Vengeance - Retribution - Fight Fire with Fire:?

Several people at USMB who I respect and admire even if we have some minor crossing of the swords now and then are of a mindset that its time for Republicans to starting giving as good as they get from the Democrats.

Others, and I have been one of them, have supported taking the high road and not stooping to the dishonesty and destructive if not evil ways of the left.

But after some soul searching and reading a lot of theory and commentary, I now find myself on not all that steady a fence.

The Democrats used--possibly staged--a riot on January 6 to persecute, prosecute, and ruin the lives of multiple people who would never have been charged with anything if they had been Democrats or operatives working with them.

The Democrats impeached President Trump twice without allowing him due process and without giving ANY evidence that he was guilty of any crime.

The Democrats raided Mar-a-lago and homes of other Republicans in the cover of darkness but always with media present when no such treatment has been done to any Democrat, many of whom were guilty of crimes far more serious than anything Trump has been accused

And so far we have just taken it.

But now with the egregious militarization of the courts to try to convict, bankrupt, jail, humiliate, ruin Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and the most minor of crimes for whom no Democrat is ever charged, have Patriots/fair minded Americans had enough? Would we be reducing ourselves to their level of hatefulness, ugliness, lawlessness if we did to them what they have done and/or doing to us?

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

But what if nobody had fought against Germany and the Third Reich?
What if nobody had retaliated against Japan and their attack on Pearl Harbor and aggression against their neighbors?
What if law enforcement hadn't made the effort to take out the Mafia and other organized crime?
What if Israel had just sat back and allowed Hamas to destroy them as Hamas is pledged to do?

There is such a thing as a justified war even though innocents with of necessity be harmed, injured, killed.
There is such a thing as rising up and fighting against evil where it exists.

John David Danielson thinks now is the time for those on the right--Republicans, Patriots, Independents, libertarians--who hate the evil the Democrats have been doing to rise up and give them some of their own medicine. There is no other way to stop them.

After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Him


". . .Put bluntly, Republicans have to make Democrats play by their own rules. They have to inflict pain ruthlessly on Democrats with endless show trials and lawfare, just as Democrats have done to Trump. The leftist radicals who run the Democrat Party only understand power, and they will only stop when they are force-fed their own medicine over and over. . ."

Dude, you are so fucking full of shit, I don't know where to begin. How about fuck you and you Republican pieces of shit! You are actively trying to turn this country into Germany in the 30's.

You worship someone who wants to be a dictator and thinks he is above the law. Well fuck that, fuck you and fuck Trump! He gets what he deserves.

Trump is going to jail and there is not a fucking thing you dumbass Republicans can do about it.

Fuck you!
Dude, you are so fucking full of shit, I don't know where to begin. How about fuck you and you Republican pieces of shit! You are actively trying to turn this country into Germany in the 30's.

You worship someone who wants to be a dictator and thinks he is above the law. Well fuck that, fuck you and fuck Trump! He gets what he deserves.

Trump is going to jail and there is not a fucking thing you dumbass Republicans can do about it.

Fuck you!
Spoken like a true Stalinist shitbag. People like you need to be lined up against a wall.
Dude, you are so fucking full of shit, I don't know where to begin. How about fuck you and you Republican pieces of shit! You are actively trying to turn this country into Germany in the 30's.

You worship someone who wants to be a dictator and thinks he is above the law. Well fuck that, fuck you and fuck Trump! He gets what he deserves.

Trump is going to jail and there is not a fucking thing you dumbass Republicans can do about it.

Fuck you!

Full blown hysterics. Leftists are weak.
Thanks to liberals, it’s not absolute poison now (except where the GOP is entrenched).
Yes, I agree

The greenies led the movement toward clean air and water

I give them credit for that

But now they are like war horses after the war is over and cannot live normal lives

They want the war to continue when there is no need for it

Now they are doing harm instead of good
Yes, I agree

The greenies led the movement toward clean air and water

I give them credit for that

But now they are like war horses after the war is over and cannot live normal lives

They want the war to continue when there is no need for it

Now they are doing harm instead of good
Yeah...that was a moronic comment on your part.

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