What do you understand about FDR? Did FDR want a war with Japan? For answers, check here

The AVG were mercenaries, at least legally. FDR was giving China what assistance he could. The AVG didn’t enter combat until after Pearl.

"Mercenaries", just like the "People's Volunteer Army" in the Korean War were.

And for the first 5 months were concentrating on assembling their aircraft and preparing their facilities. The aircraft were not flown there, they were sent in crates and had to be assembled on site.

Everybody knows that was entirely a fiction, even then. They were all Navy, Army, and Marine Corps pilots. And after the war started, they were quickly inducted into the Army Air Corps. Other than a few like Greg Boyington, who heard that and quickly left to return to the US because he did not want to serve in the Army again.
"Mercenaries", just like the "People's Volunteer Army" in the Korean War were.

And for the first 5 months were concentrating on assembling their aircraft and preparing their facilities. The aircraft were not flown there, they were sent in crates and had to be assembled on site.

Everybody knows that was entirely a fiction, even then. They were all Navy, Army, and Marine Corps pilots. And after the war started, they were quickly inducted into the Army Air Corps. Other than a few like Greg Boyington, who heard that and quickly left to return to the US because he did not want to serve in the Army again.
Yep they were. But they had been discharged and everyone in the AVG from wrench monkeys to Claire Chennault were paid by the Chinese government, NOT the USA. They were more like the Eagle Squadrons than the People’s Volunteer Army.
But they had been discharged and everyone in the AVG from wrench monkeys to Claire Chennault were paid by the Chinese government, NOT the USA.

Shell game. You are aware that the US also gave China that year over $145 million in cash and supplies, right? Up from $45 million the year before.

As I said, the same fiction China used a decade later in the Korean War. Everybody knew we were fighting the Chinese Army, just as Japan knew it was fighting US forces in the AVG. But for diplomatic reasons accepted the fiction so long as it was not the "US Military" in name.

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