Four dead and dozens hurt in Alabama mass shooting

The idea is disarm honest citizens while letting criminals run wild
Of course the goal is confiscation

Just as the left has done to our cousins in the UK
You're a liar.

Conservatives are liars and demagogues – lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ is further proof of that.
Which is why we need to keep known dangerous people locked up instead of having a revolving door on prisons and jails. But, I do find it rather funny how democrats claim that crime is down and then go ahead and brag about there being 400 mass shootings this year. But, crime is down!
How about trying common sense regulations and laws on guns like you do on such things as cars and food hygiene, and like most other countries do 🤔

Results won't happen overnight, but at least future generations could attend school and shopping without getting their brains shot out.
Captain Caveman

The US suffered more mass killings in 2019 than any year on record, according to researchers.

A database compiled by the Associated Press (AP), USA Today and Northeastern University recorded 41 incidents and a total of 211 deaths.

Mass killings are defined as four or more people being killed in the same incident, excluding the perpetrator.

Among the deadliest in 2019 were the killings of 12 people in Virginia Beach in May and 22 in El Paso in August.

Only in mass killings. if all gun murders are taken into account, 2021 had the most killings in the US in history. Thank you Joe Biden!

But that's also only because 2021 is the latest year in which complete information is even available.
If these criminals have a rap sheet a mile long, then it is time to take them out back and turn them into worm food. They cant be "Corrected" so like with rabid animals, it is time to bury them.
Put them in jail whether they have a rap sheet or not, though most usually do

If they are carrying a gun outside the law take them off the streets
And who is the President of the United States again? Oh yeah, Joe Bribem, and his VP is the colored vagina who made life miserable for everyone by passing the massive inflation act.

During President Trump's 4 terms there werent that many shootings because people were happily employed.

How come the unemployment rate was higher under the Fat Elvis administration.
Birmingham Mayor wants new "tools" for the ATF and in this video he doesn't expand, but he says what is pc. He wants to make switches illegal, and even says these kids don't need a permit to ride around with full automatic firearms. 19 is the minimum age to own a firearm, The truth is it is illegal under federal law to posses or make one, so why aren't these kids referred to the feds? In Alabama it is illegal to carry a firearm in a car or concealed without a permit. Again, where are the arrest records on that? Why aren't these shooters incarcerated? I don't think he lacks tools, I think what he (and his contributors and collaborators) want is to outlaw all firearms.
Same thing happens every weekend in downtown Mpls.
But 99.9% of the rest of the metro region doesn't experience the weekend violence. The violence is urban specific, and most involving a particular demographic. This is true in multiple cities.

Foreign posters seem to have this mentality, thanks to a biased media, that America is a daily shooting range and bullets are flying everywhere.
In fact, it's more likely you will be killed or injured by a careless driver.

Our revolving justice system caters to the rights of the accused more than the rights of victims. Many of these repeat offenders shouldn't be back out on the street.
Our second amendment gun murder culture is responsible for a large percentage of the problem.
How about trying common sense regulations and laws on guns like you do on such things as cars and food hygiene, and like most other countries do 🤔

Results won't happen overnight, but at least future generations could attend school and shopping without getting their brains shot out.
We do have laws and regulations on guns. Many which require fees paid to the state or county to even get a permit to purchase, then a background check.

Law breaking gangbangers and criminals don't follow laws and regulations. Does that really need pointing out? The black market will always provide.

The problem is a complete lack of real enforcement of the hundreds of existing laws regarding gun crimes. More unenforced laws will accomplish nothing.
It is a revolving door of typically the same offenders.

At least four people have been killed and dozens injured in a mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, police say.

“Multiple shooters fired multiple shots on a group of people” late on Satuday in the Five Points South area of the city, Birmingham police officer Truman Fitzgerald said.

Police found the bodies of two men and one woman at the scene and a fourth victim died of bullet wounds in hospital, he said

Over 400 mass shootings this year
Thoughts and prayers.
You're a liar.

Conservatives are liars and demagogues – lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ is further proof of that.

Clinton passed the AWB in 1994. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Had we not had 9-11 and people wanted to defend themselves, there would have been a good chance that would have been extended.
How about trying common sense regulations and laws on guns like you do on such things as cars and food hygiene, and like most other countries do 🤔

Results won't happen overnight, but at least future generations could attend school and shopping without getting their brains shot out.
Every time i apply for a weapon, i have a background check by the ATF. Criminals dont use background checks, but if you execute criminals, yeah, it wont stop others, but it does stop repeat offenders. That is common sense.

Clinton passed the AWB in 1994. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Had we not had 9-11 and people wanted to defend themselves, there would have been a good chance that would have been extended.
Do you think the Assault Weapons ban did Ukraine very well?
teen agers running around with glock switches and settlin' up yall don't understand . The sooner we get these guns away from homeowners the sooner these good kids can get back to helping little old ladies across the street.
Please explain to me how you expect to get currently legally owned guns back from the people who own them…
Please explain to me how you expect to get currently legally owned guns back from the people who own them…
I think we got off on the wrong foot. I shouldn't use sarcasm here it doesn't seem to work. I don't expect they will get guns back from legal owners but I expect them too try.
I think we got off on the wrong foot. I shouldn't use sarcasm here it doesn't seem to work. I don't expect they will get guns back from legal owners but I expect them too try.
I don’t believe in humor, sarcasm or anything of the sort. I agree they will try and a lot of people on both sides will die.

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