Fox/rw media, talking-heads flip-out over Ayers AGAIN

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

Their viewers are good little Pavlovian puppets

Fox News 8217 collective head is about to explode Another right-wing freakout over Obama and Bill Ayers -

That association became fodder for 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who denounced the president for “palling around with terrorists.” Fox News has a longstanding fixation on Ayers, whom they continue to attempt to link to Obama and his policies, despite the fact that Ayers now considers Obama a war criminal.

So why were Ayers and Dohrn at the wedding? Gawker speculates that it’s because of their connections to Kass, a former Chicago resident who reportedly shares mutual friends with the couple. It’s not clear that Obama interacted with them at any point during the wedding, but that hasn’t prevented a right-wing Twitter meltdown.

Their viewers are good little Pavlovian puppets

Fox News 8217 collective head is about to explode Another right-wing freakout over Obama and Bill Ayers -

That association became fodder for 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who denounced the president for “palling around with terrorists.” Fox News has a longstanding fixation on Ayers, whom they continue to attempt to link to Obama and his policies, despite the fact that Ayers now considers Obama a war criminal.

So why were Ayers and Dohrn at the wedding? Gawker speculates that it’s because of their connections to Kass, a former Chicago resident who reportedly shares mutual friends with the couple. It’s not clear that Obama interacted with them at any point during the wedding, but that hasn’t prevented a right-wing Twitter meltdown.

They are worried that he is going to win a third term!!!

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