From Russia with love!


Freelancer from Russia
Dec 19, 2010
Hello, friends!

I am Russian graphic designer. Live in Russia, in suburbs of Moscow. Know many-many-many people in Russia. Russian by nation, by nationality, by soul, by environment, incorrigible, incredible, tireless, absolute, soaked with Russian blood Russian-russian-russian. One of the most Russians, that you've ever know. :)

I know really much about Russia.
And i'm ready to tell you everything you want to know about Russia.
I promise you to be 100% honest. I will try to be. :)

You're welcome!
Добро пожаловать, ptas.

As I'm sure you've guessed already, I'm British. I've met many of your countrymen in London and for the most part they're damned fine chaps. Your women are even better, though thankfully not as hairy.

Just so as you know, I'm rather prone to making fun of countries I consider beneath me, and I'm afraid Russia finds itself in my sights from time-to-time, mainly because it's governed by some of the most ruthless gangsters known to man - otherwise known as 'oligarchs'. Please don't take any of my derision personally, it's just business.

All the best, comrade.
Добро пожаловать, ptas.

As I'm sure you've guessed already, I'm British. I've met many of your countrymen in London and for the most part they're damned fine chaps. Your women are even better, though thankfully not as hairy.

Just so as you know, I'm rather prone to making fun of countries I consider beneath me, and I'm afraid Russia finds itself in my sights from time-to-time, mainly because it's governed by some of the most ruthless gangsters known to man - otherwise known as 'oligarchs'. Please don't take any of my derision personally, it's just business.

All the best, comrade.

I'm very proud to be half-French, your monarchy sucked compared to ours.

Take that!
Добро пожаловать, ptas.

As I'm sure you've guessed already, I'm British. I've met many of your countrymen in London and for the most part they're damned fine chaps. Your women are even better, though thankfully not as hairy.

Just so as you know, I'm rather prone to making fun of countries I consider beneath me, and I'm afraid Russia finds itself in my sights from time-to-time, mainly because it's governed by some of the most ruthless gangsters known to man - otherwise known as 'oligarchs'. Please don't take any of my derision personally, it's just business.

All the best, comrade.

I'm very proud to be half-French, your monarchy sucked compared to ours.

Take that!

You poor, misguided half-surrender monkey. You have my deepest sympathy.

Coincidentally, I've got a couple of old French muskets for sale. They've never been fired and only dropped once.
Добро пожаловать, ptas.

As i'm sure you've guessed already, i'm british. I've met many of your countrymen in london and for the most part they're damned fine chaps. Your women are even better, though thankfully not as hairy.

Just so as you know, i'm rather prone to making fun of countries i consider beneath me, and i'm afraid russia finds itself in my sights from time-to-time, mainly because it's governed by some of the most ruthless gangsters known to man - otherwise known as 'oligarchs'. Please don't take any of my derision personally, it's just business.

All the best, comrade.

i'm very proud to be half-french, your monarchy sucked compared to ours.

Take that!

you poor, misguided half-surrender monkey. You have my deepest sympathy.

Coincidentally, i've got a couple of old french muskets for sale. They've never been fired and only dropped once.

[cough]100 years war[cough]
[cough]who beat who again[cough]
England and France have at several points in history owned one and other territorially.

That said...

Two words: 'Napolean' and 'Trafalgar'. Repeat those two words over and over and then come back and tell me who emerged victoriously and continued to punk the other. Oh, and not to mention who had the bigger empire, most of which was unceremoniously snatched from the frogs.

C'est la vie, (r)ighteous 1.
England and France have at several points in history owned one and other territorially.

That said...

Two words: 'Napolean' and 'Trafalgar'. Repeat those two words over and over and then come back and tell me who emerged victoriously and continued to punk the other. Oh, and not to mention who had the bigger empire, most of which was unceremoniously snatched from the frogs.

C'est la vie, (r)ighteous 1.

Most of Napoleon's empire went back to being run by their respective peoples, you took some, but not really anything worth bragging over. Which is fine because as glorious as Napoleon was....the rightful rulers of France then, and today shit, is the House of Bourbon.

So it's 1-1. We won the 100 Years War, you won the Napoleonic War, and I won't count us beating you in the Revolutionary War if you don't count you beating us in that silly Indian mess in Canada.
I'm willing to accept you plea for surrender. And let it be known that the Englishman is a merciful man.
Добро пожаловать, ptas.

As I'm sure you've guessed already, I'm British. I've met many of your countrymen in London and for the most part they're damned fine chaps. Your women are even better, though thankfully not as hairy.

Just so as you know, I'm rather prone to making fun of countries I consider beneath me, and I'm afraid Russia finds itself in my sights from time-to-time, mainly because it's governed by some of the most ruthless gangsters known to man - otherwise known as 'oligarchs'. Please don't take any of my derision personally, it's just business.

All the best, comrade.

Oooh, i understand you very well! Real Russian never lives in England or any other country except Russia. Only jews and scums escape. So calm down, you haven't seen Russians. It may be a kind of surprise for you to meet real ones. I dont try to raise or put down the whole nation. Just want to say, that minority defines, not majority.

"Oligarchs" and "Kremlin Criminals" suck. They are just pity idiots, thinking that their betrayal will stay unpunished. They dream that when their foreign owners will destroy Russia, they will have rest on their own villas on islands. Why all betrayers hope that they will stay alive and get mercy? :) Situation changes, sometimes in a mystical way. Just wait and see.

If your "derision" is "business" — please let me know, who pay you for that?


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