Fox News Most Outrageous Quote Of The Week Poll – July 4th Edition


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
While most Americans were probably thinking about going to the beach and barbecuing this week, those “fair and balanced” folks at Fox News were thinking of ways to ram their agenda down the throats of the rest of us and smearing anyone who disagrees with them along the way. Here is a collection of their "patriotic" outrageousness for you, our readers, to mull over. Because, as always, while many can be nominated, only one can be the Fox News Outrageous Quote Of The Week.

And the nominees are:

Brad Saft: The “true meaning” of July 4th is as “a religious holiday.” (6/30/13)

Fox Nation’s “patriotic” headline: "Is America in a pre-Revolutionary state this July 4th? …Tahrir Square anyone?" (7/2/13)

Fox Nation headline using the unrest in Egypt to smear President Obama: "Obama-Backed Muslim Brotherhood President Overthrown In Egypt." (7/3/13)

Dennis Miller: “If I was in charge of the FBI, I’d have a colonoscopy cam jammed in Jim McDermott 35 hours a day.”(7/3/13)

Jesse Watters, discussing the omission of “Our Creator” by a Samuel Adams beer commercial quoting part of the Declaration of Independence because of beer industry guidelines: “When political correctness takes over the beer advertising industry, the terrorists have won. I mean, this is absolutely outrageous. …Maybe the Tea Party’s being targeted here, guys.” (7/5/13)

Pamela Geller, Fox News' Islamophobic "expert:" Obama is “consistently on the side of jihadic, Islamic supremacist regimes… This is a consistent anti-freedom policy.” (7/1/13)

Read more at Fox News Most Outrageous Quote Of The Week Poll ? July 4th Edition - NewsHounds

My vote is for moron Pamela Geller

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