FOX News: We (Republicans) are gonna win and if we don't it's voter fraud!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Caught two FOX channels last night. Every once in a while I tune into FOX business, which, several years ago, was okay with business analysis. Last night was just hyperbole overload. The pretty blonde woman, who was the anchor (didn't catch her name) kept going on and on about new taxes (without pointing to them) and "Obama's war on Business". As a special guest, Fran Tarkenton was on, complaining, that while he thinks President Obama is a good and noble man, his business regulations are killing his small business. What is Tarkenton's small business? Financial Consulting. :lol:

On Hannity, they were basically discussing the Republican "Wave" that's coming. But if that fails to pan's the result of "Acorn style" voter fraud and hacker mischief on computerized voting machines. Yeah boy. :lol:
Beck did not say the devil would cause the loss for the right?

I watched about 15 min of his show last week and I thought it was TBN and the 700 club instead of Fox.

amazing how many on the right support Beck but claim to shun the right wing religious extremists.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.
Beck did not say the devil would cause the loss for the right?

I watched about 15 min of his show last week and I thought it was TBN and the 700 club instead of Fox.

amazing how many on the right support Beck but claim to shun the right wing religious extremists.

Beck is just stuck on "the crazy". But I am pretty sure it's an act. One that pays off pretty well. He's making like 30 million dollars a year.

For that sort of cash, and considering the source..I am sure Beck will say or do just about anything.
Is Fran Tarkenton's business bad for America?


But considering what industry he's from..I can see why he has a problem with Finreg.

Trouble is, considering the damage lax regulation of the Financial Industry has caused this country..everything from Derivatives, credit swaps, predatory lenders..and the outright fraud of Bernie Madoff, who cost the US economy some 20 billion, alone; these regulations are sorely needed and very much need to be enforced.

Quite frankly, I would like to see Glass-Stegall restored.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.

There is a big difference between telling someone to go research a fact for themselves, and quoting a news organization as saying something - ie a comment on behalf of the organization, and not an individual.

I don't know why people are so stupid as to think they can quote some organization as saying something and expect not to have to provide an actual quote - from a spokeperson on behalf of that organization.

I think the truth is, I'm calling you on your bullshit and you don't like it.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.

That and it's simple enough to check up on. FOX does provide a service to see previous clips from shows. Unless they screw up badly..then they scrub it.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.

Since you pretty often get me mixed up with PoliticalChic, you'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what you think of me, WhineCrapper.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

A professional writer might pen, "...before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance" but only on a white board while teaching budding young authors what not to write.
A beagle lying on top of a dog house is more professional, even on dark and stormy nights.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

A professional writer might pen, "...before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance" but only on a white board while teaching budding young authors what not to write.
A beagle lying on top of a dog house is more professional, even on dark and stormy nights.


Oh poet, thy sting is harsh.
Beck did not say the devil would cause the loss for the right?

I watched about 15 min of his show last week and I thought it was TBN and the 700 club instead of Fox.

amazing how many on the right support Beck but claim to shun the right wing religious extremists.

Beck is a Mormon, and I suspect that he could be trying to gain the trust of his followers so he can draw them into it. This method would be easier than going door to door.
Yeah, I noticed the right is ramping up a voter fraud propaganda in case they don't win some of the races they think they will. Some posts on facebook lead to blogs claiming voter fraud. But it's really just the usual, electronic machines doing fucked up things. This is what we get for letting the voting machines get privatized.

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