Found space object proves we are not alone

Just because an object is unusual does not mean it's aliens. It's probably not even that unusual for interstellar objects to pass through the inner solar system, it's just the first time we saw one.

When that object changes both speed and trajectory, well. There you have it
It didn't do anything that would suggest it was anything other than just a rock. Quit looking for aliens, there aren't any.

So you believe we are the only living being in this Universe and interstellar travel is not possible?

Personally we should be striving harder to learn about the Universe and understanding where we are at and if there is other life forms that are more intelligent than ours but we also should be cautious seeing we are a waring society that could get us genocide quickly by a superior being.

Only close minded fools would think we are alone and we should be more open minded...
I'm certain the universe is filled with life, some of it sentient and technologically advanced, I just don't think we are worth the trouble of visiting. There are many reasons for this. The distances, energy and time involved are literally beyond comprehension but mainly we are not worth visiting. Just another species of life in a universe full of life.
Just because an object is unusual does not mean it's aliens. It's probably not even that unusual for interstellar objects to pass through the inner solar system, it's just the first time we saw one.

When that object changes both speed and trajectory, well. There you have it
It didn't do anything that would suggest it was anything other than just a rock. Quit looking for aliens, there aren't any.

So you believe we are the only living being in this Universe and interstellar travel is not possible?

Personally we should be striving harder to learn about the Universe and understanding where we are at and if there is other life forms that are more intelligent than ours but we also should be cautious seeing we are a waring society that could get us genocide quickly by a superior being.

Only close minded fools would think we are alone and we should be more open minded...
I'm certain the universe is filled with life, some of it sentient and technologically advanced, I just don't think we are worth the trouble of visiting. There are many reasons for this. The distances, energy and time involved are literally beyond comprehension but mainly we are not worth visiting. Just another species of life in a universe full of life.

I can agree we as a species are not worthy of a visit... Truthfully if I could I would deny I was human but alas that is impossible...

Still we should look to the stars and explore and learn...
I'm certain the universe is filled with life, some of it sentient and technologically advanced, .......

You're "certain"? Maybe not.
Again we are dealing with incomprehensible scales. Since we have no reason to think we are unique in any way it is reasonable to assume life is quite common everywhere it had a chance to develop. That means there are probably millions of cultures that have developed in our galaxy alone. Unfortunately light speed seems to be the fastest anything can go. That is going to keep everyone home. No FTL travel, no warp drive, no federation. Just cultures living and dying around the stars of their birth.
Which you don't understand and no very little about. So you make up fairy tales to pretend you do. This isn't complicated. It's an old trick of the human mind. Saying so isn't cruel. Being offended by it is pretty stupid, though. That's what a lifetime of faith has done to you. You internalize your magical beliefs, and therefore get offended when they are explained away. That's your problem. Not mine.

You're another one who believes in the fairy tale of long time (and aliens). To use evolutionary thinking, how can Earth survive when it can't even survive global warming :confused-84:. Either believe in one or the other. Even ReinyDays admits carbon is everywhere haha.
Why is this in the Science and Technology forum?

I find ignore much quicker and easier. But I'm sure glad you don't, heh!



You can ignore those who do not agree with you on this board, but you cannot ignore Jesus as judge :lastword1:.

The closest to science is eschatology.
A rather quaint notion of Jesus. Sitting on a throne in the clouds.

A fairy tale version.

You believe in intelligent aliens and talkin' about fairy tales haha.

I find ignore much quicker and easier. But I'm sure glad you don't, heh!



You can ignore those who do not agree with you on this board, but you cannot ignore Jesus as judge :lastword1:.

The closest to science is eschatology.
A rather quaint notion of Jesus. Sitting on a throne in the clouds.

A fairy tale version.

You believe in intelligent aliens and talkin' about fairy tales haha.

Fascinating what you learn on the interwebs. I didn’t know, until now, that I believed in aliens or fairy tales.

What else can you me about what I believe? I should probably know what those things are.
Prolly my last post until they shut down this thread.

There are no intelligent aliens and no abiogenesis, so I present this as evidence. We would've found them by now or they would've found us. How foolish can some of these evolution scientists get?

Prolly my last post until they shut down this thread.

There are no intelligent aliens and no abiogenesis, so I present this as evidence. We would've found them by now or they would've found us. How foolish can some of these evolution scientists get?

You spend way too much time on YouTube.

No research data from AIG?

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