Former GOP Rep Susan Molinari, who gave keynote speech at 1996 GOP Convention, will be speaking in support of Biden tonight at the DNC convention

The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
If big gubmint loving neocon scum like Molinari and Kasich are "conservatives" ( whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) then the word is in fact completely meaningless.

BTW, nice try at sneaking in the race card there, asswipe.
The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
If Molinari and Kasich are "conservatives" ( whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) then the word is in fact completely meaningless.

BTW, nice try at sneaking in the race card there, asswipe.
Right on cue!
The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
If Molinari and Kasich are "conservatives" ( whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) then the word is in fact completely meaningless.

BTW, nice try at sneaking in the race card there, asswipe.
Right on cue!
Go fuck yourself, Jake.
I always have to laugh when I see how the term RINO is used on this Board..

The RINOs are the Trumpist now in control of the Republican party. They're the true republicans in name only. Trumpist have staged a successful hostile takeover for leadership in the party, but I believe it will be short lived. I expect Trumpists will be purged from the party if Trump loses this November.
I always have to laugh when I see how the term RINO is used.

The RINOs are the Trumpist now in control of the Republican party. They're the true republicans in name only. I truly expect Trumpist to be purged fromt he party if Trump loses this November.
Trump's policies aren't far removed from Clinton's...And nitwits like Molinai are fretting that the party is too far right?!?

Just more evidence of how far left that Chimpy Bush and his neocon glee club dragged the Overton window.
If you haven't noticed, every republican who puts country ahead of Trump is immediately labeled a RINO by Trump's cult.
The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
If Molinari and Kasich are "conservatives" ( whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) then the word is in fact completely meaningless.

BTW, nice try at sneaking in the race card there, asswipe.
Right on cue!
yes racists such as yourself need to be called out
she's a RINO. who cares!

democrats have influenced me to vote for President Trump. Their agenda is the polar opposite of what I believe in. I wouldn't care if they brought back Reagan from the grave to endorse Biden I would not vote for the racist piece of shit.
The GOP has split in two: The normal, traditional conservatives and the White Nationalist Trumpsters, who don't give two shits about conservative values or small government.

Folks like Molinari have been left in the first group.
What the hell are you talking about? Most of Trump's agendas are what Repubs promoted. They were slow to deliver. Of course we have proved there are many Vichy Repub Progs. And when he was elected they did their side step. The list never ends. We even get new ones when old ones leave.
Can you read between the lines? Democrats really can't put a campaign together that makes Biden look electable. Biden can't even function much less generate any enthusiasm in a public forum so they waste time with RINO rants and pretend everything is fine. It's a sad state of affairs but typical of the DNC these days..
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Can you read between the lines? Democrats really can't put a campaign together that makes Biden look electable. Biden can't even function much less generate any enthusiasm in a public forum so they waste time with RINO rants and pretend everything is fine. It's a sad state of affairs but typical of the DNC these days..
But he can hurt God??

How can Biden be both an incompetent buffoon with dementia as well as the mastermind behind Chinese, Ukrainian and Russian collusion as well as the guy who is supposedly going to single handedly destroy the country

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