(For Real) Relax Citizens: Your System of Government Is Working Perfectly


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Think about it. Our forefathers (FF) set up the Constitution specifically to avoid tyranny and impositions from foreign interests. Let that concept sink in deeply before you read further.

So, a two-party system of liberal and conservative values is vital to the success and longevity of our nation; it's very health. The FF knew of the tendencies of the human mind to be prey to all sorts of aberrations. Either too liberal or too conservative. Having a government of pure liberalism or pure conservativism would be like having a set of internal organs missing a liver or a heart. The body would die either way.

What happened in the 2016 election might seem alarming at first. Even the GOP was alarmed: though it went in their favor. The real root of any nation's political winds are in the masses of People. And so, both dems and republicans politicians and their ranking sycophants and avid cult devotees were stunned. But they shouldn't be. They simply shouldn't be. Because they knew it was coming.

The balance between liberalism and conservativism is like a pendulum. A swinging pendulum of late. Swinging quite wildly. For 8 years now, in backlash to the Bush/Cheney swing, we've had such steeped liberalism that it swung way out into the dangerous netherlands of the patently bizarre. Think about it. We had a president order (like a King BTW) that girls in schools across the nation welcome male students into their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. That's how bad it got. In Bush/Cheney, they lied to Congress, stole money from our Treasury and traded blood of our men and women for an oil monopoly (they thought) in the ME. Some even speculate that they created 911 as a means to grease the wheels to accomplish all that. Hence the wild swing to the left in direct proportion to all that. The daily mind can deny but the collective mind, deep in all of us always knows the real truth of what's going on. So, enter Obama as the wild swing in the opposite direction.

So, as the angst on the right became palpable, the boys-in-the-bathroom thing tipped the scales. After all, regular Americans (the ones who determine elections) had just seen Christians jailed and fined for refusing to play along with the cult of sexual perversions. The neo-religion of the 21st Century come to replace God's own. Something snapped. And that snap was the election map after Tuesday's election. Areas of the nation that had been blue for decades went red. More properly, red with anger.

But I issue a caution to republicans and conservatives everywhere, lest they think this is an article celebrating their values wholesale. Those of us in the middle like me don't play favorites. And, 2018 is just a very short time away. If you think you're going to strip the poor of healthcare or jobs, you're going to regret it. If you think you're going to push gas-guzzling SUVs & trucks while plants for the high-mileage compacts get shut down forcibly, while efficient cars face bogus recalls and are crushed, melted down and turned into SUVS, think again. If you think you're going to roll back early term abortions or the abortion pill, while you turn your backs on the unwanted children who come from single mothers and rape victims having to raise another generation without fathers...think again. For yours too is a cult; a cult of greed and extremism in blind religious thinking.

To close, I will leave the reader with examples of extreme thinking on either end of the spectrum....thinking that leaves the political party vulnerable to shock-elections like this one. It's time to do some heavy thinking of the sober variety; the type our FFs hoped we would use. And some celebrating. Hats off to our FF for anticipating our insanity and setting up a system to protect us from ourselves:

Liberal extremism (fresh in the mind eh?)

1. That two men or women = "mom and dad" for the kids that marriage was created for.

2. That Christians belong in jail or fined for standing up against #1.

3. Deranged males "belong" in women's showers, bathrooms and locker rooms.

4. That abortion should be legal up until apparently the child is 6 weeks old or older, born and breathing on its own.

5. That children should be sexualized as early as age 4 or 5 (transgender toddlers, teaching LGBT religion to elementary school kids "as normal", etc.)

Conservative extremism:

1. That abortion and even birth control should not be accessible to women at any stage of their pregnancy or before.

2. That unwanted babies should grow up without health care or a social safety net. (because abortions are almost always needed by women who have no husband or man around to help).

3. They lament fatherless children while simultaneously and stubbornly promoting #1 & #2.

4. That want unchecked pollution of the earth's environmental systems, including fracking (polluting with benzenes etc.) the last fresh water reserves we have in our nation.

5. That suppress non-carbon forms of energy (excluding nuclear which even the most insane person would not support), in favor of having to war in the middle east and pollute our last sources of drinking water in our country....forever...since you cannot do an underground hazardous waste cleanup near aquifers.

6. That it's OK to maximize profits by sending work and jobs overseas; while simultaneously lamenting "why are liberals so lazy!?"

The threat of another election 2016 looms equally for republicans. So take heart citizens, you are once again able to tell your leaders that YOU run the show. If a boy is in your daughter's bathroom at school, YOU have the power to stop that. If the drinking water in your tap is catching on fire, YOU have the power to stop that. The power is invested in YOU, as the FF intended so that we never ever would have to tolerate a totalitarian system of extremes in either direction.

They really were smart guys. :clap2:
Think about it. Our forefathers (FF) set up the Constitution specifically to avoid tyranny and impositions from foreign interests. Let that concept sink in deeply before you read further.

So, a two-party system of liberal and conservative values is vital to the success and longevity of our nation; it's very health. The FF knew of the tendencies of the human mind to be prey to all sorts of aberrations. Either too liberal or too conservative. Having a government of pure liberalism or pure conservativism would be like having a set of internal organs missing a liver or a heart. The body would die either way.

What happened in the 2016 election might seem alarming at first. Even the GOP was alarmed: though it went in their favor. The real root of any nation's political winds are in the masses of People. And so, both dems and republicans politicians and their ranking sycophants and avid cult devotees were stunned. But they shouldn't be. They simply shouldn't be. Because they knew it was coming.

The balance between liberalism and conservativism is like a pendulum. A swinging pendulum of late. Swinging quite wildly. For 8 years now, in backlash to the Bush/Cheney swing, we've had such steeped liberalism that it swung way out into the dangerous netherlands of the patently bizarre. Think about it. We had a president order (like a King BTW) that girls in schools across the nation welcome male students into their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. That's how bad it got. In Bush/Cheney, they lied to Congress, stole money from our Treasury and traded blood of our men and women for an oil monopoly (they thought) in the ME. Some even speculate that they created 911 as a means to grease the wheels to accomplish all that. Hence the wild swing to the left in direct proportion to all that. The daily mind can deny but the collective mind, deep in all of us always knows the real truth of what's going on. So, enter Obama as the wild swing in the opposite direction.

So, as the angst on the right became palpable, the boys-in-the-bathroom thing tipped the scales. After all, regular Americans (the ones who determine elections) had just seen Christians jailed and fined for refusing to play along with the cult of sexual perversions. The neo-religion of the 21st Century come to replace God's own. Something snapped. And that snap was the election map after Tuesday's election. Areas of the nation that had been blue for decades went red. More properly, red with anger.

But I issue a caution to republicans and conservatives everywhere, lest they think this is an article celebrating their values wholesale. Those of us in the middle like me don't play favorites. And, 2018 is just a very short time away. If you think you're going to strip the poor of healthcare or jobs, you're going to regret it. If you think you're going to push gas-guzzling SUVs & trucks while plants for the high-mileage compacts get shut down forcibly, while efficient cars face bogus recalls and are crushed, melted down and turned into SUVS, think again. If you think you're going to roll back early term abortions or the abortion pill, while you turn your backs on the unwanted children who come from single mothers and rape victims having to raise another generation without fathers...think again. For yours too is a cult; a cult of greed and extremism in blind religious thinking.

To close, I will leave the reader with examples of extreme thinking on either end of the spectrum....thinking that leaves the political party vulnerable to shock-elections like this one. It's time to do some heavy thinking of the sober variety; the type our FFs hoped we would use. And some celebrating. Hats off to our FF for anticipating our insanity and setting up a system to protect us from ourselves:

Liberal extremism (fresh in the mind eh?)

1. That two men or women = "mom and dad" for the kids that marriage was created for.

2. That Christians belong in jail or fined for standing up against #1.

3. Deranged males "belong" in women's showers, bathrooms and locker rooms.

4. That abortion should be legal up until apparently the child is 6 weeks old or older, born and breathing on its own.

5. That children should be sexualized as early as age 4 or 5 (transgender toddlers, teaching LGBT religion to elementary school kids "as normal", etc.)

Conservative extremism:

1. That abortion and even birth control should not be accessible to women at any stage of their pregnancy or before.

2. That unwanted babies should grow up without health care or a social safety net. (because abortions are almost always needed by women who have no husband or man around to help).

3. They lament fatherless children while simultaneously and stubbornly promoting #1 & #2.

4. That want unchecked pollution of the earth's environmental systems, including fracking (polluting with benzenes etc.) the last fresh water reserves we have in our nation.

5. That suppress non-carbon forms of energy (excluding nuclear which even the most insane person would not support), in favor of having to war in the middle east and pollute our last sources of drinking water in our country....forever...since you cannot do an underground hazardous waste cleanup near aquifers.

6. That it's OK to maximize profits by sending work and jobs overseas; while simultaneously lamenting "why are liberals so lazy!?"

The threat of another election 2016 looms equally for republicans. So take heart citizens, you are once again able to tell your leaders that YOU run the show. If a boy is in your daughter's bathroom at school, YOU have the power to stop that. If the drinking water in your tap is catching on fire, YOU have the power to stop that. The power is invested in YOU, as the FF intended so that we never ever would have to tolerate a totalitarian system of extremes in either direction.

They really were smart guys. :clap2:

Nice to see you back, SillyWet.
OK Paul Ryan, the burden is upon you...you and Pence.. (since Donnie Jr. said his dad was appointing Pence as "in control of both domestic & foreign policy...lol..)

The de facto Vice President Ryan:

& don't even mention the T-word here. His name is as forbidden as "Voldemort". And in the end he will be as insignificant as he already properly is.

All he'll be doing is running around the Whitehouse installing mirrors on every wall along with full-length portraits of himself; drawing a salary while doing it. Perfect heaven for him.
Seems nobody wants to self-reflect from either side.. Except JimBlow-me. And then only to snark. But rest assured fellow citizens, the points in the OP are solid.
See citizens? Everyone, including Trump's own children and Trump himself understand that Trump is unfit to be POTUS. Pence is the president elect. Oh God! I used the "T" word. Shame on me! Ahhhhhh!

From the New York Times Magazine source:

Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy....Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?....."Making America great again" was the casual reply....If true, this means that Trump doesn't plan on doing much governing at all. It may also reveal that he actually agrees with Hillary Clinton's claim that he is temperamentally unfit to become president of the United States. Donald Trump reportedly plans to delegate all domestic and foreign power to his VP
See citizens? Everyone, including Trump's own children and Trump himself understand that Trump is unfit to be POTUS. Pence is the president elect. Oh God! I used the "T" word. Shame on me! Ahhhhhh!
You are becoming such a sad and bitter person.

From where JimBlow-me? :lmao:

From the Cry Room in your local Safe Zone, apparently.
WTF JimBlow-me? I got half of what I wanted: republican down ballot. How is that a cry? And, in the end, it will be Pence/Ryan anyway since Trump said he was going to just shuffle around the Whitehouse in his slippers while abdicating all foreign & domestic decisions (are there any left?) to Pence....lol..
From where JimBlow-me? :lmao:

From the Cry Room in your local Safe Zone, apparently.
WTF JimBlow-me? I got half of what I wanted: republican down ballot. How is that a cry? And, in the end, it will be Pence/Ryan anyway since Trump said he was going to just shuffle around the Whitehouse in his slippers while abdicating all foreign & domestic decisions (are there any left?) to Pence....lol..
But the Anti-Christ is now President Elect.

Werent you going to migrate to Lower Slobovia if that happened?
But the Anti-Christ is now President Elect.

Werent you going to migrate to Lower Slobovia if that happened?

You have a middle voter (me) confused with other people apparently. I love this country, otherwise I wouldn't bother writing for the last 15 years straight, every single day, without pay I might add, in order to save her. Might want to check out some of my threads on gay marriage and the cult of LGBT in general when you get a chance JimBlow-me.

The only thing appealing to me about say Canada is their healthcare system. Well, and they have some cool music; and their education system kicks ass on ours...and they have more jobs...and a better GDP...and a mandate that only a certain percentage of industry can be automated (more jobs). But other than all that, it's a bit chilly for me. I like snow and all but just not for 6 months out of the year.
But the Anti-Christ is now President Elect.

Werent you going to migrate to Lower Slobovia if that happened?

You have a middle voter (me) confused with other people apparently. I love this country, otherwise I wouldn't bother writing for the last 15 years straight, every single day, without pay I might add, in order to save her. Might want to check out some of my threads on gay marriage and the cult of LGBT in general when you get a chance JimBlow-me.

The only thing appealing to me about say Canada is their healthcare system. Well, and they have some cool music; and their education system kicks ass on ours...and they have more jobs...and a better GDP...and a mandate that only a certain percentage of industry can be automated (more jobs). But other than all that, it's a bit chilly for me. I like snow and all but just not for 6 months out of the year.
Well I know you are not anti-abortion, prog gun rights and wanting Constitutionalists on the SCOTUS, or you wouldnt hate Trump so much just because he wants equal rights for fagots.
Well I know you are not anti-abortion, prog gun rights and wanting Constitutionalists on the SCOTUS, or you wouldnt hate Trump so much just because he wants equal rights for fagots.

No, you don't know that. I own a gun and am an excellent shot BTW. Always have been since I was a kid. I am anti-abortion after a certain point. That point being when the fetus could viably be able to live if born premature, with some assistance; provided it isn't horribly deformed, doomed to live a life imprisoned in a worthless body. What I really am is pro birth-control. And if you really want to get technical, in my Machiavellian fantasy I would have a super refined reversible vasectomy with financial incentives to do so (say in exchange for reduction in college or technical school training fees, or increase in food stamp benefits). So that when a man wanted to have children with a woman, it would take a bit of doing, but totally achievable. Then the problem of abortions would nearly evaporate over night and men could have sex without worry. I'd think everyone would be down for that solution.

Every child would be wanted and have a man around to help provide. Win win win win win win win.

Trump wants equal rights for a depraved sexual behavior? That doesn't surprise me. But he's going to have to run that by Pence, who as Trump's son said, is Donnie's domestic and foreign affairs supervisor. Don't hold your breath.
Well I know you are not anti-abortion, prog gun rights and wanting Constitutionalists on the SCOTUS, or you wouldnt hate Trump so much just because he wants equal rights for fagots.

When you get down to brass tacks that is all Sil cares about. If you got rid of all of Sil's smears on gays and Trump there would be very very little material to read.
Well I know you are not anti-abortion, prog gun rights and wanting Constitutionalists on the SCOTUS, or you wouldnt hate Trump so much just because he wants equal rights for fagots.

When you get down to brass tacks that is all Sil cares about. If you got rid of all of Sil's smears on gays and Trump there would be very very little material to read.
Yeah, I am starting to agree with you.

That is why Jesus, aside from being an omnipotent member of the Godhead, counsels us, in fact COMMANDS us, to not obsess on hating our enemies.

It does far more harm to us than those we hate.

Life is too short to fill every waking moment with vitriol and bile.

BTW, Fuck you, gawd damned commie. /jk I dont mean that, just playing.

See I feel better all ready!
Trump wants equal rights for a depraved sexual behavior?
Yes, equal rights for those who have perversions, or mental illnesses or are just weird.

I am weird, but none of the other things, and I have equal rights too.

See, I am old enough to remember what it was like before 1968 and we had all these stereotypical little roles we all had to play.

It sucked. We will not return to that sort of world, at least not as far as it went back then.

There is room in our society for transgender people (Gawd, I cant believe I am saying this, see what you are making me do?), there is room for fagots, cross dressers and other people who do not fit the cookie cutter known as "Normal".

But on the other hand normal people should not be punished or made to feel like they are Nazis either just because they want to live traditional lives.

But we will never go back to persecuting the abnormal of our society as they play a vital role in its aggregate process of letting people who they want to be.
Seems nobody wants to self-reflect from either side.. Except JimBlow-me. And then only to snark. But rest assured fellow citizens, the points in the OP are solid.
they're your wounds, how about you lick them yourself?
Seems nobody wants to self-reflect from either side.. Except JimBlow-me. And then only to snark. But rest assured fellow citizens, the points in the OP are solid.
they're your wounds, how about you lick them yourself?
Yeah, cuz I'm the one out in the streets rioting. They aren't my wounds. But other people are freaking out as if they don't understand what's going on. It's called our Constitutional system. And it was set up to always seek a balance and to keep extremes from gaining control.

That serves as a soothing balm no matter what is happening. I'm posting this thread mainly for the special butterflies out there who have started to panic...

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