Fox News: Hillary Clinton Scandals Piling Up Faster Than Flakes In A Snowstorm


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The woman will never make it through the primaries with all the scandals piling up and I believe the worst is yet to come. The woman has zero integrity, just like the unconstitutional ineligible president.



Hillary Clinton s scandals piling up faster than flakes in a snowstorm Fox News
And none of it matters. That is the sad truth!!! No one on the other side gives a flying fuck.
I'm not sure I see how making money giving speeches is a "scandal".
And none of it matters. That is the sad truth!!! No one on the other side gives a flying fuck.
Why should we? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Bush invaded a country which had not attacked us over WMD that weren't there? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Romney passed a version of ObamaCare when he was governor of Massachusetts?
Mabye we should put those "scandals" in context, maybe by mentioning the Bush email scandal in 2007 where 22 million emails were deleted from his "illegal" private server.
I'm not sure I see how making money giving speeches is a "scandal".

Probably doesn't rise to normal hillary scandal proportions. But it is entirely sick and hypocritical to be whining about CEO salaries when she and BillyJeff pull down more IN CASH than CEOs at respectfully large corporations for a 20 minute speech to the company leadership. Wanna grab a calculator and check the wage disparity gap for me there???? :disbelief:

We could and should do better. To see one of our only 2 parties choose to foist that stench back on us is very distressing. Hell I'd rather have YOU as a ballot choice... :eusa_dance:
It's hard to tell anymore whether Bill and Hillary are preparing for her exit or how much damage is orchestrated by obama.

It didn't help that Hillary was in New Hampshire saying she's glad to be in Washington then excusing the misstatement by saying she cracked her head.
All Hillary needs is the corporate dollars and the "D" by her name.

She need not even campaign to win.
Why should we? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Bush invaded a country which had not attacked us over WMD that weren't there? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Romney passed a version of ObamaCare when he was governor of Massachusetts?

Why should we not see the huge difference between what Romney did and Obamacare? Why should we?
Why should we? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Bush invaded a country which had not attacked us over WMD that weren't there? Who on the right gave a flying fuck that Romney passed a version of ObamaCare when he was governor of Massachusetts?

Why should we not see the huge difference between what Romney did and Obamacare? Why should we?
Other than size and scope, they're pretty much the same, architected by some of the same people. They're both an individual mandate and employer mandate.
Oh my. She had a few drinks, got paid for speeches and is an aging woman. Keep it classy Faux and brain dead cons :thup: You'll surely win a national election by continuing to talk down to women
Other than size and scope, they're pretty much the same, architected by some of the same people. They're both an individual mandate and employer mandate.

The size and scope IS the huge difference between the two. Massachusetts passed a health care law that they wanted and only effects about 6 million people. Fucking Obamacare is for 300,000,000 people. And Romney care allows for copayments, the ACA is set up for some people to get totally free health care.

Massachusetts can vote in what they want, that's the state level. NATIONAL level is a whole different ball game. Just like not one type of boat serves all fisherman, not one type of health care plan serves all people. I'm pretty sure what plagues people in Maine is different than what plagues them in Hawaii. Different states have different laws. Just because Louisiana has a statute "theft of an Alligator" doesn't mean that the same law should be shoved on people in Arizona. That doesn't mean "theft of an alligator" is a bad law, its just not universal across the nation. Just like Obamacare, that would make no sense.
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