Former Hillary Clinton Adviser Points Out Double Standard In Mueller Investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn said there’s an obvious double standard in the way President Donald Trump is being treated in the Mueller probe, compared to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.

“I think everybody sees that a double standard occurred here. That the investigations related to the email were handled with kid gloves,” Penn said

“And the investigations related to
Trump, you know, [were] handled with, let’s say all-out prosecutorial force of government and deep state might. And everybody sees how these two things were handled differently."

File this 'revelation' under the column labeled 'DUH'.

Former Hillary Clinton Adviser Points Out Double Standard In Mueller Investigation

"Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn said there’s an obvious double standard in the way President Donald Trump is being treated in the Mueller probe, compared to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.

“I think everybody sees that a double standard occurred here. That the investigations related to the email were handled with kid gloves,” Penn said

“And the investigations related to
Trump, you know, [were] handled with, let’s say all-out prosecutorial force of government and deep state might. And everybody sees how these two things were handled differently."
File this 'revelation' under the column labeled 'DUH'.
Former Hillary Clinton Adviser Points Out Double Standard In Mueller Investigation

It goes without saying that when I hear about all of the "investigating" done of the Clintons and that "nothing was found" what a total lie this is, that such people are either terminal liars without shame or dumber than a box of shoes, that there is a WORLD of difference between the impotent senatorial farcuses the Clintons danced through before TV cameras and an ALL OUT FUCKING WAR of everything the US Government can throw at Trump to personally destroy him if they have to go back to his fricking kindergarten teacher to testify Donald cheated at blocks, if they have to go through Donald's mattress with tweezers looking for pubic hairs that don't match----

----WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop this man from getting to, finding out and revealing the DEEP DARK DIRTY SECRET the Democrats and the Left hide from America that he swore he'd uncover. Welcome to Venezuela, the collapse of the Republic, and the Left are enjoying every minute of it even though it makes them nothing but fools, puppets and ultimate victims too.
"Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn said there’s an obvious double standard in the way President Donald Trump is being treated in the Mueller probe, compared to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.

“I think everybody sees that a double standard occurred here. That the investigations related to the email were handled with kid gloves,” Penn said

“And the investigations related to
Trump, you know, [were] handled with, let’s say all-out prosecutorial force of government and deep state might. And everybody sees how these two things were handled differently."
File this 'revelation' under the column labeled 'DUH'.
Former Hillary Clinton Adviser Points Out Double Standard In Mueller Investigation

It goes without saying that when I hear about all of the "investigating" done of the Clintons and that "nothing was found" what a total lie this is, that such people are either terminal liars without shame or dumber than a box of shoes, that there is a WORLD of difference between the impotent senatorial farcuses the Clintons danced through before TV cameras and an ALL OUT FUCKING WAR of everything the US Government can throw at Trump to personally destroy him if they have to go back to his fricking kindergarten teacher to testify Donald cheated at blocks, if they have to go through Donald's mattress with tweezers looking for pubic hairs that don't match----

----WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop this man from getting to, finding out and revealing the DEEP DARK DIRTY SECRET the Democrats and the Left hide from America that he swore he'd uncover. Welcome to Venezuela, the collapse of the Republic, and the Left are enjoying every minute of it even though it makes them nothing but fools, puppets and ultimate victims too.
ask them in Venezuela.
"Former Clinton adviser Mark Penn said there’s an obvious double standard in the way President Donald Trump is being treated in the Mueller probe, compared to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.

“I think everybody sees that a double standard occurred here. That the investigations related to the email were handled with kid gloves,” Penn said

“And the investigations related to
Trump, you know, [were] handled with, let’s say all-out prosecutorial force of government and deep state might. And everybody sees how these two things were handled differently."
File this 'revelation' under the column labeled 'DUH'.
Former Hillary Clinton Adviser Points Out Double Standard In Mueller Investigation

It goes without saying that when I hear about all of the "investigating" done of the Clintons and that "nothing was found" what a total lie this is, that such people are either terminal liars without shame or dumber than a box of shoes, that there is a WORLD of difference between the impotent senatorial farcuses the Clintons danced through before TV cameras and an ALL OUT FUCKING WAR of everything the US Government can throw at Trump to personally destroy him if they have to go back to his fricking kindergarten teacher to testify Donald cheated at blocks, if they have to go through Donald's mattress with tweezers looking for pubic hairs that don't match----

----WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop this man from getting to, finding out and revealing the DEEP DARK DIRTY SECRET the Democrats and the Left hide from America that he swore he'd uncover. Welcome to Venezuela, the collapse of the Republic, and the Left are enjoying every minute of it even though it makes them nothing but fools, puppets and ultimate victims too.

The awesome thing is that Donald Trump HAS exposed the criminals and traitors within the Democratic party and our government. America KNOWS who they are now, as it could not be more obvious now.

Snowflakes like to claim that if the last criminal President and his criminal DOJ protected his proven criminal minions from indictment and prosecution then it means they really weren't criminal and no crimes were committed.

That's pretty much like you taking a tour of a house you are interested in buying, the owner giving the tour turning on the kitchen light, you see a hoard of roaches run for cover - escaping under the fridge and through the cracks and crevices in the baseboard, and the owner of the house looking at you and telling you there is no roach problem and there are no roaches in this house....based on the fact that you have not caught one and punished (killed) one yet.

The funny thing is that the Democrats did it to themselves. Because of their own investigation Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein....their crimes were all discovered / revealed through the carrying out of THEIR Witch Hunt.

Obama, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok....Strzok's text messages show they were so confident Hillary was going to win and none of this would see the light of day, none of this would come out....and then Hillary lost.

The American people are not as stupid as the Democrats believe them to be...and Jonathon Gruber was caught revealing just how stupid Democrats think they are.

Hillary thought / thinks the American people are stupid, too. In her arrogance she thought she would be welcomed into the WH by peasants throwing rose petals at her feet - she thought she had the 2016 election sewn up so completely that she did not even visit / campaign in several states, believing she had them won, that turned out to be the difference in her losing.


She & the DNC rigged primaries and after it was exposed, she / they still believed she would win.

She & the DNC cheated in debates and after it was exposed, she / they still believed she would win.

She & the DNC engaged in election fraud during the primaries and after it was exposed, she / they still believed she would win.

She violated election law and broke campaign finance law, and after it was exposed she still believed she would win.

She ran an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server that contained information on it that Obama said it could not be released in any capacity r it would cause GRAVE DAMAGE to our national security...and allowed Russia and 5 foreign entities to access her server and steal it....and after this was revealed she believed she would still be protected by Obama's administration and would still win the election.

The FBI declared to the world that they recovered over 15,000 OFFICIAL documents from her server that she tried to illegally destroy in an attempt to hide those documents from investigators and each one of those official documents was one criminal count each for violations of both the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act...and that each subpoenaed document she attempted to destroy was also a criminal count of Obstruction....and after this was revealed she still believed she would win the election....

....because 1) She knew the Democrats and their surrogate partisan media would protect her from criminal indictment and prosecution, and 2) despite her crimes and despite her inability to fairly win the DNC nomination, she truly believed Democrats were still STUPID enough and easily manipulated enough to vote her into the WH.

Well, she was right about the 1st one - Obama and his criminal administration definitely protected her. The 2nd, not so much. The country REJECTED Hillary Clinton....AGAIN!

The triggered, bat-shit, hate-driven, insanity-dueled, triggered meltdown that happened next...and that has continued since...



...has continued to expose the Democrats for who they are every step of the way.



If The Deep State can take down Donald Trump, the Next Democrat President will be declared "Emperor for Life" by The Congress.

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