Fox Poll Halloween Surprise: Only 29% Want Health Care Law Entirely Repealed!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So buried way down deep in the latest Fox Poll, showing Obama and Romney tied nationally, at the bottom there are responses to the Affordable Health Care Act, aka, ObamaCare! Only 29% favor total repeal!

47. Which one of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the new health care law -- would you like lawmakers to repeal the law entirely, repeal parts of the law, expand the law, or leave it as is?

Repeal It Entirely:

Total: 29%
Dem: 4%
Rep: 58%
Ind: 29%

No wonder the issue seems never to come up, anymore! Probably Romney will not be around to repeal it day one on taking office. . . .which would be hard to do, even if(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Back to the concept of RNC, Fielding the Two Stupid Guys, Way Too Stupid. . . .Not including the Christ-Centered Rapists!)
So buried way down deep in the latest Fox Poll, showing Obama and Romney tied nationally, at the bottom there are responses to the Affordable Health Care Act, aka, ObamaCare! Only 29% favor total repeal!

47. Which one of the following comes closest to what you would like to see lawmakers do with the new health care law -- would you like lawmakers to repeal the law entirely, repeal parts of the law, expand the law, or leave it as is?

Repeal It Entirely:

Total: 29%
Dem: 4%
Rep: 58%
Ind: 29%

No wonder the issue seems never to come up, anymore! Probably Romney will not be around to repeal it day one on taking office. . . .which would be hard to do, even if(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Back to the concept of RNC, Fielding the Two Stupid Guys, Way Too Stupid. . . .Not including the Christ-Centered Rapists!)
That is not really news or a surprise most people have said there are parts of it they like. The question is does the bad outweigh the good and can you get rid of the bad without sacrificing the good?
Only a fool would give up ACA willingly.

Edited to add ...

Only uninformed fools would give it up willingly.
So it is Conceded and Stipulated that both Romney and Ryan are crazy, and with the support of Aiken and Mourdock!

Anyone notes that all of them seem to like to help one another!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Romney-Ryan ;ikely not able to bail out European Luxury Car Manufacturers after all--Like Bush-Cheney tax cuts, like TARP bailout, via Wall Street, and via the 20% tax cut not for the 47% with no federal income tax liability--clearly free market unfriendly, in that manner! No extra money for spending in the stores allowed for 47% of the market!)
Its more like people like to use the 75% repeal as a talking point, like a used car salesman does with a car. Sure the outside looks nice,but inside you didn't realize there is holes in the floorboards.
People will figure it out when it's implemented, like Pelosi meant...will be the most popular reform ever...As always, Pubs are FOS.
Even Obama knows that it's mostly bad. That is exactly why he said, during a debate, that Romney wanted to "just keep the good parts". Well obviously, that would be the goal. Keep the good stuff and get rid of all the bad.

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