FOX News: We (Republicans) are gonna win and if we don't it's voter fraud!

Caught two FOX channels last night. Every once in a while I tune into FOX business, which, several years ago, was okay with business analysis. Last night was just hyperbole overload. The pretty blonde woman, who was the anchor (didn't catch her name) kept going on and on about new taxes (without pointing to them) and "Obama's war on Business". As a special guest, Fran Tarkenton was on, complaining, that while he thinks President Obama is a good and noble man, his business regulations are killing his small business. What is Tarkenton's small business? Financial Consulting. :lol:

On Hannity, they were basically discussing the Republican "Wave" that's coming. But if that fails to pan's the result of "Acorn style" voter fraud and hacker mischief on computerized voting machines. Yeah boy. :lol:

:lol: I've been seeing this 'saving face' strategy as well.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.

Since you pretty often get me mixed up with PoliticalChic, you'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what you think of me, WhineCrapper.

Well, one time is not "pretty often" though it is the type of misrepresentation I expect from CG. But, I suppose I must give her the opportunity to prove the truth of her assertion - even though I know it's a lie. And, since Ms. CG harangues others to prove their posts, it's time for her to do the same.
You have provided no evidence of what your title claims.

Not the first time you've made a totally bullshit claim. Normally, if you're gonna claim someone said something, you provide the actual quote.

Oh, and FYI: Fox News is not a person. It cannot make a statement. Actual words from an actual, named, individual is required before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance.

A professional writer might pen, "...before anyone takes this as just a fucking whine by a whiny assed whiner who needs a waaaabulance" but only on a white board while teaching budding young authors what not to write.
A beagle lying on top of a dog house is more professional, even on dark and stormy nights.

Bless you for caring about my career. It's fine though, really.
Fran Tarkenton is not in any ofd the businesses associated with the financial meltdown.
Fran Tarkenton is not in any ofd the businesses associated with the financial meltdown.

What's ofd?

In 1999 Tarkenton reached an agreement to settle a Securities and Exchange Commission suit accusing him and ten other executives of the software company of fraudulent activities that led to overstated earnings of $8 million for fiscal 1994. Tarkenton agreed to pay $54,187 in disgorged profits and a fine of $100,000.

Since then, Tarkenton has been seen promoting various products and services including Tony Robbins and 1-800-BAR-NONE. He also founded [2], a small business consulting website, which is sold exclusively through Pre-paid Legal Services, Inc. His most current company is an annuity marketing firm called Tarkenton Financial.[3] Tarkenton also wrote the motivational self-help business book titled What Losing Taught Me About Winning, [7]

No ax to grind here..
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Fran Tarkenton is not in any ofd the businesses associated with the financial meltdown.

What's ofd?

In 1999 Tarkenton reached an agreement to settle a Securities and Exchange Commission suit accusing him and ten other executives of the software company of fraudulent activities that led to overstated earnings of $8 million for fiscal 1994. Tarkenton agreed to pay $54,187 in disgorged profits and a fine of $100,000.

Since then, Tarkenton has been seen promoting various products and services including Tony Robbins and 1-800-BAR-NONE. He also founded [2], a small business consulting website, which is sold exclusively through Pre-paid Legal Services, Inc. His most current company is an annuity marketing firm called Tarkenton Financial.[3] Tarkenton also wrote the motivational self-help business book titled What Losing Taught Me About Winning, [7]
Fran Tarkenton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No ax to grind here..

Great research, must drive...well, really, it only takes a putt... to make a Revere post foolish.
Self righteous and hypocritical too, CG (I'm so busy working at home I don't remember what I post) now demands accountabllity, from those not on the far right. Who would have guessed.
It is all about character; CG is character challenged.

Since you pretty often get me mixed up with PoliticalChic, you'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what you think of me, WhineCrapper.

Well, one time is not "pretty often" though it is the type of misrepresentation I expect from CG. But, I suppose I must give her the opportunity to prove the truth of her assertion - even though I know it's a lie. And, since Ms. CG harangues others to prove their posts, it's time for her to do the same.

It was actually twice, but it's doesn't matter to me. I'm not at all bothered by your fuck ups. Even when you have an obsessional interest in mine. It's the internet - I ain't getting paid for posting.

And.... to address the accusation.... I ask people to provide the quote when they claim someone said something. The reason for that is so that I can look at the same source - so I understand where they're opinion comes from. I then consider the context and, if I can't get it from the same source, I may (if I'm interested) go look elsewhere. That is called researching a subject.

Factual information, I don't ask for sources - because it invariably comes from a media outlet and I have little respect for them. So facts, I find for myself. I encourage others to do likewise. I am, however, unsurprised that you don't recognize the difference.
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He's not involved in derivatives or any of those other instruments.

If he were a Democrat, his past legal troubles would qualify him to be a Czar.
Fran Tarkenton is not in any ofd the businesses associated with the financial meltdown.

What's ofd?

In 1999 Tarkenton reached an agreement to settle a Securities and Exchange Commission suit accusing him and ten other executives of the software company of fraudulent activities that led to overstated earnings of $8 million for fiscal 1994. Tarkenton agreed to pay $54,187 in disgorged profits and a fine of $100,000.

Since then, Tarkenton has been seen promoting various products and services including Tony Robbins and 1-800-BAR-NONE. He also founded [2], a small business consulting website, which is sold exclusively through Pre-paid Legal Services, Inc. His most current company is an annuity marketing firm called Tarkenton Financial.[3] Tarkenton also wrote the motivational self-help business book titled What Losing Taught Me About Winning, [7]
Fran Tarkenton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No ax to grind here..

So is this the guy you are claiming is a spokesperson for Fox News?
Since you pretty often get me mixed up with PoliticalChic, you'll excuse me if I don't give a shit what you think of me, WhineCrapper.

Well, one time is not "pretty often" though it is the type of misrepresentation I expect from CG. But, I suppose I must give her the opportunity to prove the truth of her assertion - even though I know it's a lie. And, since Ms. CG harangues others to prove their posts, it's time for her to do the same.

It was actually twice, but it's doesn't matter to me. I'm not at all bothered by your fuck ups. Even when you have an obsessional interest in mine. It's the internet - I ain't getting paid for posting.

Proof. If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't be trying to 'save face'. And you're wrong again, you are being paid. Paid back for being a self righteous arrogant jerk.

Now, as for the OP, it's pretty clear Fox 'News' is and never has been a journalistic business. Fox and all of Murdochs interests are right wing tabloid trash, National Enquirer has more cred than crud. The same cannot be said for Fox.
Yet, CG, who claims not to be a RW Fringer defends Fox by attacking the author of the thread. Does CG have a reality problem too? Does she really believe what she posts? Is she in this simply to get attention?
Answers soon on, "Ask Wry Catcher" a thread soon on a MB near you.
He's not involved in derivatives or any of those other instruments.

If he were a Democrat, his past legal troubles would qualify him to be a Czar.

Disparaging Democrat remark aside.

I was merely pointing out that he may have a bias against Finreg.
Yeah, I noticed the right is ramping up a voter fraud propaganda in case they don't win some of the races they think they will. Some posts on facebook lead to blogs claiming voter fraud. But it's really just the usual, electronic machines doing fucked up things. This is what we get for letting the voting machines get privatized.

Add in that it was the Bush administration the handed the contracts to Diebold..who's chairman said he would deliver votes to Bush.

Nothing to see here folks..move along..was the mantra back then.

In any case it's a win-win.

But I hope that Republicans take the house. That would pretty much insure a President Obama victory in 2012, even if un-employment doesn't go down.
Well, one time is not "pretty often" though it is the type of misrepresentation I expect from CG. But, I suppose I must give her the opportunity to prove the truth of her assertion - even though I know it's a lie. And, since Ms. CG harangues others to prove their posts, it's time for her to do the same.

It was actually twice, but it's doesn't matter to me. I'm not at all bothered by your fuck ups. Even when you have an obsessional interest in mine. It's the internet - I ain't getting paid for posting.

Proof. If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't be trying to 'save face'. And you're wrong again, you are being paid. Paid back for being a self righteous arrogant jerk.

Now, as for the OP, it's pretty clear Fox 'News' is and never has been a journalistic business. Fox and all of Murdochs interests are right wing tabloid trash, National Enquirer has more cred than crud. The same cannot be said for Fox.
Yet, CG, who claims not to be a RW Fringer defends Fox by attacking the author of the thread. Does CG have a reality problem too? Does she really believe what she posts? Is she in this simply to get attention?
Answers soon on, "Ask Wry Catcher" a thread soon on a MB near you.

You take this shit waaaaay to seriously, Whine.

I am how I am, just as you are how you are. You have an obsession with your 'pay back'.... ok, sweetie. You go ahead - seriously, it's meaningless drivel to me.

Your problem is that you think I'm defending Fox. I'm not. I take Fox as seriously as I take any other media outlet - with a very large dose of skepticism. That's how I was taught... to question the validity of claims, and sources. Any source, unless it is from academically solid research.

I am attacking the OP because he claims a quote from 'Fox News'. I want to know who that quote is from so that I can verify it was said on behalf of the organization, as the OP claims. What surprises me is that I have to explain this to you. You should know the difference between a comment made by a pundit on a program, and a statement made on behalf of a news organization. I guess I am giving you too much credit.
It was actually twice, but it's doesn't matter to me. I'm not at all bothered by your fuck ups. Even when you have an obsessional interest in mine. It's the internet - I ain't getting paid for posting.

Proof. If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't be trying to 'save face'. And you're wrong again, you are being paid. Paid back for being a self righteous arrogant jerk.

Now, as for the OP, it's pretty clear Fox 'News' is and never has been a journalistic business. Fox and all of Murdochs interests are right wing tabloid trash, National Enquirer has more cred than crud. The same cannot be said for Fox.
Yet, CG, who claims not to be a RW Fringer defends Fox by attacking the author of the thread. Does CG have a reality problem too? Does she really believe what she posts? Is she in this simply to get attention?
Answers soon on, "Ask Wry Catcher" a thread soon on a MB near you.

You take this shit waaaaay to seriously, Whine.

I am how I am, just as you are how you are. You have an obsession with your 'pay back'.... ok, sweetie. You go ahead - seriously, it's meaningless drivel to me.

Your problem is that you think I'm defending Fox. I'm not. I take Fox as seriously as I take any other media outlet - with a very large dose of skepticism. That's how I was taught... to question the validity of claims, and sources. Any source, unless it is from academically solid research.

I am attacking the OP because he claims a quote from 'Fox News'. I want to know who that quote is from so that I can verify it was said on behalf of the organization, as the OP claims. What surprises me is that I have to explain this to you. You should know the difference between a comment made by a pundit on a program, and a statement made on behalf of a news organization. I guess I am giving you too much credit.

A considerable amount of verbage defending "meaningless drivel".
Thanks for sharing.
Proof. If it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't be trying to 'save face'. And you're wrong again, you are being paid. Paid back for being a self righteous arrogant jerk.

Now, as for the OP, it's pretty clear Fox 'News' is and never has been a journalistic business. Fox and all of Murdochs interests are right wing tabloid trash, National Enquirer has more cred than crud. The same cannot be said for Fox.
Yet, CG, who claims not to be a RW Fringer defends Fox by attacking the author of the thread. Does CG have a reality problem too? Does she really believe what she posts? Is she in this simply to get attention?
Answers soon on, "Ask Wry Catcher" a thread soon on a MB near you.

You take this shit waaaaay to seriously, Whine.

I am how I am, just as you are how you are. You have an obsession with your 'pay back'.... ok, sweetie. You go ahead - seriously, it's meaningless drivel to me.

Your problem is that you think I'm defending Fox. I'm not. I take Fox as seriously as I take any other media outlet - with a very large dose of skepticism. That's how I was taught... to question the validity of claims, and sources. Any source, unless it is from academically solid research.

I am attacking the OP because he claims a quote from 'Fox News'. I want to know who that quote is from so that I can verify it was said on behalf of the organization, as the OP claims. What surprises me is that I have to explain this to you. You should know the difference between a comment made by a pundit on a program, and a statement made on behalf of a news organization. I guess I am giving you too much credit.

A considerable amount of verbage defending "meaningless drivel".
Thanks for sharing.

It's like watching the roadrunner and the coyote.

You being the roadrunner..beep beep.


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