Former President Jimmy Carter Dead

Jimmy Carter: Election denier

From 2019, former President Jimmy Carter: "If fully investigated, it would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was put in office because the Russians interfered on his behalf."

Democrats today are warhawks, Carter was a true liberal and there are very few left in politics.

Well, he was a Watergate Baby and and technocrat fan, but so were the leaders of both Parties, so we ended up with one of those no matter who won.

His work with Habitat For Humanity was great stuff; me and a couple of my neighbors pitched in on a few of their local house building projects over the years.
He may not have had the best presidency, but he was overall a kind and decent Christian man. He dedicated a lot of his personal time to Habitat for Humanity and other charitable causes.
I can’t get around the fact that Carter pushed abortion on demand as president, despite claiming to be a Christian. He had many chances to publicly repudiate that and other immoral positions of the Democrat Party, but never did. Unless he recanted on his deathbed, I don’t think he can ever be considered a great man or even a good one.
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Ragon was the biggest bullshit artist who ever sat in the W.H. If Hinckley haden't filled him with lead he would have been impeached over Iran Contra, loser.
That is the most ridiculous thing ever posted.

One had nothing to do with the other.

The assasination attempt was years before Iran Contra was discovered and investigated. It had no influence on the outcome of the investigation.

he was simply not impeached because they found nothing to impeach him for
Conservatives should remember that Jimmy Carter pushed through massive deregulation, especially in the transportation and communications sectors, which played a big role in the economic boom of the 1980s under Reagan. Carter also resisted Congressional Democrats' efforts to lard up bills with excessive pork, for which he earned the enmity of the likes of Tip O'Neill. Carter also restrained federal spending to a modest growth rate.

In Carter's 4 years in office, he added $299 billion to the national debt, whereas Reagan added over $800 billion to the national debt in his first 4 years in office; George H. W. Bush added $1.5 trillion to the national debt in his 4 years in office; and George W. Bush added over $2 trillion to the national debt in his first 4 years in office.

Yes, Carter made some terrible, atrocious blunders in foreign policy. However, he seemed to learn his lesson and became much more hawkish after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Following the Soviet invasion, he pushed through a massive increase in defense spending and stopped coddling the Marxist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Overall, his foreign policy record is dismal, but he did improve in this area after the Soviets took Afghanistan.
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Carter should get props for the Egypt/Israel peace treaty.

Biden simply would have demanded a cease fire and told Israel what weapons they could use and when or they won't get anymore.

But Carter was a democrat to his core. It was his main identity in life, more than his espoused faith. The man sold his collective soul to the abortion loving DNC. Carter embraced infanticide on demand his own religion condemns.

He simply loved the DNC more than God.
The majority of americans want some access to abortion kept. So now the voters in each state get to decide. This is the VERY BEST, most moral outcome on the issue.
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Carter was a good man and a terrible president.
That electoral map is a bit misleading. Carter very narrowly lost AL, SC, MS, AK, TN, and KY, losing by only 0.3 to 1.7 percentage points. He lost NY by less than 3 percentage points.

Carter was not a "terrible" president. He did many good things on the domestic front, and a few good things in foreign policy (e.g., Camp David Accords). Granted, most of his foreign policy moves were horrendous, but he did become much more hawkish after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Few people realize that after the Soviets took Afghanistan, Carter pushed through a huge increase in defense spending.
I can’t get around the fact that Carter pushed abortion on demand as president, despite claiming to be a Christian. He had many chances to publicly repudiate that and other immoral positions of the Democrat Party, but never did. Unless he recanted on his deathbed, I don’t think he can ever be considered a great man or even a good one.
The abortion's been settled now. Issue is in the voters hands in 50 states. A perfect way to settle the issue.
That electoral map is a bit misleading. Carter very narrowly lost AL, SC, MS, AK, TN, and KY, losing by only 0.3 to 1.7 percentage points. He lost NY by less than 3 percentage points.

Carter was not a "terrible" president. He did many good things on the domestic front, and a few good things in foreign policy (e.g., Camp David Accords). Granted, most of his foreign policy moves were horrendous, but he did become much more hawkish after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Few people realize that after the Soviets took Afghanistan, Carter pushed through a huge increase in defense spending.

I grew up during the Carter years. His economy was horrible.

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