France Raids Mosques… What They Found Inside Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT!

I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.

Hey! If I wanted some actual history I would google it Sport! Thanks but no thanks. Those ships and drones have sailed. Now we are all in denial. All I am doing really is nay saying about terror. The concern is so humorous. Nobody said a peep when "blowback" was brought up several decades ago. Now everybody is so shocked!!!

That's because decades ago the news took a day or two to reach you. Now, you get to see it happen in real time. That changes people.
Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.

Hey! If I wanted some actual history I would google it Sport! Thanks but no thanks. Those ships and drones have sailed. Now we are all in denial. All I am doing really is nay saying about terror. The concern is so humorous. Nobody said a peep when "blowback" was brought up several decades ago. Now everybody is so shocked!!!

That's because decades ago the news took a day or two to reach you. Now, you get to see it happen in real time. That changes people.

I agree. CNN was really a game changer. It sure was a bonus for Ted Turner. I for one couldn't get enough enough of it. Now the world is paying for it one car bomb, two towers and speeding truck at a time.
Islam shall be prohibited and all mosques closed in western countries..
Muslims shall either convert to Christianity or leave.
Last edited by a moderator:
Why didn't you say that this story is from December of last year?
I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.
Why didn't you say that this story is from December of last year?
I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.
In fact it was the League of Nations, not solely the British which redrew some ME national borders. Not that the British were one of the most influential members at the time.
To simplify after the Arabs had cast their lot with Germany in WW1 the Arabs were convinced Germany would be the victor and exterminate every Jew in the ME.
Well that didn't happen.
Afterwards the LNs I'd say partly out of vengeance fucked up the arab countries national boundaries. The LN members wouldn't admit it and claimed the boundary changes would ultimately "improve" the plight of the arabs.
Then the arabs cast their lot in with Hitler for the same reason as in WW1.
The arabs choose the wrong side of history AGAIN!
There's no a lot of sympathy for the 'plight of the arab' today.
They made their bed twice and fucked up.
Too bad for them!
How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.
Actually, a lot on the right readily admit to the Iraq invasion travesty. To some of us before it even started --- it was obvious it would be a disaster because there is no end game historically with intolerant Arabs, it never ends. The Vatican opposed Bush’s invasion vociferously. What was a shame was how easily the cowardly democrats went along and voted for it. This is just business as usual in D.C., do whatever will fool the people and not cause an uproar and preserve their political careers. So nauseating.

But I do think you overstate the Iraq invasion effect on Middle Eastern affairs. Consider Islam has been at war with the world and with itself since time immemorial --- then highly exacerbated since the regathering of Jews in the early 1900s. Islamic ideology is so disturbed, they fight each other over the slightest differences. Non military attacks where there is murder on innocent people in various nations by intolerant, hate driven Muslims since 9/11/01 now numbers over 27,000 individual attacks. That’s 1,687 every year, more than 4 every single day. It’s not like the Iraq war started a fire under them, it was just another great excuse to justify their mass murders, just like Israel has always been their excuse for the cause of all their angst and misery as well.
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I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.
I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?

What the fuck are you talking about?...After Charlie Hebdo, all the Mulatto could do was RANT about GUN CONTROL instead of FUCKING muslim control.... NOW where is his rant about TRUCKS?....Tell me fucking genius, how many Mexican and Canadian truck drivers go PLOWING through crowds of innocent people yelling out the window..."Allah Snackbar???" Do you leftist scumbags have a contest to see who can post the most idiotic post for the day?

I don't know. Do "we"? Are my posts any dumber than you cut and pasting that Obama let the world down? I think not. I doubt Obama gives a shit about Muslim terrorists. In that he and I agree. We elected Bush. He is the one that pissed off the Muslims . I take some responsibility. I voted for him twice. More than that I vocally supported him. Boy...was I stupid!

How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.

Bush is only the latest, and if it weren't him they would have blamed someone else. The pressure on the leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries needed to get their young people involved in a war somewhere. It was only a matter of time. And all of it can be laid at the feet of the British bureaucrats drawing their stupid lines on maps after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. They didn't bother to make sure they weren't mingling tribes and religious sects. That is the ultimate cause of all of this misery we are experiencing today.
In fact it was the League of Nations, not solely the British which redrew some ME national borders. Not that the British were one of the most influential members at the time.
To simplify after the Arabs had cast their lot with Germany in WW1 the Arabs were convinced Germany would be the victor and exterminate every Jew in the ME.
Well that didn't happen.
Afterwards the LNs I'd say partly out of vengeance fucked up the arab countries national boundaries. The LN members wouldn't admit it and claimed the boundary changes would ultimately "improve" the plight of the arabs.
Then the arabs cast their lot in with Hitler for the same reason as in WW1.
The arabs choose the wrong side of history AGAIN!
There's no a lot of sympathy for the 'plight of the arab' today.
They made their bed twice and fucked up.
Too bad for them!

Good news!
How many neo cons and asshats like you have the guts to admit we screwed the pooch by invading Iraq? Nary a one of you. You ALL blame Obama. And you call me stupid. Maybe so but at least I'm honest. Something you have never been.
Actually, a lot on the right readily admit to the Iraq invasion travesty. To some of us before it even started --- it was obvious it would be a disaster because there is no end game historically with intolerant Arabs, it never ends. The Vatican opposed Bush’s invasion vociferously. What was a shame was how easily the cowardly democrats went along and voted for it. This is just business as usual in D.C., do whatever will fool the people and not cause an uproar and preserve their political careers. So nauseating.

But I do think you overstate the Iraq invasion effect on Middle Eastern affairs. Consider Islam has been at war with the world and with itself since time immemorial --- then highly exacerbated since the regathering of Jews in the early 1900s. Islamic ideology is so disturbed, they fight each other over the slightest differences. Non military attacks where there is murder on innocent people in various nations by intolerant, hate driven Muslims since 9/11/01 now numbers over 27,000 individual attacks. That’s 1,687 every year, more than 4 every single day. It’s not like the Iraq war started a fire under them, it was just another great excuse to justify their mass murders, just like Israel has always been their excuse for the cause of all their angst and misery as well.

I agree that the Arabs are screwed up. Islam was supposed to bring peace among the tribes. As a religion and a way to govern it has been an abject failure.
Political Insider ^ | 07/16/2016 | Kosar

"They have shut down three mosques and have raided more than 2,300 homes."


Why didn't you say that this story is from December of last year?
I'm sorry...Let me fix it BECAUSE you are going to see the EXACT SAME SHIT from the Manchurian muslim on THIS France attack!!!!!!


Right... Obama was responsible for the truck driver. Obviously. And Clinton gave us NAFTA which allowed a bizillian Mexican and Canadian truck drivers on our highways. I wonder how many Americans have been killed by them?
Huge for Trump...........expect him to speak about it this week........because he has to. The multiculturalists are suddenly getting pwned.......American Moms like to feel protected.........which is the only reason Bush beat Kerry in 2004. Nobody ends up feeling safe when the left is in charge. Always been one absolute truth in American politics since 1970.
Huge for Trump...........expect him to speak about it this week........because he has to. The multiculturalists are suddenly getting pwned.......American Moms like to feel protected.........which is the only reason Bush beat Kerry in 2004. Nobody ends up feeling safe when the left is in charge. Always been one absolute truth in American politics since 1970.

Criminals feel safer when the left wrong is in charge. And perverts and parasites too. Degenerates of all sorts.

Honest, decent Americans, generally, do not.
Islam, the most violent cult the planet has ever known... Lol
There was that little nazi thingy and Joe Stalin...Oh, the Mongols had a bad habit of slaying all in a city that resisted, and they had the largest contiguous empire in the history of humans...

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