Funniest Reactions to Midterm Election Results


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Sorry, liberals, but I enjoyed watching the meltdown. Grab some popcorn and have fun watching. Were they more shocked about people speaking out at the ballot box or the fact that the incorrectly calibrated machines didn't help? If not for all those machine with calibration "errors", I wonder if the Repubs would have won by a bigger margin. The fact that it wasn't even worse for Dems is the only consolation for liberals right now.

The Funniest Reactions of the 2014 Midterm Elections
Have you read any of Neddy Luddite's threads dealing with the post-election universe? Those have to be contenders for the Funniest Reaction.
There is a lot of meltdown. So much so that few liberals will admit that the Republicans nearly had a clean sweep. This is more than the usual pendulum shift. Polls have consistently shown that people are unhappy about the direction the country is going and the election results backed that up.
Hazelnuts are by far the most epic though. The butthurt is strong with her....
There is a lot of meltdown. So much so that few liberals will admit that the Republicans nearly had a clean sweep. This is more than the usual pendulum shift. Polls have consistently shown that people are unhappy about the direction the country is going and the election results backed that up.
We shouldn't get too cocky though. This wasn't an endorsement of a Republican plan because no Republican vision was offered. It's enough that people want to stop the actual harm that Democrats are inflicting on innocents. Now it's up to Republicans to stop Democrats from harming people. That's it.

If the Republicans start trying to implement their vision then they'll likely do just as much harm but via different mechanisms.

No party is brave enough to implement real solution which would actually fix problems because to do that would piss off too many people who are invested in matters as they currently exist.
There is a lot of meltdown. So much so that few liberals will admit that the Republicans nearly had a clean sweep. This is more than the usual pendulum shift. Polls have consistently shown that people are unhappy about the direction the country is going and the election results backed that up.
We shouldn't get too cocky though. This wasn't an endorsement of a Republican plan because no Republican vision was offered. It's enough that people want to stop the actual harm that Democrats are inflicting on innocents. Now it's up to Republicans to stop Democrats from harming people. That's it.

If the Republicans start trying to implement their vision then they'll likely do just as much harm but via different mechanisms.

No party is brave enough to implement real solution which would actually fix problems because to do that would piss off too many people who are invested in matters as they currently exist.
A little unfair to Republicans. You may be right but in fairness, the Republicans have been silenced by the majority for 6 years now, through stonewalling of their legislation by Harry Reid (Obama's bitch). Let's give them a chance to show us what they have.
There is a lot of meltdown. So much so that few liberals will admit that the Republicans nearly had a clean sweep. This is more than the usual pendulum shift. Polls have consistently shown that people are unhappy about the direction the country is going and the election results backed that up.
We shouldn't get too cocky though. This wasn't an endorsement of a Republican plan because no Republican vision was offered. It's enough that people want to stop the actual harm that Democrats are inflicting on innocents. Now it's up to Republicans to stop Democrats from harming people. That's it.

If the Republicans start trying to implement their vision then they'll likely do just as much harm but via different mechanisms.

No party is brave enough to implement real solution which would actually fix problems because to do that would piss off too many people who are invested in matters as they currently exist.
A little unfair to Republicans. You may be right but in fairness, the Republicans have been silenced by the majority for 6 years now, through stonewalling of their legislation by Harry Reid (Obama's bitch). Let's give them a chance to show us what they have.

A nation principally rises or falls on it's people. Politics and policy can depress their potential but it can't do the reverse, it can't elevate people above their potential. Obama has been putting sandbags onto people's shoulders and weighing us down, so the best that Republicans can do is to a.) get him to stop adding more sandbags and b.) remove some of the sandbags, but to actually fix our problems it's going to take a whole lot more than just removing sandbags, the problems we have rest with our people.
I finally looked at my local election results. We are buried deep in the blue zone of the state.

Turns out what I thought was impossible happened. Republicans took over the county commissioners for the first time since forever.

In my local community the lone Republican running for council was elected in spite of it being a mid term election.

Makes me proud of those who voted and those who made a choice instead of just pulling the lever.
The GOP's response was pretty 'funny', too. Guys like Boehner and McConnell declared the record-setting historical Liberal loss as some kind of 'mandate' for them to do whatever they wanted....which was pretty much take up right where the Liberals left off.

The fact was the mid-term elections had NOTHING to do with the GOP and EVERYTHING to do with the Liberals AND Obama. The failed Stimulus, the midnight-passage of the ACA and being told what was in it was none of our business, etc - the American people were so pissed off they were ready to clean house, punish them for their B$. Even their base were so disgusted they didn't come out to vote. If all this was not enough to send the cart over the cliff, Obama's narcissistic declaration that the election was ALL about HIM and HIS policies DOOMED the Libs.

It had NOTHING to do with the GOP! You can bet, though, that if the GOP doesn't change quickly, the next elections for Congressional seats will have little to do with Democrats and everything to do with how the GOP has seemed more like a satellite branch of the DNC with
gutless RINOs giving Obama whatever he wants. The voters hammered the Dems in 2014 for that crap...and the GOP followed their lead afterwards. The GOP either was not smart enough to know the 2014 election was not about them r they declared it was a 'mandate' for them just to justify their actions.
The GOP's response was pretty 'funny', too. Guys like Boehner and McConnell declared the record-setting historical Liberal loss as some kind of 'mandate' for them to do whatever they wanted....which was pretty much take up right where the Liberals left off.

The fact was the mid-term elections had NOTHING to do with the GOP and EVERYTHING to do with the Liberals AND Obama. The failed Stimulus, the midnight-passage of the ACA and being told what was in it was none of our business, etc - the American people were so pissed off they were ready to clean house, punish them for their B$. Even their base were so disgusted they didn't come out to vote. If all this was not enough to send the cart over the cliff, Obama's narcissistic declaration that the election was ALL about HIM and HIS policies DOOMED the Libs.

It had NOTHING to do with the GOP! You can bet, though, that if the GOP doesn't change quickly, the next elections for Congressional seats will have little to do with Democrats and everything to do with how the GOP has seemed more like a satellite branch of the DNC with
gutless RINOs giving Obama whatever he wants. The voters hammered the Dems in 2014 for that crap...and the GOP followed their lead afterwards. The GOP either was not smart enough to know the 2014 election was not about them r they declared it was a 'mandate' for them just to justify their actions.

I fully agree, the Republicans are acting as Democrats lite, or worse. They hopped into bed with Obama and immediately passed more "free trade" BS. Which is barely mentioned on the MSM.

The democrats lost and with our system of elections means the Republicans have to win.

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