Frog "Satire" Blamed For Massacre....

I reread it. Says you only care about the cops that got shot. That implies you don't care about the others. Dudette, you have some serious problems, and I suspect these silly discussion boards are just reinforcing your delusions. You really need to seek professional help, or at least talk to your boyfriend about it.

I got a feeling this "bulldog" is a poodle....a poodle name FiFi dyed pink with a WalMart rhinestone collar. :gay:

What ever you say sweetlips. You sound like a real tough duuuuude.

But she does have a nice car avi.

Chicks love gold, right?

Seriously, BullKurtzUSMC aka doodette - nice car.

Yabbut good luck getting parts.
The battle of New Orleans was between the Americans and the BRITISH you moron.

No shit? Maybe you should pull your head out of your BF's crotch and look up the name of the french pirate Jean's a little taste, pissant:

Patterson praised the Barataria men who served on one of the US Navy ships, and whose skill with artillery was greater than their British counterparts.[56] On land and sea, the former pirate gunners earned praise as the battle continued. On January 21, Jackson issued a statement praising his troops, especially the cannoneers and "Captains Dominique and Beluche, lately commanding privateers of Barataria, with part of their former crews and many brave citizens of New Orleans, were stationed at Nos. 3 and 4."[57] Jackson named Jean and Pierre Lafitte for having "exhibited the same courage and fidelity".[57] He formally requested clemency for the Lafittes and the men who had served under them. The government granted them all a full pardon on February 6.[58][59]

You are a top dog dumbass. Rather than admit you were wrong, you quote something said about a French Commander, WHO WAS ON OUR SIDE. Jean Lafite was on OUR side you idiot. Look on the far right under "commanders and leaders" at the link below. He was fighting WITH the Americans, not against them. Damn you stupid.

Battle of New Orleans - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Fucking dipshit stupid people on this forum.

The Battle of New Orleans was a series of engagements fought between December 23, 1814 through January 8, 1815 and was the final major battle of the War of 1812.[5][6] American combatants,[7] commanded by Major GeneralAndrew Jackson, prevented an invading British Army, commanded by General Edward Pakenham, and Royal Navy, commanded by AdmiralAlexander Cochrane, from seizing New Orleans as a strategic tool to end the war.

Oh look at that, nothing about the french.

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They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.
The attack happened, because France was calling for sanctions against Russia to end.
You are a top dog dumbass. Rather than admit you were wrong, you quote something said about a French Commander, WHO WAS ON OUR SIDE. Jean Lafite was on OUR side you idiot. Look on the far right under "commanders and leaders" at the link below. He was fighting WITH the Americans, not against them. Damn you stupid.

Which is exactly what I said ya drooling troll...."since the Battle of New Orleans"....I realize your double-digit IQ doesn't lend itself to being able to read but this is twice and that's it. Now how about you go huff your airplane glue and leave American history to somebody who can find New Orleans on a map.
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.

So you're saying that the people who were massacred deserved it?

You're a fucking moron.
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.
The attack happened, because France was calling for sanctions against Russia to end.

Yes, indeed, that is EXACTLY what the Kouachi brothers said as they gunned down 13 innocent people in cold blood: "France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. They yelled.

"Allahu Akbar"

And it's on many videos to hear.

And Amadi Koulibaly, the one who murdered four innocent Jews in cold blood, when he stormed the kosher deli in Porte de Vincennes, said: "France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. He said:

"I am with the Islamic State".

And as Sheik Al-Nahdhari (El Quaida Yemen) claimed responsibility for the carnage, he said:
"France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. He said:

'Our fighters are heroes, they showed the dirty French that freedom of expression has limits'

Must really, really suck to be you.
Yes, indeed, that is EXACTLY what the Kouachi brothers said as they gunned down 13 innocent people in cold blood: "France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. They yelled.

"Allahu Akbar"

And it's on many videos to hear.

And Amadi Koulibaly, the one who murdered four innocent Jews in cold blood, when he stormed the kosher deli in Porte de Vincennes, said: "France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. He said:

"I am with the Islamic State".

And as Sheik Al-Nahdhari (El Quaida Yemen) claimed responsibility for the carnage, he said:
"France should not be calling for sanctions against Russia to end!"

Oh, wait, that's wrong. He said:

'Our fighters are heroes, they showed the dirty French that freedom of expression has limits'

Must really, really suck to be you.
Actually, I'm all THAT (and a bucket of chicken).
You are a top dog dumbass. Rather than admit you were wrong, you quote something said about a French Commander, WHO WAS ON OUR SIDE. Jean Lafite was on OUR side you idiot. Look on the far right under "commanders and leaders" at the link below. He was fighting WITH the Americans, not against them. Damn you stupid.

Which is exactly what I said ya drooling troll...."since the Battle of New Orleans"....I realize your double-digit IQ doesn't lend itself to being able to read but this is twice and that's it. Now how about you go huff your airplane glue and leave American history to somebody who can find New Orleans on a map.

Oh really? Is that why in your original reply you said I was wrong and quoted something about a French Commander?

Dude, just admit you're an idiot. At this point you've removed all doubt.
Oh really? Is that why in your original reply you said I was wrong and quoted something about a French Commander?

Dude, just admit you're an idiot. At this point you've removed all doubt.

Listen insisted I said we fought the french in the War of can't read part 1. Then you insisted I didn't know Lafitte was Jackson's ally in the Battle of New can't read part 2. You're a fucking idiot as any normal person reading your idiot comments will conclude. I'm done with your stupid ass now boy....
They were warned, yet persisted in ridiculing the muslims amongst them until the pot boiled over and now there's been a massacre.....BOO HOO.

I should point out that I despise the French...everything about them. Since the battle of New Orleans, they have done their best to be a thorn in America's foot. They waved and cheered as we liberated them from the Hun in the WW1. Then went back to ridiculing how long it took us to do it. Then in 1942, the fired on American Forces in Morocco rather than join Eisenhower's Operation Torch to chase Gerry out of North Africa. They begged Ike to intercede in Vietnam after often giving up garrisons without firing a shot. I personally saw the communist activity in and around their rubber plantations...they openly collaborated with the enemy against American Forces. In Iraq, their members of the UN weapons inspection team tipped off Saddam as to where the inspectors would be going the next ample time for those munitions to be moved.

So it's clear I have no sympathies for a people who despise us while pocketing our tourist dollars. They STINK thinking perfume and cologne can mask their filthy hygiene.....And that language....sarcastic and taunting.....I find them to be little more than arabs who lisp. But on to the massacre.

It's becoming apparent that the jihadist movement has migrated all over Europe and is now entrenched in their cities....these cats aren't joking....they are following ISIS dictates to use brutality whenever challenged. This "satirist" newspaper ignored the warnings and continued to poke the bear....and mock allah. This was going to be answered and now it has been. I have only two regrets....that 2 policemen assigned to protect the assholes mocking islam were shot, and that something of the same nature hasn't happened to the NYTimes, which I find to be as traitorous and repulsive to the American way of life as anything in Paris.

Love it Bull, great satire reminds me of a bit Phil Hendry did on his radio show.
Oh really? Is that why in your original reply you said I was wrong and quoted something about a French Commander?

Dude, just admit you're an idiot. At this point you've removed all doubt.

Listen insisted I said we fought the french in the War of can't read part 1. Then you insisted I didn't know Lafitte was Jackson's ally in the Battle of New can't read part 2. You're a fucking idiot as any normal person reading your idiot comments will conclude. I'm done with your stupid ass now boy....

Uhhh..... the fact that a pirate came from France doesn't make him a rep of "the French"...

The French are amazing people, They lost 1 million more or less killed in WW1 and fought against the Nazis on their own soil in the second world war, and had France been an island and the UK been landlocked in Europe , things might have been different. ...

France is not "landlocked" you idiot.
Love it Bull, great satire reminds me of a bit Phil Hendry did on his radio show.

I gotta admit this is a new approach on my seething, yet scintillating attack on the cheese eating, beret donning, dingbat ass-pinchers wallowing under the Banner of Bardot.
And the left wing nuts go bonkers! Very funny.
Yeah, killing people for their opinions is hysterical, if you are an idiot like you.

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