Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization and Grants FDA Authority to Police Food


VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations

Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has actually read the language in the bill -- especially not those lawmakers who voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all becomes. For example, did you know there's a global FDA power grab agenda hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I'll quote text straight out of the bill itself.

Section 305 is entitled "BUILDING CAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY" and it gives the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate the food safety plans of foreign governments. It says, specifically, on page 217 of the bill (

Learn more: Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations

Shocking. Utterly, utterly shocking.
We import a lot of our food from foreign countries, shoud we not regulate the safety of imported food?

I think the FDA should have arrest capacity.
In the USA of course.

Most of our medicines or the ingredients are imported.
Less than 1% is inspected.
the industry can regulate itself. if a company sells tainted meat, someone gets sick, they sue the company, make millions, and the company dies. Other companies in industry have greater incentive not to sell shitty food. Government not needed.
We import a lot of our food from foreign countries, shoud we not regulate the safety of imported food?

I think the FDA should have arrest capacity.
In the USA of course.

Most of our medicines or the ingredients are imported.
Less than 1% is inspected.

Why should the FDA be able to arrest people? Right now, with the FDA being so pathetic that we need this law as part of some massive emergency, less than 3000 people die in the US as a result of food borne illnesses. I am willing to bet that not only will that number not go down, it will increase as a direct result of this new law.
If you don't attack Democrats specifically for this, then you're part of the problem.
If we Democrats fail to point out that the Conservatives care far more about the profits of companies that sell tainted food, then we are part of the problem. In fact, given the Republican opposition to a fair First Responders Health Care Bill, it should constantly be point out that they care more for the excess wealth of the ober rich than they do for the American Citizen. Even when the ober rich are foriegn corperations.
the industry can regulate itself. if a company sells tainted meat, someone gets sick, they sue the company, make millions, and the company dies. Other companies in industry have greater incentive not to sell shitty food. Government not needed.
That's the spirit!


Wait until someone dies.

Let's hope it's "just" one.

Thank you Harry Reid, may you develop anal cancer and die an agonizing death before your descent to hell.
Companies who sell tainted food make the same profits as the ones who don't.
Why should Americans be made to pay more for food for problems that don't exist?
I like the way the Chinese handle those that knowingly produce/sell tainted food/medical stuffs.
The go to prison, get executed and one I know of comitted suicide.

Here if a company sells an unsafe product and say they sell 5 million dollars worth before caught, they admit no crime and pay a 100k or so fine and go on. A cool over 5 mil profit. And bonuses are distributed.

All profits for such crimes should be forfeit and fines levied on top of that.
the industry can regulate itself. if a company sells tainted meat, someone gets sick, they sue the company, make millions, and the company dies. Other companies in industry have greater incentive not to sell shitty food. Government not needed.

Right just like the finiancial industry regulated itself?
I like the way the Chinese handle those that knowingly produce/sell tainted food/medical stuffs.
The go to prison, get executed and one I know of comitted suicide.

Here if a company sells an unsafe product and say they sell 5 million dollars worth before caught, they admit no crime and pay a 100k or so fine and go on. A cool over 5 mil profit. And bonuses are distributed.

All profits for such crimes should be forfeit and fines levied on top of that.

Sucks that everyone gets better due process in the US than they do in China, no?
the industry can regulate itself. if a company sells tainted meat, someone gets sick, they sue the company, make millions, and the company dies. Other companies in industry have greater incentive not to sell shitty food. Government not needed.

Right just like the finiancial industry regulated itself?

The government shoved them over a cliff by forcing banks to make bad loans and securitizing them.

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