For once CBC interviews someone who has a clue re: China, former Canadian ambassador to China, worth your time


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This interview was conducted just a couple of days ago. I was impressed with this guys straightforward and clinical assessment of China, he's not naive. I will go even further and suggest that the onus is on Western powers to decide, "you are on the side of America or you are on the side of China".

The West created Frankenstein and no amount of appeasement or flattery is going to work. He is right about this perspective that I hope Trump understand, if he doesn't already. The communists don't care if 50M of their own citizens perish, nor the rest of the planet, as long as they have power and wield if mercilessly. It's a microcosm of authority in Canada, except the Commies are exponentially more powerful. Their word carries no value.

I've made my decisions and some dbags in Canada like to punish me for my position, naively calling me a "traitor" and many other terms. Little do these morally bankrupt, cerebrally challenged citizens realize, it is in fact, the position that myself and a few others take that will SAVE Canada, not destroy us (since we are too often fed a diet of anti-Americanism, thanks to our paranoid Monarchy roots). As days go by I do believe more and more Canadians are starting to see the light, some, even rejecting the B.S fed about U.S.A. Though, till too few.

If you have 13 minutes, or even less if you fast forward it, I think this guy is worth listening to.


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