Food delivery company offering free food during GOP debate

That would be Mexico not Mexican, do you even read your own post??

That is, every time he says “Mexico,” Eat24 will post a $5 coupon code to Twitter, enough to cover the cost of a taco, or, you know, any other food item under $5. “We believe in freedom of the belly, so it’s totally up to you,” the company wrote in a blog post, which is essentially a backhanded jab at Trump’s now infamous comments about Mexican immigrants.

Democracy has never sounded so delicious.
I wish we had an eat24 hear on the east coast, I would definitely help bankrupt these schleps....................
You a "The Donald" supporter?

BTW- stop w/ the grammar Nazi routine kiddo.

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Whatevs kiddo.

Got your bloomers ruffled regardless.

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Whatevs kiddo.

Got your bloomers ruffled regardless.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

No. little faggots like you wear ruffled bloomers,

Grow the fuck up you little butthurt black boy..................
Unbunch your panties and vamoose poof

Another delusional with a God complex..................

And just who the fuck are you??

Did I touch a nerve there panty waste??
You should spend more time touching nerves and less time touching dicks little fairy
Whatevs kiddo.

Got your bloomers ruffled regardless.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

No. little faggots like you wear ruffled bloomers,

Grow the fuck up you little butthurt black boy..................
Unbunch your panties and vamoose poof

Another delusional with a God complex..................

And just who the fuck are you??

Did I touch a nerve there panty waste??
You should spend more time touching nerves and less time touching dicks little fairy

I don't take up your bad habits ..................fool

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