Free higher educaton is investment in our future as a nation.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

College education or trade school should be free for high school graduates with a desire to go to school. Who want to become teachers, doctors, nurses and medical technicians, farmers and for future farmers who are our life line. Even under Saddam primary education was mandatory and higher education free and the took care of his military and families with land allotments and other benefits for life. But we shot that all to hell with our invasion to force democracy down their throats and take the oil.
We are forcing democracy down the throats of other nations to give them more freedom but democracy takes much of our freedom away.
Investing in our children is a benefit for us all and our nation’s future. A generous supply of doctors, nurses and other medical services will bring down the cost of medical care and provide good medical care. Our future depends on our children. We need to bring back Head Start, CETA, Job Corp, etc. This is not the time to cut taxes, cut regulation and cut Government spending. These are the things that got us in this recession in the first place. More people trained to work means more Government revenue and more money for government to re-invest in our nation. GOP congress is hell bent on destroying this country at any cost.
We need to make peace with our enemies and not war. Jesus said; “Be peaceable with all men.” and we must keep our friends close and our enemies even closer.
To invest in the future of this nation we all must pitch in. this is not the time to cut Government spending, cut taxes or cut regulation.

College education or trade school should be free for high school graduates with a desire to go to school. Who want to become teachers, doctors, nurses and medical technicians, farmers and for future farmers who are our life line. Even under Saddam primary education was mandatory and higher education free and the took care of his military and families with land allotments and other benefits for life. But we shot that all to hell with our invasion to force democracy down their throats and take the oil.
We are forcing democracy down the throats of other nations to give them more freedom but democracy takes much of our freedom away.
Investing in our children is a benefit for us all and our nation’s future. A generous supply of doctors, nurses and other medical services will bring down the cost of medical care and provide good medical care. Our future depends on our children. We need to bring back Head Start, CETA, Job Corp, etc. This is not the time to cut taxes, cut regulation and cut Government spending. These are the things that got us in this recession in the first place. More people trained to work means more Government revenue and more money for government to re-invest in our nation. GOP congress is hell bent on destroying this country at any cost.
We need to make peace with our enemies and not war. Jesus said; “Be peaceable with all men.” and we must keep our friends close and our enemies even closer.
To invest in the future of this nation we all must pitch in. this is not the time to cut Government spending, cut taxes or cut regulation.

I agree, but a lot of people who have those higher educations don't want to pay for anyone else to get them.
Can you imagine the slackers this would attract? For all the folks who pay for higher education, few go on to be such doctors, nurses, teachers.

If high school grads want something free, they can enlist in the military.
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school. Seems that nobody mentions the fact that it is acceptable for students to work their way through school. Everybody wants the free ride and it's disgusting.
I believe we should model our education program after some in Europe. On entering high school students are pointed to different goals IAW their aptitude and abilities. Some are tracked to University and some or tracked to trades. That doesn't stop someone who is tracked to a trade from attending University, but only if their high school work justifies it. The tendency for such a high proportion of high school graduates going to college in the US waters down the value and virtually requires college for even basic jobs.
Poor people can't invest.

Poor families can't diversify their investements.

Poor countries can't invest in SHIT.


We are broke and there is no such thing as free
Today, higher education is less important than a trade education like plumbing and electrician. Some worthless degree in liberal arts from Vanderbilt won't do you much good when everyone can do what you do regardless of the school you went to. Sorry! Just a product of our society. The rising education costs aren't even close to being worth earning potential.
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school. Seems that nobody mentions the fact that it is acceptable for students to work their way through school. Everybody wants the free ride and it's disgusting.

When exactly did you work and go to school? It was a possibility in the 70's, even in the 80's, but today with rising tuition and lowering of wages, it's impossible.

Used to be, with a highschool education, you could get a job and feed your family and grow. Not anymore. Our educational system needs to change with the times. When you are through with your free public education, you should be able to get a job with a living wage.
I believe we should model our education program after some in Europe. On entering high school students are pointed to different goals IAW their aptitude and abilities. Some are tracked to University and some or tracked to trades. That doesn't stop someone who is tracked to a trade from attending University, but only if their high school work justifies it. The tendency for such a high proportion of high school graduates going to college in the US waters down the value and virtually requires college for even basic jobs.

I have no problems with such and educational system.
One simple question: WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT?

I can hear it coming - tax the rich! Just how much more money do you think you can get, do you really think you can pay for all the goodies you want.
One simple question: WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT?

I can hear it coming - tax the rich! Just how much more money do you think you can get, do you really think you can pay for all the goodies you want.

Personally, I think we already give enough money to the educational system to do it, they just don't spend it appropriately and that includes the state run colleges.

Our idiot school system sold land across the street from the highschool and stadium. Now they want to build a new stadium because there isn't enough parking which they would have if they hadn't sold the darn parking lot. They also want to tear down the existing stadium and build a new highschool where the stadium currently stands. It stands on a swamp. They were only able to get away with building the stadium because it's an outdoor stadium and they put in pilings for the stands. No word on pilings for the new school they want to build. What kind of idiots put a multilevel school on a swamp in earthquake country?

When they build one of our junior highs across a busy street, they put in busses to carry the kids to the school for their safety. At the times, the busses cost $150,000 a piece each year. It would have cost $200,000 to build an overpass which would have lasted several years. The school claimed they couldn't do that because it was the city's job, the city claimed they couldn't do it because it was the school districts responsibility.

What we really need is better leadership not more taxes, though I do think the rich aren't paying their share of taxes. I'm sorry, but if you have 90% of the wealth, you should be paying 90% of the taxes, not 45%.
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school. Seems that nobody mentions the fact that it is acceptable for students to work their way through school. Everybody wants the free ride and it's disgusting.

When exactly did you work and go to school? It was a possibility in the 70's, even in the 80's, but today with rising tuition and lowering of wages, it's impossible.

Used to be, with a highschool education, you could get a job and feed your family and grow. Not anymore. Our educational system needs to change with the times. When you are through with your free public education, you should be able to get a job with a living wage.

Sorry I can't agree.

1. There is no reason for government financial aid of any kind. A deserving student will always find that the community will Alexander Hamilton's did.

2. The aid programs are the reason why tuition goes up.

3. Any student who work his/her way through values same more.

4. In 1948, a presidential commission urged the creation of a new form of institution, the ‘community college.’ It was for this purpose.

5. How about this option:

a. The College of the Ozarks — a four-year college since 1965, and rated No. 30 by U.S. News and World Report among Midwestern colleges offering both liberal arts and professional degrees — is one of seven so-called work colleges. Six describe themselves as Christian institutions and often, like Ozarks, are socially and politically conservative.

b. Like many undergraduates, students at the College of the Ozarks here work their way through school, though they often do such unconventional campus jobs as milking cows at dawn in the college’s barns and baking fruit breads for sale to donors.

c. But what is truly different about Hard Work U. — as the college styles itself — is that all 1,345 students must work 15 hours per week to pay off the entire cost of tuition — $15,900 per year. If they work summers, as one-third are doing this summer, they pay off their $4,400 room and board as well. Work study is not an option as it is at most campuses; it is the college’s raison d’être.

c. This is a college that is philosophically opposed to students starting careers with an Ozark mountain of debt — 95 percent graduate debt free — and it believes that students who put sweat equity into their education value it more.
Fight Song at Ozarks: Work Hard and Avoid Debt - New York Times
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school. Seems that nobody mentions the fact that it is acceptable for students to work their way through school. Everybody wants the free ride and it's disgusting.

Yup, seven years all combined of college and trade school and my total debt for student loans was $1,096.00.

If I can do it, then anybody can.
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school.

I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

College education or trade school should be free for high school graduates with a desire to go to school. Who want to become teachers, doctors, nurses and medical technicians, farmers and for future farmers who are our life line. Even under Saddam primary education was mandatory and higher education free and the took care of his military and families with land allotments and other benefits for life. But we shot that all to hell with our invasion to force democracy down their throats and take the oil.
We are forcing democracy down the throats of other nations to give them more freedom but democracy takes much of our freedom away.
Investing in our children is a benefit for us all and our nation’s future. A generous supply of doctors, nurses and other medical services will bring down the cost of medical care and provide good medical care. Our future depends on our children. We need to bring back Head Start, CETA, Job Corp, etc. This is not the time to cut taxes, cut regulation and cut Government spending. These are the things that got us in this recession in the first place. More people trained to work means more Government revenue and more money for government to re-invest in our nation. GOP congress is hell bent on destroying this country at any cost.
We need to make peace with our enemies and not war. Jesus said; “Be peaceable with all men.” and we must keep our friends close and our enemies even closer.
To invest in the future of this nation we all must pitch in. this is not the time to cut Government spending, cut taxes or cut regulation.

And where does the money come from to pay for it exactly?

Higher education isn't a right. End of story. This isn't even an argument worth anyone's time.
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school.

I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

This is certainly admirable.

I wonder, is your premise that college must be completed on a set time table?

The above is a perfect example of the liberal IQ. If education is an investment then so if food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, infrastructure, and transportation since they are required before one can get an education.

America was founded to be about freedom from violent libturds stealing our money at the point of a gun to make their investments with our money. Why does liberalism always start with violence??
Wow Imagine the fraud and corruption. It is bad enough now with no-show students and illiterate athletes getting degrees. The universities could quadruple the number of six figure employees on their payroll! Woo hoo!
People who are going on to higher education are ADULTS. Let them invest in themselves.
People who are going on to higher education are ADULTS. Let them invest in themselves.

Nowadays fewer and fewer can because the liberals force them to invest in everyone else first.

Imagine how good priviate high schools would be if the parents who sent their kids to them did not have to pay for the failed liberal government public schools too.

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