Fuel Prices.

The thing to keep in mind is that the market price of oil is global, and the prices of refining and transport don't vary all that much from country to country. So the difference between US$8.50/gal in Germany and US$3.50/gal in the U.S. is ALL TAXES!

And as a corollary, people in Europe don't drive fuel-efficient cars because they are environmentally conscious, but rather, they do it because they are getting fucked by their national and local governments, but have lost sight of it because it's been going on so long.

Still, I find it more than a little bit irritating that so many Americans drive giant SUV's and pickup trucks simply because it is fashionable, having no more need for them than an urban commuter.

We are completely free to be stupid; and we exploit that freedom mightily!
There's a major outrage and I'm sick and tired of these gas prices and I'm doing something about it. Join me in the fight to save money on gas and diesel. Taxes are a rip off
go to my site pumplessfueldotmyfuelbizdotcom
I smile to myself when I read of outrage in US over the costs of fuel. There is currently a local 'price war' going on between supermarket petrol stations, so at the moment we pay £1.29 a litre which is the lowest its been for ages.

This might interest you....

BBC News - Fuel price calculator: How much do you pay?

hmmm... £1.29 a litre... which, with the exchange rate 'n all... translates to 'bout $8.00 per gallon...

yeah... I'd say you guys 'r gettin' royally screwed... with us here in the US payin' just above $3.00 per gallon right now...

but, gotta say, it's sorta the price you havta pay for living in a land full of government-herded and willingly-led sheep... :)
The thing to keep in mind is that the market price of oil is global, and the prices of refining and transport don't vary all that much from country to country. So the difference between US$8.50/gal in Germany and US$3.50/gal in the U.S. is ALL TAXES!

And as a corollary, people in Europe don't drive fuel-efficient cars because they are environmentally conscious, but rather, they do it because they are getting fucked by their national and local governments, but have lost sight of it because it's been going on so long.

Still, I find it more than a little bit irritating that so many Americans drive giant SUV's and pickup trucks simply because it is fashionable, having no more need for them than an urban commuter.

We are completely free to be stupid; and we exploit that freedom mightily!

jesus fuckin' christ...

will you please, once and for all, make up your fuckin' mind about where you stand on this issue...?
Oil companies make only a fraction of what governments tack on to fuel prices. Of course, the taxes theoretically go to pay for roads, bridges, tunnels, and exhorbitant salaries for DOT officials who basically do little other than seek out bribes from road construction contractors.

It is amazing how few people appreciate the wonderful example that fuel prices give us of market forces at work. Mostly, we complain about MONOPOLIES and PRICE GOUGING when prices go up by a few dimes, then go to sleep when they float back down due to market forces and competition.
Gas be so expensive! We fill up our '81 Impala at the BP and the shit is like $3.59 a gallon!

Obama gotta get on that shit!

I bet those oil company profits haven't taken much of a hit since Bush left office.
S&P 500 Sectors & Industries Profit Margins

-In the United States, both oil and gasoline prices are controlled by the market. If you want gasoline prices to go down, control the market.

-For you tax is the reason believers: All of our gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel we use comes from California. Gasoline taxes in California are $0.20 higher in California than Nevada, but gasoline is $0.30 higher in California. It's called redlining.

-Of course I own two Tesla automobiles so I don't buy gasoline. It's nice to be rich!
Gas be so expensive! We fill up our '81 Impala at the BP and the shit is like $3.59 a gallon!

Obama gotta get on that shit!

I bet those oil company profits haven't taken much of a hit since Bush left office.

I damn well hope not...I have Exxon-Mobil and Shell stock in my investments!

Then you're getting screwed. Look at the amount of profit that your holding produced and your percent of return. You could have done better with tech.

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