

Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
If we are incapable of forgiveness towards one another, we have no right to judge others or be good stewards of the creation around us. Look at how our unwillingness to forgive each other is tearing our country apart. Think about that before you levy judgement against someone else for what you deem to be an unforgivable act.

That is all.
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If we are incapable of forgiveness towards one another, we have no right to judge others or be good stewards of the creation around us. Look at how our unwillingness to forgive each other is tearing our country apart. Think about that before you levy judgement against someone else for want you deem to be an unforgivable act.

That is all.

It reminds me of a episode of Stairway to Heaven when the Angel got punch on one side of the cheek and then another side and he punched the guy back and said " I turn the other cheek "...

You can only forgive so much but when individuals keep on committing the same sin you have to draw a line and banish them from your life...
The Bible doesn't say to forget ... now, I can forgive someone for wearing a shirt with both cotton and flax woven together ... but I'm still going to scream at them for their ungodly sinful and worldly ways ... ras clot ...
If we don't forget, are we truly forgiving?

Forgiving and forgetting for me works hand in hand. One cannot be accomplished without doing the other.
So if I come by everyday at 10am so my sheepdog can dump on your lawn ... you will forget and NOT be out there tomorrow? ... somehow I doubt that ...

We shouldn't forget if we want to help our brother to not sin ... I remember my neighbor likes to pour his used motor oil down the storm drain ... I see him draining the oil pan, I'm going to remember his sin and remind him to take the used oil to the recycling station ... forgiving without forgetting ...
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If we are incapable of forgiveness towards one another, we have no right to judge others or be good stewards of the creation around us. Look at how our unwillingness to forgive each other is tearing our country apart. Think about that before you levy judgement against someone else for want you deem to be an unforgivable act.

That is all.

It reminds me of a episode of Stairway to Heaven when the Angel got punch on one side of the cheek and then another side and he punched the guy back and said " I turn the other cheek "...

You can only forgive so much but when individuals keep on committing the same sin you have to draw a line and banish them from your life...

Here's the thing. The person has only committed this sin once. Now, judge this against the backdrop of others having done the same thing as he.

Everyone sees this as an unforgivable action.
So if I come by everyday at 10am so my sheepdog can dump on your lawn ... you will forget and NOT be out there tomorrow? ... somehow I doubt that ...

I clean it up and move on with my day. Even if you won't.

Getting upset over dog shit?

Far more important things to get upset about in this life.
So if I come by everyday at 10am so my sheepdog can dump on your lawn ... you will forget and NOT be out there tomorrow? ... somehow I doubt that ...

We shouldn't forget if we want to help our brother to not sin ... I remember my neighbor likes to pour his used motor oil down the storm drain ... I see him draining the oil pan, I'm going to remember his sin and remind him to take the used oil to the recycling station ...
I'd forgive the dog wholeheartedly.....then burn his owners house down
If we are incapable of forgiveness towards one another, we have no right to judge others or be good stewards of the creation around us. Look at how our unwillingness to forgive each other is tearing our country apart. Think about that before you levy judgement against someone else for want you deem to be an unforgivable act.

That is all.

It reminds me of a episode of Stairway to Heaven when the Angel got punch on one side of the cheek and then another side and he punched the guy back and said " I turn the other cheek "...

You can only forgive so much but when individuals keep on committing the same sin you have to draw a line and banish them from your life...

Here's the thing. The person has only committed this sin once. Now, judge this against the backdrop of others having done the same thing as he.

Everyone sees this as an unforgivable action.

If we are discussing Donald John Trump then no he has sin more than once and because another sin and society was blinded when that individual committed their sin does not mean I should also be blind...

It is true we all sin but we must learn and grow from it and never do it again but alas we never learn...
I was being politically correct by using a very minor crime ... so, let's talk about the guy down the block who dorks 8-year-old girls ... you'd forget that when you see him leading an 8-year-old girl into his house? ... shame on you ...
If we don't forget, are we truly forgiving?

Forgiving and forgetting for me works hand in hand. One cannot be accomplished without doing the other.
How can we forget if the wrong doing continues and if the wrong doing continues, is the person seeking forgiveness really sorry for the way that they are being? This is actually the very reason why I have nothing more to do with my dad. Because of how long and how in depth his history of wrong doing actually goes, I can no longer trust him and when the trust is gone, what's the point in remaining in contact with a person?

God bless you and my dad always!!!

If we don't forget, are we truly forgiving?

Forgiving and forgetting for me works hand in hand. One cannot be accomplished without doing the other.
How can we forget if the wrong doing continues and if the wrong doing continues, is the person seeking forgiveness really sorry for the way that they are being? This is actually the very reason why I have nothing more to do with my dad. Because of how long and how in depth his history of wrong doing actually goes, I can no longer trust him and when the trust is gone, what's the point in remaining in contact with a person?

God bless you and my dad always!!!

Perhaps I should clarify. The sin happens once from one person. Against the backdrop of other people committing the same so called unforgivable sin.

Are we stuck in a pattern of unwillingness to forgive?
Forgiving is fine ... I'm worried that you want to forget ... that's not correct ... sounds like you want to forget because you can't forgive ... starting with yourself ... you can't forgive anyone until you forgive yourself ...
If we don't forget, are we truly forgiving?

Forgiving and forgetting for me works hand in hand. One cannot be accomplished without doing the other.
How can we forget if the wrong doing continues and if the wrong doing continues, is the person seeking forgiveness really sorry for the way that they are being? This is actually the very reason why I have nothing more to do with my dad. Because of how long and how in depth his history of wrong doing actually goes, I can no longer trust him and when the trust is gone, what's the point in remaining in contact with a person?

God bless you and my dad always!!!

Perhaps I should clarify. The sin happens once from one person. Against the backdrop of other people committing the same so called unforgivable sin.

Are we stuck in a pattern of unwillingness to forgive?
If its a one time thing then yes, not only will I forgive, but I will forget too granted the wrong isn't something really bad to where its a wrong that you will forever be reminded of for the remainder of your life...the widow of my late beautiful precious Steve Sanders of the Oak Ridge Boys...I don't know how she does it.

God bless you and that precious lady always!!!


P.S. She and I actually had a chat about this very subject. She had this to say first: "I love how you love Steve, if he were here, he would give you a HUGE hug. He would also ask you to forgive everyone that you think did him wrong. I have -- you should too. Its time to "build a bridge""

I had this to say to her in return: I most definitely do not mean to mess up the place that you have been in more than I may have already, but what you say here about forgiveness brings me to this question: Do you forget? Forgiving is easy compared to getting things off and out of our minds completely. Yes, the Lord has his sea of forgetfulness that our bad words and activities get thrown into, but sadly, the rest of us are not perfect like him. We are lucky if we even have a puddle for the discarding of what is done to us by other people and should their choice of actions against us be severe enough, the needed supplies to build a stable enough bridge may not even exist.......because of how bad the horror you had a front row seat to was, how were you able to get to where you were before I started writing to you? Thank you so much for being willing to share even more of Steve with me, but I may not even deserve what has already been given to me. I do apologize if I have only made the matter of him even worse for you. Such a thing was never once my intention. Thank you so much for what you have already shared with me concerning him. (((hug)))

What I have underlined of her message is what really stood out for me. Her saying "I have." only confirmed what I suspected from the very beginning. The only question that I have left is this one: Who had a hand in making that gun look so tasty in Steve's opinion? Only that is a question that doesn't need to be answered because I already know who. The only thing left to do is wonder what the Lord may have in store for them especially if they have never once asked the Lord to forgive them for the role they know that they played in Steve's suicide.
They tell you to be forgiving for selfish motives. I kind of think that’s bs. I don’t think you have to forgive others for what they have done, just accept it if you want piece of mind. Letting things go and forgiveness are two different things.

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