Vengeance - Retribution - Fight Fire with Fire:?

Another waste of bandwidth.

Bring it on or don't. You're going to lose either way. Why? Your ideals are shit and so are your leaders.
Back at ya. Call it even. Your ideas and leaders are as well. Spoken like a true looney left one party statist.
OMG, the stupid is so deep in this post It's almost painful!!

Democrats "staged" your insurrection?

tRump's impeachments were done by the book, the only issue was that the republican failed to hold him responsible for his crimes.

"militarization of the courts"? Are you nuts? He got so much special treatment it's shocking. Anyone else, And I do mean ANYONE, would have been jailed for 30 days the first time he violated the gag order.

And you or I would be in federal prison for holding and sharing secret nuclear information, not out running around bad mouthing the prosecution.

Your whole post is one long delusional screed of brainwashed babbling nonsense.

What is it going to take to bring you morons back to reality?
How about your political demise for starters?
Okay the first may be in the process of being fired. A few days ago I would have said this is a bad idea. But after hearing those jury instructions, I no longer do.

Vance calling for a House subpoena of Juan Merchan and his daughter.

The Judge and his daughter will be advised to ignore any House subpoena on a state court matter.
Fascist movements only grow in strength the longer it takes to confront them.
Or recognize them Dog

America does not, because most of us have lived the high life here, and do not recognize those control freaks trying to manipulate us as we take the dive into the economic abys

At the point where one has do deal with hungry kids, said constituency will listen to anyone wearing jackboots

In the 'fight their fire with their fire' category, in this recent thread of mine:

Biden has cancelled the court dates for some 350,000 migrants meaning they no longer have to check in with anybody or keep anybody informed of their whereabouts. They aren't asked to leave but have received defacto amnesty for now.

But as it was pointed out, if they don't have a court date, they don't have a justification for being here.

So why can't Trump just rescind the court dates for ALL the migrants, tell them they are no longer legally eligible to be here, and they have 10 days to voluntarily go home? If they don't, they can be arrested and removed?

Maybe Biden in his zeal to overrun the American population with easier to control migrants did Trump a favor?
In the 'fight their fire with their fire' category, in this recent thread of mine:

Biden has cancelled the court dates for some 350,000 migrants meaning they no longer have to check in with anybody or keep anybody informed of their whereabouts. They aren't asked to leave but have received defacto amnesty for now.

But as it was pointed out, if they don't have a court date, they don't have a justification for being here.

So why can't Trump just rescind the court dates for ALL the migrants, tell them they are no longer legally eligible to be here, and they have 10 days to voluntarily go home? If they don't, they can be arrested and removed?

Maybe Biden in his zeal to overrun the American population with easier to control migrants did Trump a favor?
That's been my issue with the GOP ever since HW Bush. Reagan was smart and knew how to keep the Democrats at bay, in principle. Except when good old Tip screwed him over again and again. It's been my position that the GOP needs to get down and dirty with the enemy and fight them tooth and nail. To hell with "reaching across the aisle" and compromise. To hell with "taking the high ground" if the Democrats continue to insist on sewer tactics. This was especially evident during George W. Bush's administration as the Left was unrelenting in their baseless attacks against him, Bush did nothing to fight back.
Several people at USMB who I respect and admire even if we have some minor crossing of the swords now and then are of a mindset that its time for Republicans to starting giving as good as they get from the Democrats.

Others, and I have been one of them, have supported taking the high road and not stooping to the dishonesty and destructive if not evil ways of the left.

But after some soul searching and reading a lot of theory and commentary, I now find myself on not all that steady a fence.

The Democrats used--possibly staged--a riot on January 6 to persecute, prosecute, and ruin the lives of multiple people who would never have been charged with anything if they had been Democrats or operatives working with them.

The Democrats impeached President Trump twice without allowing him due process and without giving ANY evidence that he was guilty of any crime.

The Democrats raided Mar-a-lago and homes of other Republicans in the cover of darkness but always with media present when no such treatment has been done to any Democrat, many of whom were guilty of crimes far more serious than anything Trump has been accused

And so far we have just taken it.

But now with the egregious militarization of the courts to try to convict, bankrupt, jail, humiliate, ruin Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and the most minor of crimes for whom no Democrat is ever charged, have Patriots/fair minded Americans had enough? Would we be reducing ourselves to their level of hatefulness, ugliness, lawlessness if we did to them what they have done and/or doing to us?

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

But what if nobody had fought against Germany and the Third Reich?
What if nobody had retaliated against Japan and their attack on Pearl Harbor and aggression against their neighbors?
What if law enforcement hadn't made the effort to take out the Mafia and other organized crime?
What if Israel had just sat back and allowed Hamas to destroy them as Hamas is pledged to do?

There is such a thing as a justified war even though innocents with of necessity be harmed, injured, killed.
There is such a thing as rising up and fighting against evil where it exists.

John David Danielson thinks now is the time for those on the right--Republicans, Patriots, Independents, libertarians--who hate the evil the Democrats have been doing to rise up and give them some of their own medicine. There is no other way to stop them.

After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Him


". . .Put bluntly, Republicans have to make Democrats play by their own rules. They have to inflict pain ruthlessly on Democrats with endless show trials and lawfare, just as Democrats have done to Trump. The leftist radicals who run the Democrat Party only understand power, and they will only stop when they are force-fed their own medicine over and over. . ."

What makes you think Republicans weren’t already doing what you’re complaining about? With MAGA every accusation is an admission. Why didn’t Hillary get locked up? Because there were no grounds that would stand up in court, like Trump’s crimes provided. To say it’s all a witch hunt, is to slander 12 loyal Americans.
Several people at USMB who I respect and admire even if we have some minor crossing of the swords now and then are of a mindset that its time for Republicans to starting giving as good as they get from the Democrats.

Others, and I have been one of them, have supported taking the high road and not stooping to the dishonesty and destructive if not evil ways of the left.

But after some soul searching and reading a lot of theory and commentary, I now find myself on not all that steady a fence.

The Democrats used--possibly staged--a riot on January 6 to persecute, prosecute, and ruin the lives of multiple people who would never have been charged with anything if they had been Democrats or operatives working with them.

The Democrats impeached President Trump twice without allowing him due process and without giving ANY evidence that he was guilty of any crime.

The Democrats raided Mar-a-lago and homes of other Republicans in the cover of darkness but always with media present when no such treatment has been done to any Democrat, many of whom were guilty of crimes far more serious than anything Trump has been accused

And so far we have just taken it.

But now with the egregious militarization of the courts to try to convict, bankrupt, jail, humiliate, ruin Trump on the flimsiest of evidence and the most minor of crimes for whom no Democrat is ever charged, have Patriots/fair minded Americans had enough? Would we be reducing ourselves to their level of hatefulness, ugliness, lawlessness if we did to them what they have done and/or doing to us?

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

But what if nobody had fought against Germany and the Third Reich?
What if nobody had retaliated against Japan and their attack on Pearl Harbor and aggression against their neighbors?
What if law enforcement hadn't made the effort to take out the Mafia and other organized crime?
What if Israel had just sat back and allowed Hamas to destroy them as Hamas is pledged to do?

There is such a thing as a justified war even though innocents with of necessity be harmed, injured, killed.
There is such a thing as rising up and fighting against evil where it exists.

John David Danielson thinks now is the time for those on the right--Republicans, Patriots, Independents, libertarians--who hate the evil the Democrats have been doing to rise up and give them some of their own medicine. There is no other way to stop them.

After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Him


". . .Put bluntly, Republicans have to make Democrats play by their own rules. They have to inflict pain ruthlessly on Democrats with endless show trials and lawfare, just as Democrats have done to Trump. The leftist radicals who run the Democrat Party only understand power, and they will only stop when they are force-fed their own medicine over and over. . ."

Lock him up.

Don't whine about dems starting this. The Orange Slime did. And maga loved him
Another waste of bandwidth.

Bring it on or don't. You're going to lose either way. Why? Your ideals are shit and so are your leaders.
I cant think of any democrat policy that I support

Of course quality republicans in washington are hard to find

But quality democrats simply do not exist

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