Free higher educaton is investment in our future as a nation.

Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school.

I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

Have to disagree. Anything is possible if you want it to happen and are willing to work hard to make it happen. You sound just like the same crowd that wants something for nothing. There is no reason why a person cannot work his or her way through college unless attending all the parties is more important than a pay as you go deal that you foot yourself. My father told me that as I grew older there were two things that he did not owe me as a parent. A car and a college education. He said if you want them, you'll have to work hard and earn them yourself. We need more of that in today's world.
There is no reason why a person cannot work his or her way through college

damn straight!! why should someone be able to steal through the government to finance his education, when the person stolen from may need the money for his own education or to start a career!! Its an idiotic concept only liberals could love because they lack the IQ to understand that there are no free lunches. Government can't magically make money, it must steal it
Another group of people that feel like the taxpayers owe them a free ride. Ever hear of personal responsibility and doing things for yourself? I have two college degrees and I paid for them myself - no student loans or any of that nonsense. I did it the old fashioned way. Worked and went to school.

I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

Have to disagree. Anything is possible if you want it to happen and are willing to work hard to make it happen. You sound just like the same crowd that wants something for nothing. There is no reason why a person cannot work his or her way through college unless attending all the parties is more important than a pay as you go deal that you foot yourself. My father told me that as I grew older there were two things that he did not owe me as a parent. A car and a college education. He said if you want them, you'll have to work hard and earn them yourself. We need more of that in today's world.

Disagree all you like, but get out there and check out the wage for someone fresh out of highschool and then check out the cost of colleges and tell me you could do today what you did then.
people on minimum wage can't even put a roof over their heads, how the heck are they going to be able to go to college???????

College education or trade school should be free for high school graduates with a desire to go to school. Who want to become teachers, doctors, nurses and medical technicians, farmers and for future farmers who are our life line. Even under Saddam primary education was mandatory and higher education free and the took care of his military and families with land allotments and other benefits for life. But we shot that all to hell with our invasion to force democracy down their throats and take the oil.
We are forcing democracy down the throats of other nations to give them more freedom but democracy takes much of our freedom away.
Investing in our children is a benefit for us all and our nation’s future. A generous supply of doctors, nurses and other medical services will bring down the cost of medical care and provide good medical care. Our future depends on our children. We need to bring back Head Start, CETA, Job Corp, etc. This is not the time to cut taxes, cut regulation and cut Government spending. These are the things that got us in this recession in the first place. More people trained to work means more Government revenue and more money for government to re-invest in our nation. GOP congress is hell bent on destroying this country at any cost.
We need to make peace with our enemies and not war. Jesus said; “Be peaceable with all men.” and we must keep our friends close and our enemies even closer.
To invest in the future of this nation we all must pitch in. this is not the time to cut Government spending, cut taxes or cut regulation.

1) There is no such thing as "free" education

2) Lower standards and decreasing competition in medicine and education is most certainly NOT in the nation's best interests

3) We did not "take the oil" from Iraq

4) Democracy does not "take freedom away"

5) Cutting taxes and cutting government spending (when the hell did THAT happen?) are most certainly NOT what "got us into a recession"

6) To say that the GOP wants "to destroy the country" is beyond stupid

7) You can't make peace with enemies that are not interested in Peace. Ask Israel

8) Even Keynes recognized the stimulative effect of reduced taxes

9) Your post was a big, fat pile of WRONG

Excellent proposal.

Now, since it's free, tell me.................

Will the professors work for free to provide the education?
Will somebody donate the land for the facility that these institutes of higher education are going to sit on?
Will all manor of construction workers build the buildings for free?
Will the book publishers publish the needed books for free?
Will chefs donate time and food so the students can eat for free (oh, we need free dishwashers also).
Will landlords provide free housing for the students?

It looks like you want an awful lot of people to provide free goods and services for your free education.

Excellent proposal.

Now, since it's free, tell me.................

Will the professors work for free to provide the education?
Will somebody donate the land for the facility that these institutes of higher education are going to sit on?
Will all manor of construction workers build the buildings for free?
Will the book publishers publish the needed books for free?
Will chefs donate time and food so the students can eat for free (oh, we need free dishwashers also).
Will landlords provide free housing for the students?

It looks like you want an awful lot of people to provide free goods and services for your free education.

I've given free housing to students...I volunteer to hand out lunches at the church, I volunteer for our local theater (play, not movie).

Like I said, take the money we spend now on education and we could do it. Do you really think it costs more than $15,000 a year to teach one elementary school student?

And the bussing budget is completely separate from that.

Excellent proposal.

Now, since it's free, tell me.................

Will the professors work for free to provide the education?
Will somebody donate the land for the facility that these institutes of higher education are going to sit on?
Will all manor of construction workers build the buildings for free?
Will the book publishers publish the needed books for free?
Will chefs donate time and food so the students can eat for free (oh, we need free dishwashers also).
Will landlords provide free housing for the students?

It looks like you want an awful lot of people to provide free goods and services for your free education.

I've given free housing to students...I volunteer to hand out lunches at the church, I volunteer for our local theater (play, not movie).

Like I said, take the money we spend now on education and we could do it. Do you really think it costs more than $15,000 a year to teach one elementary school student?

And the bussing budget is completely separate from that.

No, I don't.
But I do think that is about what is being spent.
Regardless of that number, it will never be "free" until all those that I mentioned above (and more) are willing to donate their time, services and goods for free.
I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

Have to disagree. Anything is possible if you want it to happen and are willing to work hard to make it happen. You sound just like the same crowd that wants something for nothing.

Well you can disagree all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you're an ignorant asshat. And please tell me where I said I wanted something for nothing. I'm paying on my loans. Thanks.
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people on minimum wage can't even put a roof over their heads, how the heck are they going to be able to go to college???????

People aren't expected to put a roof over their heads working for minimum wage. A minimum wage job isn't supposed to be a career. They can go to school by taking out Stafford loans the same way most people do.
I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

This is certainly admirable.

I wonder, is your premise that college must be completed on a set time table?

It took me seven years to get my Bachelor's Degree. I got my MBA last year.
people on minimum wage can't even put a roof over their heads, how the heck are they going to be able to go to college???????

Do you mean the whopping 2% of employed people making that salary, most of whom are under 18?
people on minimum wage can't even put a roof over their heads, how the heck are they going to be able to go to college???????

Do you mean the whopping 2% of employed people making that salary, most of whom are under 18?

Did you miss the threat where we showed that most people getting minimum wage are adults?

Evidently so. Why don't you enlighten me.
Did you miss the part where only about 2% of wage earners are paid at that level?
Republicans have so little understanding of education, they think it's something you can get just by showing up. A doctor is not a real doctor if he didn't pay a fortune to become one. You could become a scientist just by taking the classes.

This goes back to a mentality that only things that cost a lot are worth anything.
Wow Imagine the fraud and corruption. It is bad enough now with no-show students and illiterate athletes getting degrees. The universities could quadruple the number of six figure employees on their payroll! Woo hoo!

Because universities are bad. Most Republicans already know this.
I gather you went to school a long time ago because unless you come from an exceptionally wealthy family, doing what you did is virtually impossible today. I got my Bachelor's and my MBA both while I was working full time and there was no way I could have paid for them without college loan assistance. Tuition today has simply gotten too expensive. Even community college is becoming less affordable.

Have to disagree. Anything is possible if you want it to happen and are willing to work hard to make it happen. You sound just like the same crowd that wants something for nothing.

Well you can disagree all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you're an ignorant asshat. And please tell me where I said I wanted something for nothing. I'm paying on my loans. Thanks.

I love it when it comes down to the name calling... You may have gotten yourself educated but you certainly didn't learn anything about debating.
The problem is that a free higher education does not teach the young that anything worth having is worth working for.

So we should get rid of all public education? After all, getting it free doesn't teach them that it's worth having.
Republicans have so little understanding of education.

Hey asshole, do you think there is ANYONE who doesn't get it by now that you are a partisan extemist? You don't have to start every fucking post with "Those darn Republicans..." We get it already, STFU.

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