For those who will or have already voted for Biden, will you be happy with President Harris? Who will be her VP?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
Hows about we make it past Tuesday before we start the idle speculation?
Joe Biden has proved that he is stable, competent, mentally cognizant, and isn't suffering from dementia.
And he's pretty popular too. Is he gaffe prone? Sure. But so is the other guy...and the other guy lies like a rug
and is not only incompetent, I don't even think he wants the job anymore. :)
The woman is bad. Bad news. Every other word is that you can't talk to her like that because she is a woman. That is not good. To many guys will defend that. They are hanging themselves. Vile nasty mouth women who have been fast tracked have earned nothing. And they did so at the expense of a growing amount of undereducated males. Who are ripe for organizing by potential despots.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
I will be happy with President Joe Biden. If something untoward happens within three months of inauguration committed as paranoid trumpers would like to uselessly sell, I would not be happy, any more than you would have been if Donny had choked on a big mack during the first 3 months. Hopefully the nut balls on the right and Putin's chemical crew will not have a successful assassination attempt. I trust the Secret Service to make sure it does not happen.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
On her 1st day in office she will order all MAGA hats and crap illegal. Similar to Germany with swastikas.

Unfortunately you might be correct.

The bright side is she'll have the finest medical care to clear up her knee callouses
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
On her 1st day in office she will order all MAGA hats and crap illegal. Similar to Germany with swastikas.

Unfortunately you might be correct.

The bright side is she'll have the finest medical care to clear up her knee callouses
....and her Syphillis and Gonorhhea.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
Within a week after she becomes President, she'll be confined in the Psycho Ward of Walter Reed Army Hospital.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
On her 1st day in office she will order all MAGA hats and crap illegal. Similar to Germany with swastikas.

Unfortunately you might be correct.

The bright side is she'll have the finest medical care to clear up her knee callouses
....and her Syphillis and Gonorhhea.
Come on, Yury! You can do better than that. Have some more vodka and fish eggs and earn your pay.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
I will be happy with President Joe Biden. If something untoward happens within three months of inauguration committed as paranoid trumpers would like to uselessly sell, I would not be happy, any more than you would have been if Donny had choked on a big mack during the first 3 months. Hopefully the nut balls on the right and Putin's chemical crew will not have a successful assassination attempt. I trust the Secret Service to make sure it does not happen.
You will be happy with a President who cannot dress himself in the morning?
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
On her 1st day in office she will order all MAGA hats and crap illegal. Similar to Germany with swastikas.

Unfortunately you might be correct.

The bright side is she'll have the finest medical care to clear up her knee callouses
....and her Syphillis and Gonorhhea.
Come on, Yury! You can do better than that. Have some more vodka and fish eggs and earn your pay.
Go masturbate somewhere else.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
her vp will be aoc, but only until aoc will be appointed to scotus. then maxine waters will be vp.
The V.P will be whomever President Xi and his enablers in the U.S approve.

I can't even imagine America without Trump at this point in time. It would fast track the U.S to a place I never thought possible just 15 years ago. I give credit to communist China for seeing weaknesses, being focused and making sure any and all threats to their global dominance are damaged, while compromising so many in the target nation they wish to usurp.

Without the release of the Wuhan Virus, Trump was a shoo-in. Let's see what happens.
Lets face it, Joe wont make it a year as POTUS.

He will be impeached for his corruption or he will be removed by the 25th ammendment.

Are you guys happy with a President Harris and who should be her VP?
On her 1st day in office she will order all MAGA hats and crap illegal. Similar to Germany with swastikas.
On her 2nd day, she'll be too stoned on marijuana to do anything.
Hows about we make it past Tuesday before we start the idle speculation?
Joe Biden has proved that he is stable, competent, mentally cognizant, and isn't suffering from dementia.
And he's pretty popular too. Is he gaffe prone? Sure. But so is the other guy...and the other guy lies like a rug
and is not only incompetent, I don't even think he wants the job anymore. :)
Donald Trump has given us 3 years of proof that he can handle the job. I would not trust Joe Biden to tale out my trash.

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