For what these are worth


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
First: Nine-Eleven by the Numbers

The author of this is someone I read regularly who is well traveled and well credentialed and usually quite entertaining in his opinions. He's written this type article before and been just a vilified as he is in this. The comments are worth the price of admission.

In the mysteriously continuing hoorawhaw over whether the Twin Towers were brought down by an “inside job,”I have often ignited the fury of the extraordinarily sensitive Truthers, who believe in intentional demolition,. My sin was pointing out that demolition is a physical undertaking. It is not metaphorical. Physical explosives in specific quantities must be put in actual places. If it cannot be shown that this would be physically possible, an inside job did not happen.

In the comments there is a really good video but I'm sparing the band width and instead followed this link from a comment.

GHOST PLANES: How did all the physical evidence of terrorist planes on 9/11 mysteriously vanish?

In his book JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State, French author Laurent Guyenot unpacks many of the conflicting details between what the mainstream media told us took place and what the evidence actually shows. In one particular chapter of the book entitled, “Ghost planes,” Guyenot addresses the mystery of the four supposedly hijacked planes, none of which actually come with any actual proof that they even existed.

Writing on his blog, economist Paul Craig Roberts highlights how there’s not even a trace of evidence to show that any planes actually crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or that field in Pennsylvania, “although an unburnt passport was allegedly found in the ruins of two massive buildings.”

While we heard plenty from the families of the victims who perished inside the Twin Towers, there wasn’t even a peep from the families of the victims who were inside these alleged planes, the supposed wreckage of which basically vanished after the tragedies occurred.

I'd never given a lot of thought to the questions posited in the above article.
Writing on his blog, economist Paul Craig Roberts highlights how there’s not even a trace of evidence to show that any planes actually crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or that field in Pennsylvania, “although an unburnt passport was allegedly found in the ruins of two massive buildings.

good one!

Even simple men like firefighters,backhoe operators and welders know it was a giant farce. The sheep watched on TV and "know" it was all true.

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