Treason At Pearl Harbor.

Few Americans today know that in the days following the Pearl Harbor attack, FDR, through his cabinet members and through his allies in the War Department, Congress, and the press, spread numerous false reports that German planes and pilots had participated in the bombing and that German military personnel were aiding Japanese assaults in other parts of the Pacific. However, these tales were soon abandoned when it became clear that no German military personnel had played any role in Pearl Harbor and that no Germans were advising Japanese units in the Pacific.

FDR may have spread these tales because he could not believe that the Japanese could have done so damage to Pearl Harbor by themselves. Or, FDR may have spread these lies to further inflame public opinion into supporting entrance into the war. Or, both motives may have been behind the brief propaganda campaign.

This is a fascinating chapter of World War II history that few Americans have even heard of. Although some scholars, including Gordon Prange, have discussed this issue, Dr. Richard Hill has offered the only in-depth look at this propaganda campaign and its impact on American public opinion. See his book Hitler Attacks Pearl Harbor: Why the United States Declared War on Germany (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2003).
Germany declared war on the US

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