FOX News Raves About Romney Flip Flop Then Warns He's a Loser

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
FOX News Raves About Romney Flip Flop Then Warns He's a Loser

Romney In Danger: Pros versus Cons

Is the right wing noise machine preparing the faithful for a Collective November Nervous Breakdown?

OMFG! I just did a double take: It's FOX Latino News. :lol:

The media outlet that feeds the hateful immigration rhetoric as red meat for the wingnut scavengers has a separate Latino FOX News for latinos? How Special.

note: thank you whacky wingnut world for showing the way with Newsmax/NYT headlines and links.
He may not have the wide Latino support President Barack Obama does, but presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has been softening his tone and rhetoric on immigration since essentially securing his position in the GOP primary.

Read more: Mitt Romney: Pros and Cons | Fox News Latino
hypocrisy praised?

Romney beat the shit out of the true conservatives and Tea Party types with his tougher than tough message on immigrants and immigration and now this is how FOX News rewards Romney and the faithful?

Where the fuck does Romney stand on any issue?

gawd, what a flaccid piece of dead meat he is.
Republicans Step Up Calls for Romney to Release More Tax Returns -

In other news. :)

But more Republicans are calling for Mr. Romney to release his tax returns and put the issue behind him.

“He ought to release his returns,” former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, another prominent Republican, told conservative National Review Online. “Any time this campaign’s conversation is not about President Obama’s failed policies…then the [Romney] campaign isn’t talking about the right thing.”

Last week Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Mr. Romney’s personal finances were “fair game.”

Yes. Yes, they are. He's going to have to assume the position, Willard is.
Republicans Step Up Calls for Romney to Release More Tax Returns -

In other news. :)

But more Republicans are calling for Mr. Romney to release his tax returns and put the issue behind him.

“He ought to release his returns,” former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, another prominent Republican, told conservative National Review Online. “Any time this campaign’s conversation is not about President Obama’s failed policies…then the [Romney] campaign isn’t talking about the right thing.”

Last week Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Mr. Romney’s personal finances were “fair game.”

Yes. Yes, they are. He's going to have to assume the position, Willard is.

Romney is now whining that people would go through his thousands of pages of tax records. wtf does he have in thousands of pages and is that for one year?

Republicans Step Up Calls for Romney to Release More Tax Returns -

In other news. :)

But more Republicans are calling for Mr. Romney to release his tax returns and put the issue behind him.

“He ought to release his returns,” former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, another prominent Republican, told conservative National Review Online. “Any time this campaign’s conversation is not about President Obama’s failed policies…then the [Romney] campaign isn’t talking about the right thing.”

Last week Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Mr. Romney’s personal finances were “fair game.”

Yes. Yes, they are. He's going to have to assume the position, Willard is.

Romney is now whining that people would go through his thousands of pages of tax records. wtf does he have in thousands of pages and is that for one year?


Beats the shit out of me.
Republicans Step Up Calls for Romney to Release More Tax Returns -

In other news. :)

Yes. Yes, they are. He's going to have to assume the position, Willard is.

Romney is now whining that people would go through his thousands of pages of tax records. wtf does he have in thousands of pages and is that for one year?


Beats the shit out of me.

Why is a Captain of Industry (well not really a CoI, a Vulture Capitalist is what Romney is) so embarrassed about his wealth? Maybe he doesn't want us all to know how he made it and shelters it? How wealthy people like him who complain about taxes rarely pay any?
Romney is now whining that people would go through his thousands of pages of tax records. wtf does he have in thousands of pages and is that for one year?


Beats the shit out of me.

Why is a Captain of Industry (well not really a CoI, a Vulture Capitalist is what Romney is) so embarrassed about his wealth? Maybe he doesn't want us all to know how he made it and shelters it? How wealthy people like him who complain about taxes rarely pay any?

I'm guessing - because he can.
Romney is now whining that people would go through his thousands of pages of tax records. wtf does he have in thousands of pages and is that for one year?


Beats the shit out of me.

Why is a Captain of Industry (well not really a CoI, a Vulture Capitalist is what Romney is) so embarrassed about his wealth? Maybe he doesn't want us all to know how he made it and shelters it? How wealthy people like him who complain about taxes rarely pay any?

I wouldn't want greedy little pissants going through my tax records either. Romney has paid more in taxes than you will earn in your lifetime.
Health care: It's the last thing Romney wants to talk about. In June, the Supreme Court ruled that the key part of Obama's health care law — the requirement that all in the U.S. carry health insurance — is constitutional under the power Congress has to levy taxes. Romney enacted a similar mandate in Massachusetts when he was governor, calling the requirement a penalty instead of a tax. After the Supreme Court decision, a senior Romney adviser appeared on MSNBC and said Romney didn't believe either mandate was a tax; the candidate reversed that position just a few days later, telling CBS that Obama's mandate is a tax. The contradictions weaken Romney's ability to attack Obama on health care, potentially a critical campaign issue.

Countless contradictions weaken Romney’s ability to be taken seriously on any subject or issue.

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