From the Golf Course to the Old Folk's Home


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
It appears that our next President will not govern from the golf course but will be governing from an old folk's home. Both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are prime candidates for residency in some type of extended care facility. I suppose the Secret Service can wheel them around and spoon feed them.
Hildabeest is going to be arrested soon. Obama never forgives and never forgets.

She might just happen to have a little "accident" that takes her totally out of the picture.
How poetic that would be considering that for decades many people who crossed the Clintons met with deadly misfortune. I call that Karmatic reciprocity.

Well, she is messing with the Chicago mob's political machine. They don't take prisoners.
Yeah. who the heck "falls down" and hits head? dizzy? just happened to occur on concrete? no staff up her rear end to catch her if fall? I smell another rat. come on! And up wearing phony thick glasses just in time to talk down to congress.
I don't understand why anyone would vote for a woman who everyone around her acknowledges is a total bitch on the verge of a total meltdown.
I plan on voting Republican but I do say, I prefer the bunkers Obama's administration governs from than those we heard of in the last one.

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