Vengeance - Retribution - Fight Fire with Fire:?

Maybe this is why Ken Burns did a compare contrast with Lincoln and Trump in his commencement speech at Brandeis University? Lincoln would have been a lame duck just as Trump will be.

I thought Burns made a rhetorical mistake, but maybe he meant it as a warning.
I didn't read it that way. I didn't see him comparing Lincoln to Trump. I saw him telling the student that to vote for Trump is to enslave themselves It was a deliberate, clear trashing of Trump. And to politicize a commencement address in that way, in my opinion, is indicative of the true evil that we are dealing with.
I didn't read it that way. I didn't see him comparing Lincoln to Trump. I saw him telling the student that to vote for Trump is to enslave themselves It was a deliberate, clear trashing of Trump. And to politicize a commencement address in that way, in my opinion, is indicative of the true evil that we are dealing with.
Well if Trump can't govern with "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations"

Trump has a shot at greatness, but I'll be shocked is it doesn't turn out that Burns was prescient.
Well if Trump can't govern with "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations"

Trump has a shot at greatness, but I'll be shocked is it doesn't turn out that Burns was prescient.

Trump had a shot at greatness. He sabotaged his presidency and reelection.
Well if Trump can't govern with "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations"

Trump has a shot at greatness, but I'll be shocked is it doesn't turn out that Burns was prescient.
I do not wish to discredit Lincoln who was so impressive for his time, but he, like many, had some of the most noble words but could have feet of clay when it came to being decisive. He was pretty wishy washy in his post war concepts/ideas and indeed appeared to wish to ignore the problems the war had heaped upon the south. He talked a good game on reconstruction but offered no policy to deal with it. And history tells that he was becoming more sympathetic to the idea of militarizing/weaponizing the government in the southern states to force them to bend to the will of the radicals who still saw the south as their enemy or at least dangerous. Because he was assassinated early in his second term, we will never know what he ultimately would have done.

Trump can be brutally blunt, accusatory and insulting in his rhetoric, but he has never been vindictive toward his political opponents and there is no reason to think he will be in a second term either.

Several people at USMB who I respect and admire even if we have some minor crossing of the swords now and then are of a mindset that its time for Republicans to starting giving as good as they get from the Democrats.

Others, and I have been one of them, have supported taking the high road and not stooping to the dishonesty and destructive if not evil ways of the left.

But after some soul searching and reading a lot of theory and commentary, I now find myself on not all that steady a fence.

The Democrats used--possibly staged--a riot on January 6 to persecute, prosecute, and ruin the lives of multiple people who would never have been charged with anything if they had been Democrats or operatives working with them.

The Democrats impeached President Trump twice without allowing him due process and without giving ANY evidence that he was guilty of any crime.

The Democrats raided Mar-a-lago and homes of other Republicans in the cover of darkness but always with media present when no such treatment has been done to any Democrat, many of whom were guilty of crimes far more serious than anything Trump has been accused

And so far we have just taken it.

But now with the egregious militarization of the courts to try to convict, bankrupt, jail, humiliate, ruin Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and the most minor of crimes for whom no Democrat is ever charged, have Patriots/fair minded Americans had enough? Would we be reducing ourselves to their level of hatefulness, ugliness, lawlessness if we did to them what they have done and/or doing to us?

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

But what if nobody had fought against Germany and the Third Reich?
What if nobody had retaliated against Japan and their attack on Pearl Harbor and aggression against their neighbors?
What if law enforcement hadn't made the effort to take out the Mafia and other organized crime?
What if Israel had just sat back and allowed Hamas to destroy them as Hamas is pledged to do?

There is such a thing as a justified war even though innocents with of necessity be harmed, injured, killed.
There is such a thing as rising up and fighting against evil where it exists.

John David Danielson thinks now is the time for those on the right--Republicans, Patriots, Independents, libertarians--who hate the evil the Democrats have been doing to rise up and give them some of their own medicine. There is no other way to stop them.

After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Him


". . .Put bluntly, Republicans have to make Democrats play by their own rules. They have to inflict pain ruthlessly on Democrats with endless show trials and lawfare, just as Democrats have done to Trump. The leftist radicals who run the Democrat Party only understand power, and they will only stop when they are force-fed their own medicine over and over. . ."


Y'all think Repulicans have taken the high road?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all calling for the termination of the consittution?

What is the 'high road' when y'all threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia with jail when he refused to 'find' more than 11,000 votes for Trump?

Was it the 'high road' when you made up an elaborate fantasy about a stolen election that resulted in poll workers and election officials across the nation to receive death threats?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all attacked the capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power?

As it the 'high road' when you'll sat and watched TV for 3 hours, allowing your ilk to roam the capitol and beat cops?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all doxxed witnesses in criminal trials, beat the spouses of democratic house members with hammers, attacked FBI buildings, refused to accept election results, slandered poll workers, or tried to overthrow a lawful election?

I don't think 'high road' means that means what you think it means.
Y'all think Repulicans have taken the high road?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all calling for the termination of the consittution?

What is the 'high road' when y'all threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia with jail when he refused to 'find' more than 11,000 votes for Trump?

Was it the 'high road' when you made up an elaborate fantasy about a stolen election that resulted in poll workers and election officials across the nation to receive death threats?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all attacked the capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power?

As it the 'high road' when you'll sat and watched TV for 3 hours, allowing your ilk to roam the capitol and beat cops?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all doxxed witnesses in criminal trials, beat the spouses of democratic house members with hammers, attacked FBI buildings, refused to accept election results, slandered poll workers, or tried to overthrow a lawful election?

I don't think 'high road' means that means what you think it means.
Maybe they mean the rioters held their flags really really high before crashing them down on, and beating the shit out of the police defending the Lawmakers in the Capitol that day?

Y'all think Repulicans have taken the high road?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all calling for the termination of the consittution?

What is the 'high road' when y'all threatened the Secretary of State of Georgia with jail when he refused to 'find' more than 11,000 votes for Trump?

Was it the 'high road' when you made up an elaborate fantasy about a stolen election that resulted in poll workers and election officials across the nation to receive death threats?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all attacked the capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power?

As it the 'high road' when you'll sat and watched TV for 3 hours, allowing your ilk to roam the capitol and beat cops?

Was it the 'high road' when y'all doxxed witnesses in criminal trials, beat the spouses of democratic house members with hammers, attacked FBI buildings, refused to accept election results, slandered poll workers, or tried to overthrow a lawful election?

I don't think 'high road' means that means what you think it means.
You not only misstate what actually happened and was said, but you confuse rhetoric by angry people blowing off steam with policy, action, intention.
You not only misstate what actually happened and was said, but you confuse rhetoric by angry people blowing off steam with policy, action, intention.

I'm pretty sure those cops were beaten with far more than rhetoric. As was Paul Pelosi. With relentless threats against election officials, poll workers, and a concerted effort to erode confidence in democracy as a principle.

All backed with nothing but feelings and emotion. Or as Mike Johnson calls it 'intuitively knowing'.

Was all that the 'high road' taken by republicans?

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