French Newspaper Plans To Publish Cartoons Of The Prophet Mohammad


Islam needs to grow the fuck up and accept that most of the world will slam your religion.

How do you establish "most of the world"?

Please present some facts and evidence that half of the world agrees with you - and not a small core of Fourth Reich types and skinheads.
Something like islam should be outlawed within modern civilization. It seeks to destroy it.

So you oppose freedom of religion.

And yet at the same time, you criticise Islam for attacking freedoms.
Free speech is wonderful - so let the newspaper protect itself and its employees.

Funny how a religion(death cult) can kill people over speaking their minds. Yet you won't stand up for human expression? Instead you crap on us on the right that may or may not be slightly more traditional in our thinking.

It's so much easier when it doesn't want to cut your head off. :eusa_boohoo:

So, do you believe innocent people should risk their lives to help protect that asshole newpaper that is needlessly trying to inflame the Muslim world?

Yep. That's what they pay taxes for. I even think every Democrat politician I would like to give a swift kick to is entitled to police protection. In fact, even all the liberal turds in this forum are entitled to police protection.

This is no different than Terry Jones buring Qurans. Innocent people (police/firemen) and taxpapers should not be expected to defend such hatred.

That's true, it's no different. However, that's the job the police signed up for. If they don't want to do it, then fire them.
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Something like islam should be outlawed within modern civilization. It seeks to destroy it.

Yes, why should the rest of us be in danger because people are allowed to spread their pernicious ideas?
Something like islam should be outlawed within modern civilization. It seeks to destroy it.

So you oppose freedom of religion.

And yet at the same time, you criticise Islam for attacking freedoms.

Hey, if we are going to make criticizing a certain religion against the law because it's dangerous, then why not just make the source of the problem illegal?
By Brian Love

PARIS, Sept 18 (Reuters) - The French government has called for restraint after learning that a satirical weekly plans to publish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad on Wednesday just as an anti-Islam video has ignited Muslim protests around the globe.

The Paris offices of the paper, Charlie Hebdo, were firebombed last November after it published a mocking caricature of Mohammad, and in 2005 Danish cartoons of the Prophet sparked a wave of protests across the Muslim world in which at least 50 people were killed.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, asked about the publication, said any provocation now could only be condemned.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault issued a statement saying: "In the current climate, the prime minister wishes to stress his disapproval of all excess and calls on everyone to behave responsibly."

France is home to Europe's largest Muslim population. Calls are already circulating on social networks and the Internet for protests on Saturday over an anti-Islam film that was made with private funds in the United States and posted on the Internet.


More: Charlie Hebdo, Satirical Newspaper, Plans To Publish Cartoons Of The Prophet Mohammad
This had too do with politics how?
Something like islam should be outlawed within modern civilization. It seeks to destroy it.

So you oppose freedom of religion.

And yet at the same time, you criticise Islam for attacking freedoms.

Hey, if we are going to make criticizing a certain religion against the law because it's dangerous, then why not just make the source of the problem illegal?

Matthew's opposition to freedom of religion is not cause by Islam - it is caused by Matthew's intolerance.

I somehow doubt Matthew's attitudes toward a dozen other religions are any more enlightened.
So you oppose freedom of religion.

And yet at the same time, you criticise Islam for attacking freedoms.

Hey, if we are going to make criticizing a certain religion against the law because it's dangerous, then why not just make the source of the problem illegal?

Matthew's opposition to freedom of religion is not cause by Islam - it is caused by Matthew's intolerance.

I somehow doubt Matthew's attitudes toward a dozen other religions are any more enlightened.

His motivation isn't the issue. If it's logical to ban criticizing a religion because it's dangerous, then that same logic says it's OK to ban any religion that causes people to run amok.
If it's logical to ban criticizing a religion because it's dangerous, then that same logic says it's OK to ban any religion that causes people to run amok.

To me those two things are entirely contradictory.

If we have freedom of religion - then that freedom is absolute to the limits of other existing laws.

Criticising religions is also a freedom - but again only to the limits of other existing laws.
Religion is a volatile subject in many areas of the world. I'm all for free speech, but not when a pre-advertised and premeditated act (especially by a newspaper) would likely cause violence and needlessly place innocent people at great risk of injury or death - including police and fire personnel.
This is retaliation for French Muslims firebombing their newspaper for re-publishing Danish cartoons. Poetic justice really.

How is it "poetic justice"...?
Burn down their newspaper, send them death threads and terrorize the business; how isn't it? French Muslims deserve criticism if they are prepared to do that in the name of their prophet.
This is retaliation for French Muslims firebombing their newspaper for re-publishing Danish cartoons. Poetic justice really.

How is it "poetic justice"...?
Burn down their newspaper, send them death threads and terrorize the business; how isn't it? French Muslims deserve criticism if they are prepared to do that in the name of their prophet.

Why did the newspaper republish those Danish cartoons?
Freedom of speech is a western value.

It's worth fighting for it, but far as I can tell, there's really nobody to fight

FYI: the so called outrage over that film is mostly media driven nonsense.

Out of a billion Moslems perhaps thousands the world over were goaded into rioting.

The film was on Utube for weeks without any problem.

It wasn't until al Jezera put it on TV that a few folks took to the streets.

Meanwhile most of the Moslem world were aghast that those radicals were rioting.

I know that isn't the story the right wing Moslem haters want to hear, but that;s the story as it actually happened.
Will that same newspaper be publishing any nude Kate Middleton pictures?

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