Ford keeping V8's to 2040!!

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Maybe you can summarize the science that says how many millions of square miles of solar PV systems it would take to usher the earth back into another ice age. It sounds stupid, but maybe you have something.
Ballpark estimate? A reduction of about 3 Wm^2. Which is a reduction from 163.3 Wm^2 of solar radiation absorbed to 160 Wm^2. Or about 1.8% of the land earth's surface.

2degC average temperature. That's quite a bit of heat. And I'm uncertain why you think Solar PV systems are perfect absorbers of radiation and don't generate any heat themselves.
Yes, it is. It's not much different than what you are claiming the earth will warm by though. So right back at you.

Nothing is 100% efficient (SLoT). But the cooling effect of solar farms has been measured by satellites. Didn't you read the paper?
LOL. Yeah. Just share the most convincing science you have that this would happen. Don't just site the article you did earlier about one solar farm. We are talking at a hemispheric or global level.

It's just not going to happen that way.
Ummm... it was six solar farms (you really didn't read the paper) and there's a second study which conducted modeling which corroborates the in situ measurements of reduced upwards longwave radiation - which was primarily observed during daylight and not night time - which proves the converstion of solar radiation - which would have otherwise warmed the surface of the planet - is responsible for the cooler daytime temperatures that were measured.


Ballpark estimate? A reduction of about 3 Wm^2. Which is a reduction from 163.3 Wm^2 of solar radiation absorbed to 160 Wm^2. Or about 1.8% of the land earth's surface.

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I'm going to ASSUME your estimate is approximately reasonable and note that 1.8% of the total land surface area of the earth is 3,544,000 sq. miles.

Now, of course the HUGE thing you FAIL to take into account is the fact that solar PV arrays function not unlike land as well. They also absorb short wavelength radiation and downconvert it and re-radiate it back out as IR. It is obviously less so than say a black roof of a building but probably not much.

The numbers don't even begin to make sense and the reality on the ground overlooks basics of physics.
Umm, I assign my patents to my employer which is pretty standard in the US. That's the way it's been at every company I have worked at.

As such my employer gets all the direct benefits from the IP. If your company actually does get patents on anything they probably do the exact same thing.
So you got a bonus and they got the royalties?

I got annual bonuses of 20 to 30%. Annual as in every year.
Yes, it is. It's not much different than what you are claiming the earth will warm by though. So right back at you.

Nothing is 100% efficient (SLoT). But the cooling effect of solar farms has been measured by satellites. Didn't you read the paper?

Well, yeah, but I'm having difficulty with your idea that mankind will create 3million square miles of PV farms in such a configuration that it systematically lowers the global average temperature by 2degC.

That just sounds goofy.
I'm going to ASSUME your estimate is approximately reasonable and note that 1.8% of the total land surface area of the earth is 3,544,000 sq. miles.

Now, of course the HUGE thing you FAIL to take into account is the fact that solar PV arrays function not unlike land as well. They also absorb short wavelength radiation and downconvert it and re-radiate it back out as IR. It is obviously less so than say a black roof of a building but probably not much.

The numbers don't even begin to make sense and the reality on the ground overlooks basics of physics.
ANY and ALL solar radiation that is converted into electricity effectively reduces the incoming solar radiation in earth's energy budget. That's all that matters.
So you got a bonus and they got the royalties?

That's what most American companies do with regards to IP. Not much use for ME to hold the IP if it was done using the company's resources for their benefit.

I got annual bonuses of 20 to 30%. Annual as in every year.

Yeah, ummm....please forgive me if I assume that was relatively rare. Probably just another lie of yours. But if it isn't then "congrats".
Well, yeah, but I'm having difficulty with your idea that mankind will create 3million square miles of PV farms in such a configuration that it systematically lowers the global average temperature by 2degC.

That just sounds goofy.
I'm not. Besides we are literally in the middle of an ice age, a fact everyone seems to conveniently forget. ANY reduction in solar radiation is a bad idea in the middle of an ice age.
ANY and ALL solar radiation that is converted into electricity effectively reduces the incoming solar radiation in earth's energy budget. That's all that matters.

And you think humans will make 3million square miles of solar PV in such a configuration that it overall lowers the global average temperature?

You DO realize that landmass is NOT evenly distributed across the globe, right?
That's what most American companies do with regards to IP. Not much use for ME to hold the IP if it was done using the company's resources for their benefit.

Yeah, ummm....please forgive me if I assume that was relatively rare. Probably just another lie of yours. But if it isn't then "congrats".
No. It's totally negotiable like anything else.

Annual bonuses have been a common practice in oil and gas for more than 20 years. I dare say they are the only industry that practices that. Oil and Gas has always been a top paying industry.
And you think humans will make 3million square miles of solar PV in such a configuration that it overall lowers the global average temperature?

You DO realize that landmass is NOT evenly distributed across the globe, right?
Yes, I understand that. It doesn't change the math.
So you got a bonus and they got the royalties?

I'm fascinated by your use of the word "royalties", you do realize that patents are NOT always licensed out right? In the industry I work in the "royalty" model only makes up a fraction of the revenue.

Valuation of IP is a bit more complex than simply assuming all IP is licensed and hence creates a royalty revenue stream.
No one is forgetting it. In fact many believe that human forcings have put off the next glacial advance for a good long time.

That's a bit hyperbolic.
And they are wrong. As I tried to explain to you before the last eccentricity cycle was nearly circular which is THE reason for the prolonged interglacial cycle. I even offered a PBS video where it was explained but you refused to watch it. The eccentricity cycle is ~100,000 years but every 4th cycle is nearly circular. That's the cycle that was just completed.
I'm fascinated by your use of the word "royalties", you do realize that patents are NOT always licensed out right? In the industry I work in the "royalty" model only makes up a fraction of the revenue.

Valuation of IP is a bit more complex than simply assuming all IP is licensed and hence creates a royalty revenue stream.
Every patent I have had to comply with required a royalty payment for the use of that technology. SLB shunted sand screens being a prime example.
No. It's totally negotiable like anything else.

Not really. Besides, why would you want to? It's not like YOU are going to have the cash to fund a patent filing and prosecution and if you are working full time you don't have the time to go out and license the IP or utilize it to your economic benefit.

Besides, the "negotiation" for that is you say you don't want to assign your IP to the company. The company says "OK, you don't have a job with us." It's pretty much that simple.

Annual bonuses have been a common practice in oil and gas for more than 20 years.

20% though? Year after year? Yeah, that's the bit that sounds super-sketchy. Especially given that about every 5-10 years most of your teammates get laid off with swings in the industry.

I dare say they are the only industry that practices that.

Do they just underpay you and try to make up in bonuses? Those numbers are wacky.

Oil and Gas has always been a top paying industry.

Probably because they are heavily subsidized by folks like me and the other tax payers.

You're welcome.

Ford keeping V8's to 2040!!​

BRILLIANT! Ford always has a better idea.

While their competition spend zillions on vehicles few want to drive, this will leave the ICE crowd hungering for real engines all coming to Ford.

Personally, I like to keep my V-8s tuned to not only hog up more gasoline, but to spew chunks of black crud out all over the EV behind me! :21:

In the industry I work in the "royalty" model only makes up a fraction of the revenue.
Thus proving my earlier point that it's not a core business for most businesses. Hence our desire to get the technology to market so we could use it rather than trying to make money off of it. A point you argued against.
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