Freedom in Our Most Favoritest Trading Partner


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
We should cease trading with China immediately. They are NOT our friends.

U.S. group: 28 Chinese Christians held
SHANGHAI, China - Chinese authorities detained 28 Christians in a raid on an unauthorized church service at a private home, an overseas monitoring group said Friday.

Three members of the non-denominational Protestant congregation, including the host and the presiding minister, still were being held, the Texas-based China Aid Association said.

Some of the other Christians were released after paying $200 fines, the group said. Host Chen Xuelan, 58, Cao Yan, 55, and pastor Li Shunmin were being held at the Bayi prison in Henan's Fugou township, the group said.
Diuretic said:
Money. Wake up RWA, it's about money. Money is everything.

Is this sarcasm? Or do you now support the neocons since destroying america turns out to be their goal?
rtwngAvngr said:
Is this sarcasm? Or do you now support the neocons since destroying america turns out to be their goal?

Not sarcasm, not irony, nothing like that. Just a statement of reality. Trade/money has nothing at all to do with morality.

Me support neocons of any stripe? Nope. And nor do I support anyone who wants to destroy America, which is why I despise the Bush Administration.
Diuretic said:
Not sarcasm, not irony, nothing like that. Just a statement of reality. Trade/money has nothing at all to do with morality.
In my world it does. And these neocons/nwo types are immoral for using child labor/ prison labor / totalitarianism to make the world depend on one evil nation for all it's needs. This is their goal. Are you behind this goal?
Me support neocons of any stripe? Nope. And nor do I support anyone who wants to destroy America, which is why I despise the Bush Administration.

Yet you let them off the hook with your so-called "wisdom".
rtwngAvngr said:
In my world it does. And these neocons/nwo types are immoral for using child labor/ prison labor / totalitarianism to make the world depend on one evil nation for all it's needs. This is their goal. Are you behind this goal?

Yet you let them off the hook with your so-called "wisdom".

You know you can really fuck up a potentially good discussion with all the personalising of the arguments. It's off-putting.
Diuretic said:
You know you can really fuck up a potentially good discussion with all the personalising of the arguments. It's off-putting.

Because I called you wise?

You just can't handle the truth.
rtwngAvngr said:
Because I called you wise?

You just can't handle the truth.


You know nothing about me - the person behind the nick - you don't know what "truths" I've had to deal with or hand out. Your continual resort to personal attacks and put-downs tell me that you might be good with the odd bit of sophomoric humour or the put-down but in tems of intellectual argument you are either not up to it or you prefer to hid behind bullshit attacks on the person.

I know nothing about you personally but your persona here is one of a college student in about second year of study. The type that is over the initial fear of knowing nothing but convinced that with a year or two of college they know it all. But still there's that tendency to attack the person. Perhaps you've seen it in college and not realised that mature adults can fiercely attack the idea but not the person.

It's tiresome, it's unnecessary but it could also be a waste of your abilities.

Now, if you feel the need have a personal go at me feel free, it doesn't worry me, as they say, I - that is the person behind the nick - have been insulted by experts.
Diuretic said:

You know nothing about me - the person behind the nick - you don't know what "truths" I've had to deal with or hand out. Your continual resort to personal attacks and put-downs tell me that you might be good with the odd bit of sophomoric humour or the put-down but in tems of intellectual argument you are either not up to it or you prefer to hid behind bullshit attacks on the person.

I know nothing about you personally but your persona here is one of a college student in about second year of study. The type that is over the initial fear of knowing nothing but convinced that with a year or two of college they know it all. But still there's that tendency to attack the person. Perhaps you've seen it in college and not realised that mature adults can fiercely attack the idea but not the person.

It's tiresome, it's unnecessary but it could also be a waste of your abilities.

Now, if you feel the need have a personal go at me feel free, it doesn't worry me, as they say, I - that is the person behind the nick - have been insulted by experts.

Settle down, darling nikki. I just find it sad that you accept as fact that business and morality are totally separate. I don't consider it wisdom, I consider it a form of satanic brainwash.
Hahahahahahaha... it's too late now rtwngAvngr. The United States and
China are too connected, to fused, to be seperated now. The course of events is set. All we can hope to do is shape them for our own advancement.
Mr.Conley said:
Hahahahahahaha... it's too late now rtwngAvngr. The United States and
China are too connected, to fused, to be seperated now. The course of events is set. All we can hope to do is shape them for our own advancement.

Your sinister laughter is chilling. It's never too late to do the right thing.
Mr.Conley said:
Hahahahahahaha... it's too late now rtwngAvngr. The United States and
China are too connected, to fused, to be seperated now. The course of events is set. All we can hope to do is shape them for our own advancement.

The more I think about this comment the more I realize how it's from the very mind of satan. "Goodness is dead", "be evil or die".
rtwngAvngr said:
Your sinister laughter is chilling.
Thank you, I've been practicing.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's never too late to do the right thing.
At this point, the only right thing to do is keep trading. Too many lives, too many dreams, too much wealth, and too much hope derives from the US-China trade. If we stop trading, millions will be thrown back into poverty, and we'll have a new Cold War on our hands. What we have to do is play nice and try to set the playing cards in our favor.
Mr.Conley said:
Thank you, I've been practicing.

At this point, the only right thing to do is keep trading. Too many lives, too many dreams, too much wealth, and too much hope derives from the US-China trade. If we stop trading, millions will be thrown back into poverty, and we'll have a new Cold War on our hands. What we have to do is play nice and try to set the playing cards in our favor.

Nope. We can never compete with a totalitarian communist nation that does not value human lives. We must pull out, sooner, rather than later. Otherwise we're on a futile race to the bottom that only enriches the mega corps.
It seems to me that we're having the same debate in two different threads. I propose we just use the North American Union thread in General USA chat. It'll make life easier.
Mr.Conley said:
It seems to me that we're having the same debate in two different threads. I propose we just use the North American Union thread in General USA chat. It'll make life easier.

I'll expose your evil in both, it doesn't matter to me.
rtwngAvngr said:
So you renounce any intellectual validity you may have been feigning? Good enough for me!:mm:

Nah no time for bullshit. I like to be in touch with reality.

Nope. We can never compete with a totalitarian communist nation that does not value human lives. We must pull out, sooner, rather than later. Otherwise we're on a futile race to the bottom that only enriches the mega corps.

That's reality.
rtwngAvngr said:
Nope. We can never compete with a totalitarian communist nation that does not value human lives. We must pull out, sooner, rather than later. Otherwise we're on a futile race to the bottom that only enriches the mega corps.

The USSR was a totalitarian communist nation that didn't value human lives. We competed, and won. We could have won sooner if we'd have done things differently. For the trillionth time: Socialism. Doesn't. WORK!

The race to the bottom you describe has improved the living standards of both China and the US. China gets higher wages, the US gets cheaper goods. Both sides benefit, otherwise the trade wouldn't take place. Free trade with china is probably the only reason a lot of people have been able to keep their heads above water for the last 5~10 years. Inflation has been running high during the later Greenspan years, except for goods produced in China. If consumer goods had kept up with inflation in other areas (name just about anything which can't be easily outsourced--health care, education, energy, etc and you'll see what's really going on with inflation), the average american would be in a world of pain.

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