Fox News called out by President Obama, they have a hissy fit.

BTW, Obama complained that Fox was always finding people who want a free phone or whatever. And he said, "I don't know where they find such people!"

Fox did, indeed, show a video of a woman insisting Obama should be President because he gave her a "free Obamaphone".

And where did Fox find her? At a Mitt Romney rally. She had come there to protest.

In other words, Fox didn't go looking for her. She came to them, jumped in front of the camera, and started announcing her opinions. "Everybody in Cleveland minority got Obama phone! Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!"

Now the liberals are cringing, and trying to pretend that it's all conservatives' fault somehow.

It's hard to tell which is more comical: The Obamaphone lady in the video, or the desperate liberals who are trying to disown her.

How about those dipshits squawking that now that Obama was president he was going to pay their mortgage... As if they even own a house.

They were probably just as dumb before President Obama was elected.

That's a given
BTW, Obama complained that Fox was always finding people who want a free phone or whatever. And he said, "I don't know where they find such people!"

Fox did, indeed, show a video of a woman insisting Obama should be President because he gave her a "free Obamaphone".

And where did Fox find her? At a Mitt Romney rally. She had come there to protest.

In other words, Fox didn't go looking for her. She came to them, jumped in front of the camera, and started announcing her opinions. "Everybody in Cleveland minority got Obama phone! Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!"

Now the liberals are cringing, and trying to pretend that it's all conservatives' fault somehow.

It's hard to tell which is more comical: The Obamaphone lady in the video, or the desperate liberals who are trying to disown her.
I always find it amusing that FOX, and others, take a few people....sometimes even one person and hold them up again and again and again as indicative of the scary liberal ideas. You'd think they could find many more of the same, but it's always the one or two or three. Case in point this woman.....same woman every time. Another case in point, those two scary black men outside a poliling place in scary, RWrs are still shivering over them. All two of them.
Fox news appeals to people who like to think others are lesser then they, whether or not there is any basis for this belief.
BTW, Obama complained that Fox was always finding people who want a free phone or whatever. And he said, "I don't know where they find such people!"

Fox did, indeed, show a video of a woman insisting Obama should be President because he gave her a "free Obamaphone".

And where did Fox find her? At a Mitt Romney rally. She had come there to protest.

In other words, Fox didn't go looking for her. She came to them, jumped in front of the camera, and started announcing her opinions. "Everybody in Cleveland minority got Obama phone! Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!"

Now the liberals are cringing, and trying to pretend that it's all conservatives' fault somehow.

It's hard to tell which is more comical: The Obamaphone lady in the video, or the desperate liberals who are trying to disown her.
I always find it amusing that FOX, and others, take a few people....sometimes even one person and hold them up again and again and again as indicative of the scary liberal ideas. You'd think they could find many more of the same, but it's always the one or two or three. Case in point this woman.....same woman every time. Another case in point, those two scary black men outside a poliling place in scary, RWrs are still shivering over them. All two of them.
Fox stokes the fires of white mens fears. It was amazing to watch when I fist discovered what they were doing.
BTW, Obama complained that Fox was always finding people who want a free phone or whatever. And he said, "I don't know where they find such people!"

Fox did, indeed, show a video of a woman insisting Obama should be President because he gave her a "free Obamaphone".

And where did Fox find her? At a Mitt Romney rally. She had come there to protest.

In other words, Fox didn't go looking for her. She came to them, jumped in front of the camera, and started announcing her opinions. "Everybody in Cleveland minority got Obama phone! Keep Obama in president, you know? He gave us a phone!"

Now the liberals are cringing, and trying to pretend that it's all conservatives' fault somehow.

It's hard to tell which is more comical: The Obamaphone lady in the video, or the desperate liberals who are trying to disown her.
I always find it amusing that FOX, and others, take a few people....sometimes even one person and hold them up again and again and again as indicative of the scary liberal ideas. You'd think they could find many more of the same, but it's always the one or two or three. Case in point this woman.....same woman every time. Another case in point, those two scary black men outside a poliling place in scary, RWrs are still shivering over them. All two of them.

Well, they did have very scary looking sticks...........
the done to death false comparison that libs are Nazis ploy.
Why do you say that libs are Nazis? You're the only one to try to assert that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I said that liberal fanatics like little hazlnuts base their posts on lies and distortions in hopes that someone will believe them, and that Goebbels originated the saying that "If you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will believe it, and it will become The Truth." The same sentiment was echoed later by author George Orwell. Little hazlnuts is merely following this plan. I never said anything about Nazis.

Any resemblance between little hazlnuts' tactics today, and what some monster said eighty years ago, is little hazlnuts' own damned fault. Don't blame me merely because I pointed it out.
I saw Fox News go outside their building in Manhattan, New York and stop a couple of well dressed negroes as they passed by, and asked them if they had IDs. The negroes did, of course.

And this was all the evidence they needed that there are no low income negroes without IDs. They were completely mystified as to how anyone could believe there were.

Fox News is a parody of itself.

FYI... Poor black people need a valid ID to apply for all state benefits. So yeah... they have one.
Fox News is by far the worst of all the news stations. I was done with them when that dumb white guy had a meltdown over Obamas re-election.
I watch it for the hot women. This is why they are the #1 in "News". Rupert Mudoch and Roger Ailes are brilliant.
Fox News pushes a negative perception of the poor.

This is an indisputable fact.

Again, this is an indisputable fact.

The Fox News daily narrative constantly portrays the poor in an extremely negative light reinforcing their viewership preconceived notions about poor people.

Fox News pushes the false and often racist notion that being poor is more about character than complexed and socioeconomic conditions.

How dare the President of the United States call them out on this.

Thus, they have a hissy fit.

Jon Stewart Fox News Poor-Shaming Is Easily Provable And Decidedly True Video Media Matters for America

Last night, Jon Stewart showed video of Fox doing exactly what they said they did not do.

Fox lies.

Its what they do.

And everyone knows it.

Do you realize that the Jon Stewart show heavily edits those clips from Fox News in order to make it satirical comedy?
It's why the show is on the comedy network.

This little animated intro graphic was accompanied by the obligatory doom music. Kilmeade was so frightened by the intro he said, "Scary!"

No fair, just because the host of Fox said it was scary doesnt mean they are trying to scare people :tinfoil:
the done to death false comparison that libs are Nazis ploy.
Why do you say that libs are Nazis? You're the only one to try to assert that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I said that liberal fanatics like little hazlnuts base their posts on lies and distortions in hopes that someone will believe them, and that Goebbels originated the saying that "If you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will believe it, and it will become The Truth." The same sentiment was echoed later by author George Orwell. Little hazlnuts is merely following this plan. I never said anything about Nazis.

Any resemblance between little hazlnuts' tactics today, and what some monster said eighty years ago, is little hazlnuts' own damned fault. Don't blame me merely because I pointed it out.
oh no! not the done to death reversal ploy !

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