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From STOTU address - Is Obama Emperor Palpatine?

The Infidel

May 19, 2010
I have looked to see if there is another thread on this and couldnt find one... sorry if there is.

But did Obama creep anyone else out with his consolidating the federal bureaucracy bullshit?

“The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:26 in the clip below:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgfi7wnGZlE&feature=player_embedded]2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version - YouTube[/ame]

Is he out of his freeking mind??? Better question is... are we out of our mind to let this mini dictator continue to shit on our Constitution.

And to think you liberal asshats said this was Bush's next speech.... You IDIOTS!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNAHjsAnTd4&feature=related]How Liberty Dies - YouTube[/ame]
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The problem is that, regardless of whether he wins again or loses to the GOP candidate, the people with the real power will be the same.
Here is an example from a dumbass liberal back when the movie came out... You dummies!

posted on Oct 26, 2007

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHETHsG0WVk]Bush's Next Speech - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is calling for the subversion of the Constitution giving him Dictatorial powers. It is simple as that.

(NOT that he has paid much attention to it in the first stead mind you)...he's just being out in the open about it now.
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The problem is that, regardless of whether he wins again or loses to the GOP candidate, the people with the real power will be the same.

Typical from liberal dumbasses!

Wake up you stupid idiots!!!

I'm more Libertarian than liberal. Check out the thread about candidates and their donations.

Wall Street owns both parties. It's been this way for a long time.

There are few people that actually stand outside this arrangement, and Ron Paul is one of them. Unless you plan on voting for him or someone like Gary Johnson, then you're still voting for the same powers that be.
Do none of you remember calling this a good idea when it first came out over a month ago?
The problem is that, regardless of whether he wins again or loses to the GOP candidate, the people with the real power will be the same.

Typical from liberal dumbasses!

Wake up you stupid idiots!!!

I'm more Libertarian than liberal. Check out the thread about candidates and their donations.

Wall Street owns both parties. It's been this way for a long time.

There are few people that actually stand outside this arrangement, and Ron Paul is one of them. Unless you plan on voting for him or someone like Gary Johnson, then you're still voting for the same powers that be.

How did I know you would be a Paulbot :confused:

I plan to vote for Santorum if given the chance... and NO not all politicians are evil dude.

C'mon, grow up man!!!
Obama is calling for the subversion of the Constitution giving him Dictatorial powers. It is simple as that.

(NOT that he has paid much attention to it in the first stead mind you)...he's just being out in the open about it now.

He' doing it! He is bit by bit removing the Constitution as the underpinning of the US Government. A lot of it he's doing with his layers of bureacracy and czars that are not accountable to anyone but him.
Obama is calling for the subversion of the Constitution giving him Dictatorial powers. It is simple as that.

(NOT that he has paid much attention to it in the first stead mind you)...he's just being out in the open about it now.

He' doing it! He is bit by bit removing the Constitution as the underpinning of the US Government. A lot of it he's doing with his layers of bureacracy and czars that are not accountable to anyone but him.
Note NOT alot if anything about that statement in the media...(I mean ABS, PBS, SeeBS, NBS, CNN...and others)...guess asking for such power away from the Constitution without the Amendment process merits nary a peep in thier eyes...
Obama Said What?

Editor's note: This piece was authored by Brion McClanahan.

In case you missed it, and many did, President Barack Obama gave his annual “State of the Union” address last night. All the pageantry, the pomp…the demagoguery, what’s not to watch? In light of President Obama’s promises and agenda, perhaps it would be useful to analyze his address through the lens of the founding generation. After all, they wrote and ratified the Constitution, so they should have a fair understanding about its meaning, powers, and how it should be interpreted.

Obama: “Tonight, I want to speak about how we move forward, and lay out a blueprint for an economy that’s built to last -– an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values.”

Founders: First and foremost, the president does not have the constitutional authority to “lay out a blueprint” for the American economy. He is not legislator-in-chief or the prime minister. He can make “recommendations” as the Constitution states, but that does not involve a legislative agenda.

Obama: “Tonight, I’m announcing the creation of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will be charged with investigating unfair trading practices in countries like China.”

Founders: Where does the Constitution give you such authority? If you want to discuss trade problems, then address that with the Chinese government and present a treaty to the Senate for approval. You do not have unilateral authority over any foreign policy issue.

Obama: “Join me in a national commitment to train 2 million Americans with skills that will lead directly to a job. My administration has already lined up more companies that want to help.”

Founders: Again, Mr. Obama, where can you find the constitutional authority for such activity? There are no delegated powers in the Constitution, either for the congress or the executive to build educational partnerships. That is a state issue.

Obama: “Innovation also demands basic research. Today, the discoveries taking place in our federally financed labs and universities could lead to new treatments that kill cancer cells but leave healthy ones untouched.”

Founders: And only the federal government can provide these resources? First, they are unconstitutional. Second, the most innovative things in the history of the world were produced by private enterprise, and third the United States is broke. Do you believe with over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities that the United States has the money to invest in what should be the purview of private enterprise?

Obama: “I’ve already sent this Congress legislation that will secure our country from the growing dangers of cyber-threats.”

Founders: You have “sent this Congress legislation”? See our first point.

Obama: “The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy, so that our government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

Founders: This is, perhaps, the grossest distortion of the Constitution of the night. The executive branch was designed not to be the focus of the government. We assured the people of the States in 1787 and 1788 that the president would have limited power. Furthermore, congress cannot “grant you the authority” to do anything. That has to be done through the amendment process. For someone who parades around as a “Constitutional scholar” you have a limited understanding of the Constitution as ratified by the States. The president of the United States is not a dictator or king, and as Alexander Hamilton and others pointed out during the ratification process, the president has few defined powers. Hamilton actually said in Federalist No. 69 that the president has no control over “the commerce or current” of the nation. More than anything, we feared a tyrannical executive and broke away from one in 1776.

Obama did get one thing right during his address: “On the other hand, even my Republican friends who complain the most about government spending have supported federally financed roads, and clean energy projects, and federal offices for the folks back home.” On that point, the founding generation would agree. If the insanity in Washington is to stop, if Americans are to return to low taxes, light spending, low debt, and a “general government” as the founding generation called it that handles only the general concerns of the Union of the States, than the American people need to hold both parties accountable. We need to understand the Constitution as ratified by the States in 1787 and 1788. Otherwise, we are doomed to live under a government that has shredded the Constitution and a president that believe he alone has the power to save the economy, control commerce and education, and legislate from the White House. If that is the case, our Constitution is nothing more than a scrap of paper under glass in Washington D.C.

Obama Said What? - Townhall.com Staff - Townhall Conservative
I have looked to see if there is another thread on this and couldnt find one... sorry if there is.

But did Obama creep anyone else out with his consolidating the federal bureaucracy bullshit?

“The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:26 in the clip below:
2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version - YouTube

Is he out of his freeking mind??? Better question is... are we out of our mind to let this mini dictator continue to shit on our Constitution.

And to think you liberal asshats said this was Bush's next speech.... You IDIOTS!

How Liberty Dies - YouTube

I can not take issue with Obama suggesting consolidation. The who, who gets to decide is the real question. Given his tendency to reward corruption, we can rule Obama out. But the congress itself, can they be trusted? Bit of a sticky wicket.
I have looked to see if there is another thread on this and couldnt find one... sorry if there is.

But did Obama creep anyone else out with his consolidating the federal bureaucracy bullshit?

“The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:26 in the clip below:
2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version - YouTube

Is he out of his freeking mind??? Better question is... are we out of our mind to let this mini dictator continue to shit on our Constitution.

And to think you liberal asshats said this was Bush's next speech.... You IDIOTS!

How Liberty Dies - YouTube

In Obama we trust.


I have looked to see if there is another thread on this and couldnt find one... sorry if there is.

But did Obama creep anyone else out with his consolidating the federal bureaucracy bullshit?

“The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:26 in the clip below:
2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version - YouTube

Is he out of his freeking mind??? Better question is... are we out of our mind to let this mini dictator continue to shit on our Constitution.

And to think you liberal asshats said this was Bush's next speech.... You IDIOTS!

How Liberty Dies - YouTube

I can not take issue with Obama suggesting consolidation. The who, who gets to decide is the real question. Given his tendency to reward corruption, we can rule Obama out. But the congress itself, can they be trusted? Bit of a sticky wicket.

I could care less WHO.... It goes against everything America was founded upon.

He needs to be taken out of office as soon as possible.

I cant wait to vote AGAINST Obama.... Be it Santorum, Romney, Gingrich, or Paul... Obama has got to be defeated next November!
I have looked to see if there is another thread on this and couldnt find one... sorry if there is.

But did Obama creep anyone else out with his consolidating the federal bureaucracy bullshit?

“The executive branch also needs to change. Too often, it’s inefficient, outdated and remote. That’s why I’ve asked this Congress to grant me the authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy so that our Government is leaner, quicker, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”

You can see the statement at about 50:26 in the clip below:
2012 State Of The Union Address: Enhanced Version - YouTube

Is he out of his freeking mind??? Better question is... are we out of our mind to let this mini dictator continue to shit on our Constitution.

And to think you liberal asshats said this was Bush's next speech.... You IDIOTS!

How Liberty Dies - YouTube

I can not take issue with Obama suggesting consolidation. The who, who gets to decide is the real question. Given his tendency to reward corruption, we can rule Obama out. But the congress itself, can they be trusted? Bit of a sticky wicket.
As to the Congress...especially the Senate that really is the bottleneck to legislation controlled by Statist Democrats...they along with Dingy Harry Reid would be all too willing to grant such a request...so NO I don't trust them.

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