for those of you who think obama is weak....


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
... what do you say now with his stance against israel? surely hasn't got pushed around this time.
Are you referring Obama going to dinner and not inviting Netanyahu, basically leaving the Prime Minister of Israel to twiddle his thumbs?
... what do you say now with his stance against israel? surely hasn't got pushed around this time.

Yes, Obama shows how strong he is by continuing Bush's policy, Obama shows how strong he is by bowing to the Saudi Arabians and cowtowing Saudi's desire to expand the Sunni Moslem world

Obama is literally following the drive by media's talking points, obeying Saudi demands, continuing a foreign policy that drives the terrorists and this is strength.

The only you can say Obama is being strong and undeterred in is Obama's continuing to change the Republic of the United States of America to Marxist country controlled my tyrants.

That shows strength and commitment to Obama's Marxist ideology.
A show of faux strength; Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel, and the former capital of ancient Israel. Jerusalem has been continuously inhabited by ethnic Jews for more than three thousand years. The permitting process to build new homes in their capital city has never been more than a formality in a bureaucracy entrenched government, requiring 20 steps for approval. Obama has now made the construction of homes there a condition on Israel, which before now has never been the case. He has made a peaceful settlement of grievances much more complicated than it was before and than need be.
Weak strong... not sure it really matters to me. Id prefer honest and wise.
He bows to Saudi Kings, but cannot bring himself to dine with Jewish Prime Ministers?
He bows to Saudi Kings, but cannot bring himself to dine with Jewish Prime Ministers?

Obama bows to Saudi Kings, in the only country in the world named after a royal family, in a country where eight year old girls are sold into Harems of old men and as soon as the girls hit eleven or twelve and are able to have babies the old men rape the virgin 12 year old girls, these are girls who are oppressed, enslaved, and raped, forced to cover their faces in black cloaks so that the world cannot see them and so that they see a world only through a cloak of black, through tiny little slits, a country where the women cannot escape, women cannot travel alone and are not allowed to leave the country unchaperoned, Obama not only bows to this country but Obama states its a right of women in the USA to wear the Hi-jab or Bur-qua in open support of the rape of eleven year old girls.

Obama is the worst type of person, the worst politician, the worst president, Obama is a Marxist, only by destroying all Obama can will Obama be able to realize the Marxist dream, to build Marxism on the ashes of the USA.
Perhaps we can limit the Marxist Obama and his cronies to one term. Perhaps we can put someone (of either party) in the White House that is not a traitor and does not trample the Constitution. Perhaps we can reverse the damage this Marxist prick has already done. Perhaps...
He bows to Saudi Kings, but cannot bring himself to dine with Jewish Prime Ministers?

He won't even stoop to a photograph. Another group of pissed of voters. Well, I'd be pissed if I were Jewish.

The implications of how O treated Netanyahu is the same as it was for the Dalai Lama; “we aren't with you; to be seen with you implies we might be”
This is change.

The administration said that this would rein Israel in, and force them to behave, but in reality this will make conditions more dangerous by causing them to feel alone and thus into taking unilateral action vis-à-vis Iran.

In the case of Iran, their getting nuclear weapons is a foregone conclusion, so this is how O deflects American power.
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He bows to Saudi Kings, but cannot bring himself to dine with Jewish Prime Ministers?

not the ones who perpetuate the myth that ONLY JEWS count..

speaking of bowing to kings.. do you really miss all of Bush's hand holding and ass kissing?

I'm quite sure you Israel Right or Wrong people don't see the value in checking jewish racism but.. hey.. i'm sure white governors from the south in the 60s felt similarly about preserving the color of higher education too so...

He bows to Saudi Kings, but cannot bring himself to dine with Jewish Prime Ministers?

He won't even stoop to a photograph. Another group of pissed of voters. Well, I'd be pissed if I were Jewish.

indeed. I'm sure what the jewish population in america really needs is to show the REST of america just how much sway they have. Hell, if there were fears about kennedy being controlled by the vatican just WAIT to see what happens when the aipac crowd tries to flex.
Obama is just a start of the events to follow, read the bible.

You REALLY think that Obama is the Anti-christ? or even his predecessor? :clap2:

You get my tin-foil hat award. Go see CaliGirl for your prize.
yea.. these dogma junkie motherfuckers make themselves REAL ironic every time they laugh at the promise of 72 virgins... by insisting that a jewish zombie will return one day. We've been hearing about this jesus flavored end of days shit for at least 4 decades now. I guess lionfood just can't get over the disappointment of the world not ending before the year 2000 without dragging another 50 fucking years down to their level.
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Are you referring Obama going to dinner and not inviting Netanyahu, basically leaving the Prime Minister of Israel to twiddle his thumbs?

I heard it was because he wanted a ham sammich, and he didn't want to offend.
Are you referring Obama going to dinner and not inviting Netanyahu, basically leaving the Prime Minister of Israel to twiddle his thumbs?

Dinner was just BS. It was the evening call to prayer.

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