Stone of Destiny) was believed to have been subsequently carried by Jeremiah - along with Zedekiah's two daughters - to Ireland. Later, it went to Scotland, then England.
Some scholars think that these three moves are associated with Ezekiel 21:27: 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come 'whose right it is' ('Shiloh'); and I will give it him.' Dead Sea Scrolls commentary on Ezekiel pronounces the Shiloh of Ezekiel as being archangel (top prophet messenger) Michael. In Ezekiel it's clearly showing the overturning of the first wicked prince with that of the one who's actual right it is as top prince (arch Malakh=head of the congregation[hosts]).
If you don't get it, this means overturning the imposter head and his hosts in the imposter temple siting in Rome with the actual head of the actual Biblical Hosts mentioned in YeruShalem.
This is why Daniel says son of man would come with or out of 'clouds' (gathering of hosts). Therefore coming up to the clouds to see the Moshiach means coming up to the Temple in Mount Zion to hear and see Moshiach and meet him with the hosts at his temple. Where is that temple not in Rome but in YeruShalem thus there has to be an overturning of the authority according to these descriptions back to the ONES WHOSE RIGHT IT IS.
So here we have the MIKdash in his name in the holy city in his name.

Mecca Stone:
They say Michael left them this rock as a sign and symbol for them to focus attention which will reveal itself in it's due time.
Dan 12:1-4 has the word computer in the Bible code whereby we go to and fro gaining Knowledge through our computer boxes.
Like Gateway's which are black boxed computers.
Meteorites are made up of minerals that contain silicates—material made of "silicon" and oxygen.
They store the Night rock perhaps moon rock (Devoted to Shalem) in a box shaped container and circle it "Sheva" times.
2 methods in which they convey the last name of the messenger that they already call the top messenger by first name.

IT IS WHY THE 7TH (Sheva) day is kept holy and focus in
"Rememberance of the name".
Forget or leave out that part "rememberance of the name" and you forget the purpose of the 7th day focus and the holy number 7 throughout the Bible.
Right "Sheva" Day Adventist who's Christ is Michael?
The Hindi culture uses different cultural vowels thus "Shiva" has the same defeating death attributes and 8-ray star (Evening Star) rosette.

SHALEM MEANING completion, wholeness, stability was the Evening Star (rising messenger Michael Dan 12:1-4) which brings us to the Capstone and symbols on the dollar.
13 Arrows was used to represent the 13 colonies, as are the 13 stars forming the star of David in appreciation of the Jewish financing of the revolt and formation. Which was not yet complete or whole or stabilized thus the capstone not yet attached. Capstones were covered in MICA(h) to Protect from the burning sun, hence radiating capstone REFLECTING. The eye of the watcher and father in heaven signifies the Temple & the
head of Hosts. Olive branch is focus on the prize, the legend of Shalem becoming shalom is when Night (Evening Star)removes the day(morning star). In Islam they call that the Al-Isra when Night comes (ascends) to YeruShalem there will be Peace.
Interesting I have a point to make Michael there is a corresponding thought that the Israelites brought Jacob's pillar with them to Egypt when they were there before the exodus and that it was Scota the daughter of the pharaoh and Gaeleus?? Her husband and a descendent of the founder of Athens and an Israelite Who brought the stone to the British isles with the blessing of Moses instead of Jeremiah any can read about this " theory " at the Michael Sanders mysteries of the bible site but I digress....The fact is that behind the many myths are very sound historical proofs that have either been lost by the passage of time or have been covered up for reasons only known to those who did it... I am sure that the reasons why this is so will eventually come to light but Like a good mystery or novel the answers will eventually reveal themselves to those who dilently search for them on or by the one whose right it is...
Well ironically they never ask themselves the "Why" question as in why are things revealing the same focus, as in what is it's intent use and purpose? Well I provided that when saying coming back to one's inheritance requires finding the Shiloh (one whocs right it is).
Common sense first name, last name, given nickname, business names, lineage and location clues would be embedded everywhere in order to take back that right and inheritance. They don't get it because they are taught a return back to life through a fallacious story and myth, so they see return as linear beginning/ end/ then return instead of The beginning being at the end and the message throughout the timeline changing ones rightful place because the nature of opposing forces, thus having to "return" to the seat where it began (at the end) requires noticing the founder and
voice not the imposter.
They have not yet computed Bohm's theorem and Kohns theorems and noticed theories on changing events through time.
Funny that a goofy atheist cartoon Family guy creator McFarlin gets it, but so called religious folks have abslutely no faith or understanding in the intent and structure of Torah Prophecy.

Since there is an opposite and connectivity reaction to actions then warnings of times- events to come are fought with the opposite acts. It's a struggle changing the inevitable but those who have heightened knowledge and faith in being lead to a brighter path will use it to better themselves and those around them. Recognizing signs, understanding common reasoning why they are there, having faith in them leads to better success, case in point when asked to find a certain person (hush about who) I recognized, understood and believed in the clues and it paid off. Of course that requires faith-belief by others who acted on the info.
If I didn't notice and have faith in it and they didn't trust or believe in me then as the news recently said that was a game changer, so who knows how bad off the world would be now.

Let me put in in laymen terms using a recognizable analogy for those scratching their head.
If Marty McFly leaves you a future Almanac and you don't use it for yourself and the benefit of others then you are an idiot.
If Marty McFly doing so changes the scope of things by leaving bits of the future to the past and he is no longer where he was when he left the book, chances are he would want to come back to his rightful place and rightful town especially one in honor and rememberance of him.
And who was taking away that honor?
Biff was, Biff was the thief who stole the book and his rightful place.
OK MAYBE I should have lead with that example first. *L*
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I visited the "Stonehenge of Indiana" last weekend. Not many people realize Indiana has a Stonehenge. Not a lot of people find it. You have to head down remote dead-end gravel roads to the trailhead, near the ghost town of Elkinsville. There are still a few houses there, with people who look at you strangely. Then you hike of to the top of "Browning Mountain", which is actually just a big hill (928 feet). But then, if it's easy, what fun is that?

There are many local legends about the place, but to me, it looks like a natural formation of squarish boulders, with some of them having been dragged into the circular ceremonial formation. An impressive feat, but not something that required Aliens to do. (These are not my own photos, as mine didn't turn out as well.)



Among all the more modern graffiti, there was this one, saying "Here lies John Baurle, Born 7/31/47, Died 9/14/52". Interesting. It was a boulder, not a gravestone. Was it a gravesite, or just a memorial? In any case, I went to stand elsewhere.


However, I hadn't considered the religious angle. Food for thought.
There are so many clues in that movie back to the future it is not even funny... From the guy who played Marty( Michael) to the speed they must travel 88 miles per hour to the three movies made representing the three layers of prophecy to the funny part where he crashes into that movie theatre and what is playing there....I could go on and on but yah the thief Biff almost steals the show but eventually even after the path is screwed up they still are able to " return" to the proper path albeit slightly different then the original one by going back to the beginning and fixing what needed to be fixed... There are always signs that bring you back on path the key is just to look for them....
I visited the "Stonehenge of Indiana" last weekend. Not many people realize Indiana has a Stonehenge. Not a lot of people find it. You have to head down remote dead-end gravel roads to the trailhead, near the ghost town of Elkinsville. There are still a few houses there, with people who look at you strangely. Then you hike of to the top of "Browning Mountain", which is actually just a big hill (928 feet). But then, if it's easy, what fun is that?

There are many local legends about the place, but to me, it looks like a natural formation of squarish boulders, with some of them having been dragged into the circular ceremonial formation. An impressive feat, but not something that required Aliens to do. (These are not my own photos, as mine didn't turn out as well.)



Among all the more modern graffiti, there was this one, saying "Here lies John Baurle, Born 7/31/47, Died 9/14/52". Interesting. It was a boulder, not a gravestone. Was it a gravesite, or just a memorial? In any case, I went to stand elsewhere.


However, I hadn't considered the religious angle. Food for thought.

The Stonehenge located in
Salem New Hampshire lined up
the Winter (morning star) and summer Solstice (Evening Star-Shalem) and the
line up of the summer was with the archway stones in England's Stonehenge's Summer Solstice alignment and that also is a straoght line to ancient Phonecia Where the Canaanites worshiped both Baal and Shalem spelled by them as (SHV*MN).
*letter witheld*

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