From "stand by" to "stand down" in less than a day - Trumps mixed messages

Proud Boys ARE standing by! Should they lay down and be trampled by Antifa and BLM while the country burns with permission from Democrat governors. mayors and city council members?

Gavin McInniss filed defamation lawsuits against Chris Wallace, Joe Biden, and CNN today for the slander that the Proud Boys are "white supremacists" or "Neo-Nazis."


The Proud Boys are made up of patriotic men from all ethnicities and backgrounds, but have long been a boogeyman for the left to point fingers and make outrageous claims about in order to stir up fear and division.

McInnes has previously sued the SPLC. He told Newsmax that smearing people as Nazis is the “new N-word,” as far as he is concerned.
Last month, a Black Lives Matter supporter attempted to murder a Proud Boy after a memorial for a Trump supporter who was killed by Antifa in Portland. This was surely in no small part due to the lies peddled about them by leftist media and scumbag politicians.


This reckless slander and libel by the DNCCP media MUST STOP.
Gonna give that a miss since I don’t know very much about their group.

Obviously he has been told that his support for thugs is a bad look. Will his many disciples on here join the President in telling the Proud Boys to eff off?

Please condemn the proud boys in your responses.

I dislike Trump but I will not tell the Proud Boys to stop their nonsense because here in the States assholes of all kinds have the right to express how much they are assholes as long as they do not break any laws...

Obviously he has been told that his support for thugs is a bad look. Will his many disciples on here join the President in telling the Proud Boys to eff off?

Please condemn the proud boys in your responses.

ARe you really this fucking stupid....? Yes, yes you are.....

Trump isn't the one who supports antifa and black lives matter....the groups of joe biden voters who have actually been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans for the last 5 months........the one who needs to condemn violence and racism is biden....but the democrat party was founded on racism, and exists by using racism as a tool.......

and it is members of the democrat party, including the democrat party vice presidential candidate who are bailing out the violent doofus....

The proud boys are not racists, you dumb ass.....considering all the black and hispanic members of the proud boys, it shows you don't know what you are talking about.

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