Fritz Hollings, charismatic quick-witted US senator & South Carolina governor dies at 97

"my favorite Fritz Hollings experience:

in 1998, GOP Rep @bobinglis opposed Sen Hollings for re-election, contrasting his “civility” w/incumbent’s coarseness

then-spokesman @Robt_Gibbs gave me interview time to ask Hollings about that

“he can kiss my ass,” Hollings said

RIP" - John Harwood
"1 of the giants of the Senate for the last century Fritz Hollings has passed away He wasn’t only dedicated to serving South Carolinians but he brought to the Senate moderation as a southern democrat It was a thrill to listen to his debate always intellectual as well as entertaining" - Senator Grassley
"By any measure Senator Hollings led one of the most incredible and consequential lives of any member of the Greatest Generation. Like so many Citadel graduates, he served in combat in World War II and was willing to die for his country.

With his passing, South Carolina has lost one of her greatest champions and most effective political leaders.
Fritz was a giant of a man who was often called the ‘senator from central casting.’ He was the father of South Carolina’s technical school system which is the envy of the nation. He led our state through the travails of the civil rights movement with dignity and went onto become one of the most effective senators to ever serve.

When it came to South Carolina, Fritz could move mountains in the Senate and was a thought leader in the areas of commerce, appropriations, and defense.
As the junior senator from South Carolina, he welcomed me to the Senate and helped me get established. And until his dying day, Fritz Hollings was always advocating and urging for policies that would make our country strong.
When it comes to Senator Hollings, they broke the mold." - Senator Graham
"Though Fritz is no longer with us, his legacy-from serving in WWII, to leading desegregation in South Carolina & his longtime government service-will never be forgotten. Wrenzie & I send our prayers to the Hollings family and join all of S.C. in celebrating his incredible life." - Trey Gowdy
Hollings was an example of one of the things that went wrong in AmeriKKKa; 'career politicians.'

'Public service' should NEVER offer any AmeriKKKan a career.
"NEWS: Former Vice President @JoeBiden conformed as eulogist at next week’s funeral of late U.S. Sen Ernest “Fritz” Hollings of South Carolina. Hollings was Biden’s longtime friend and mentor when they both served in Congress."
"I got it right down the street from where you got that wig."-- On ABC's 'This Week' in 1990, when Sam Donaldson asked Fritz Hollings where he got his 'Korean suit.'
Funny how they failed to mention the Confederate Battle Flag was placed on the capitol dome while he was governor
"On Tuesday, he was in South Carolina to deliver a eulogy for an old friend, former Senator Fritz Hollings. In his remarks, Biden said that Hollings had taught him about “recognizing that we can learn from the past and build a better future.” On the cusp of a campaign in which he’ll aim to make his long record in politics a strength, not a weakness, Biden said Hollings had exemplified that “what a man will do in public office is best told by what he’s done.”

Now we’ll get to see what Biden’s actually able to do."


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