Fox reporter get smacked by prez

answering with a strawman is not exactly great stuff coming from the smartest guy to ever be elected prez is it? that you have zero intellectual honesty or curiosity is, well par for the course too...

he got asked a question based on his past statements and oh, admin. decisions hes made....he got caught in his own BS. and he got huffy...I would have offered him a tissue.

As Adlai Stevenson said, "If the Republicans will stop lying about the Democrats, the Democrats will stop telling the truth about the Republicans."

He would say that since he was a Democrat. He was also practically a communist. He was recruited to the Roosevelt Administration by Laughlin Currie, whom the Venona project revealed to be a communist spy.

If the truth was known about many Democrats, they would all be in prison.
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Energy secretary, Steven Chu, at the time of his appointment, said that “somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” And last year, Chu claimed “the price of gasoline over the long haul should be expected to go up."

and just in the last 2 weeks he told the house, well here it is.........

High gasoline prices will make research into such alternatives more urgent, Chu said.

“But is the overall goal to get our price” of gasoline down, asked Nunnelee.

“No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy,” Chu replied. “We think that if you consider all these energy policies, including energy efficiency, we think that we can go a long way to becoming less dependent on oil and [diversifying] our supply and we’ll help the American economy and the American consumers.”
Yes. The President of the United States, in an effort to get re-elected, has determined that it is a good idea to make sure American citizens have to pay much more for a gallon of gas.

It makes perfect sense............or President Obama is an imbecile.

Yeah.....that is yhe story.
Yes. The President of the United States, in an effort to get re-elected, has determined that it is a good idea to make sure American citizens have to pay much more for a gallon of gas.

It makes perfect sense............or President Obama is an imbecile.

Yeah.....that is yhe story.

he can run, but he cannot hide....except in the minds of sheep.....
The Prez showed the gathered crowd he wasn't going to take any impertinent questions; particularly from a former lap-dog gone over to the other side.
Warning to others: Don'tcha try this . . . ! (and they won't; because they don't want the same treatment, and they are so lacking in confidence)
Of course Obama wants gas prices to be higher. Remember this?

Obama's main man at Government Motors said this:

"Just before the president tapped into our reserves, General Motors CEO Dan Akerson called for a bolder plan, which asked the government to raise the federal fuel tax by $1 — from its current amount of 18.4 cents per gallon.

GM potentially has a lot to gain from such a tax, as it has recently made a strong push to promote its plug-in hybrid, the Chevy Volt. However, in this case what’s good for GM may be good for the rest of us as well.

A higher government tax on gasoline would drive consumers to switch to more fuel-efficient automobiles in order to save money. This approach is more efficient than other methods, like raising CAFÉ standards on automakers.

Higher gas prices lead to greater demand for greener cars and greener technologies.

The added perk for GM, of course, is that greater demand for green technology will boost the sale of GM’s new green-friendly products. But this tax will also dramatically raise revenues for the federal government, which could go towards significantly cutting into the federal deficit.

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ummmmmmmmmmmm ... is this a thread started by someone that thought Obama looked good answering this question? Ouch!
Why does the left think it's such an accomplishment for the most powerful man in the world to single out a single citizen for criticism? I would think the left would be embarrassed by the president's display of ignorance and weakness.
Why does the left think it's such an accomplishment for the most powerful man in the world to single out a single citizen for criticism? I would think the left would be embarrassed by the president's display of ignorance and weakness.

I am embarrassed by your display of ignorance and weakness.
He made Fox and its conspiracy theories look ridiculous, not the poor reporter paid to ask such idiocy...

Your quotes of BHO and Cho are also ridiculously out of context. STUPID. lol The whole rest of the world think the GOP and its voters are dangerous MORONS...
Barack has got telling bald-faced lies down to an artform. He knows very well that he made the prior statement about wishing for higher gas prices in order to wean the US off fossil fuels but he totally sidestepped Ed Henry's question with a little speech about how he understands how higher gas prices hurt the public and the economy.

Read between the lines, Kiddies! Of course Barry still wants the price of gasoline to go up. So does Steven Chu. They just don't want it to go up NOW while he's running for reelection because he understands that's going to cost him votes. So what do you think happens if he does get reelected? You think he's going to care about the public then? You think he's going to care about our "pain"? If Barack Obama gets reelected we're going to see a full court press by people like Chu to raise the price of our gasoline and other fuels to a level where their "green energy" sources are economically viable. It will be no different then when they pushed Obamacare through despite the majority of the country being opposed to what they were passing.
I want a real link to these supposed statements of Obama, not a film clip from Fox Noise. What a pile of crappe, dupes...don't you have any real journalism? A total disgrace only morons would swallow. LOL if it weren't so sad for the country....
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I want a real link to these supposed statements of Obama, not a film clip from Fox Noise. What a pile of crappe, dupes...don't you have any real journalism? A total disgrace only morons would swallow. LOL if it weren't so sad for the country....

you swallowed that disgrace? You said yourself in your statement you did.
Gas prices are due to warmongering against Iran by RW dolts, here and in Israel, and the dominance of speculators on Wall St in the oil market, a legacy of George W's cronyism orgy, now being protected by bought off Pubs in congress- anything to get elected, including ruining the country. Breaking news for Pub dupes.

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